The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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How do you survive the holidays !!!!

Those are pretty easy, I just don't eat as much or don't eat what everyone else is eating. I either go to the grocery store at my in-laws or grab some Subway as a last resort, although I don't believe Subway is as healthy as everyone makes it, it's better than regular junk food.
thats the thing.. subway is "Better" but not "Great" for you. The holidays kill me every year. But I haven't been the same since I started a desk job and it got worse when I got married 2 years ago. But I'm pretty motivated right now. It's keeping the pace thats hard. ;)
I guess I'll be brave enough to share these :lol


U have to do it man, my next week will be SDCC 2010 with you guys :rock

See you there for sure!

thats the thing.. subway is "Better" but not "Great" for you. The holidays kill me every year. But I haven't been the same since I started a desk job and it got worse when I got married 2 years ago. But I'm pretty motivated right now. It's keeping the pace thats hard. ;)

I gained a lot of weight just over 12 years ago when I went from a job unloading trucks to a sit-down job at a computer. It seems like it just sneaks up on you. Once I made the conscious decision to get into shape, it wasn't easy to stay motivated. The real trick is to make changes in your everyday life and making exercise a priority and part of your routine. There have been a few hiccups along the way (I took about two years off from the gym when my son was born in 2004.), but I've found it's not as hard to get back into a routine once you've already had one. As a lot of people in here have stated, once you start to see results, it makes it so much easier to avoid the things that would otherwise derail your workouts. (Or, you come up with ways to mitigate the damage.) I'm 37 and in the best shape of my life and I'm nowhere near where I want to be.

Good pics MF... look forward to seeing more progression updates! Keep up the good work.
There is a big difference MF and that great of you to post that. Even though I am 50lbs lighter I am still hesitant to post my pics on the web. I will get the up very soon.
I guess I'll be brave enough to share these :lol



Well done for posting MF. Not many would have the guts to do that. Not knowing what you looked like pre exercise i'm only guessing you've made massive inroads. I think looking at your proportions, if you wanted to, you could easily build up your arms, shoulders and chest to impressive size.
I woke up on a beautiful march 2007 morning and decided to lose weight. The after pics are about 7 months later and the solo pic was taken 2 days ago (not changed much). How? Exercising (running and weights) and eating healthy (or more exactly, not eating unhealthy stuff). Now i kinda wanna bulk up, as i've also changed my weight training :)



well.. hit it hard yesterday (first day) but died half way through my workout. Did something to my arm (right above my elbow on my lower tri). Was doing chest and back, but I think it's just a bit strained... feels tight. I'm doing cardio/ arobic today.

I feel great though.
If it's "a" Burger I'm ok.. the problem for me is with BBQ's there atleast 2 to 3 Burgers. :monkey2

I'm all or none, if I have 1 burger then go ahead and give me the other 6...


well.. hit it hard yesterday (first day) but died half way through my workout. Did something to my arm (right above my elbow on my lower tri). Was doing chest and back, but I think it's just a bit strained... feels tight. I'm doing cardio/ arobic today.

I feel great though.

I tend to get something in my shoulder, so I feel for you.

So, need to define and lose with lifting. So do I do lighter weights and more reps ? If so it scares me as I have been lifting pretty heavy and have seen a decent increase since starting.
Got back to it yesterday and even after a week I can tell the stamina goin away in my cardio, took it nice and easy and just ran the mile instead of doing my HIIT, still was sweating my ass off with all the extra sodium inside of me.

Feeling extra sore today on the chest and bi's.

Good pics Maul, I'm sure that 40 will be off before you know it.
My running regimine has taken a hit with the ashy air from the CA fires ... :monkey4