The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Have you guys tried that Crystal Light powder for water? It's a good alternative to soda that has no calories or sugar..

I have always had a hard time drinking regular water unless it's ice cold, but the Crystal Light really makes it taste good, especially for not having any sugar...Just put one lil powder container in a gal of water, put it in the freezer for a few hours to get cold and it taste really good. :)
I like to use Stevia-might be close to the Truvia. Really sweat and comes from a leaf. Guess it's been used by the locals for centuries.
Aspartame is carcinogenic and the body is fooled into thinking it's sugar, so in the end it does the same thing as natural reoccurring and refined sugars... stores it as fat. You're better off drinking cola with sugar vs. aspartame which is Splenda, Nutrasweet, and all that other crap.
Aspartame is carcinogenic and the body is fooled into thinking it's sugar, so in the end it does the same thing as natural reoccurring and refined sugars... stores it as fat. You're better off drinking cola with sugar vs. aspartame which is Splenda, Nutrasweet, and all that other crap.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Exactly where I was going... :monkey1
Well said!

I wish I was able to post anything new on my front... but sadly... with things as bad as they are here... I haven't had any time for hitting the gym. I hope that next week I can squeeze at least a few days a week in there, but until my Wife can drive again... I am officially on hold.

It sucks, but it's what I have to do.. I really do miss going.. :monkey2
They work. Get one from walmart for 15-20 bucks. Im 220 and I have a feeling it would hold much more than that. Its safe and sturdy. Just locks in place and your good to go!
I can't do a pull up to save my life. :lol :( But my wife did get me that workout dvd's for my Bday Saturday.... so hopefully it will push me into fitness... I need the motivation. So Today is my Offical start date.. had real Oatmeal this morning and will hit it hard for an hour after work. I have snacks (fruit/almonds) for in between my meals.
Aspartame is carcinogenic and the body is fooled into thinking it's sugar, so in the end it does the same thing as natural reoccurring and refined sugars... stores it as fat. You're better off drinking cola with sugar vs. aspartame which is Splenda, Nutrasweet, and all that other crap.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Exactly where I was going... :monkey1

Ahhh ok. I think the bad thing is that being a diabetic, those substitures don;t affect blood sugar where true sugar REALLY does./ :(
I'm finally starting to get my fat ass up the gym on a regular bases as well as playing sqaush again.
I used to be so fit 10 years ago, but now I can't even do a full 10 mins in the summit machine on level 3. :(
It's going to be hard but I have Rocky on my ipod, and I'm not backing down this time. :D
Coming back off a week of eating everything I ever wanted and drinking everything I have ever wanted. B-day vacation is over... IT STARTS NOW!!!