Super Freak
Today is going to be a sick leg day, come join me and pray to the porcelain gods!!!! 

Just asking.......have any of you guys ever strained your goodies doing this stuff?
Well with this kind of shirt on you can definitely see my whole physique a lot more than just a average shirt because it's form fitting (another reason to get in shape guys so you can actually wear this stuff and hold your head up high).
Today I had a very shocking event happen to me and you guys will know this if you are a gym rat. Girls DO NOT give complements no matter how good you look, especially a HOT girl. I don't know what it is they'll check you out to death but there's no way they would come and talk to you and I respect that it's not the place or the time for that sort of thing, so I do see where they are coming from and I totally agree I'm there to go balls to the wall and barely hold a breath let alone have a conversation with someone during sets. Guys it's the total opposite you have the fellas and chums in there all gather round and critique and give advice and also give notion to progress because it's sort of a respect thing with guys.
Well now to the good part of my story. Today I was doing chest and wearing I would say a fairly snug long sleeve t-shirt. Well with this kind of shirt on you can definitely see my whole physique a lot more than just a average shirt because it's form fitting (another reason to get in shape guys so you can actually wear this stuff and hold your head up high). Anyways I kid you not one of the hottest women I seen there at my gym for some time comes up to me while I'm resting for a second between sets and says "I just wanted to come up and tell you that "U" have got the best body here at the gym and not only the body but a great looking guy in general, just telling you not like you all ready know" My face just drop after I thank'd her and was being polite and very appreciative of the situation. I just have to say stuff like this just pushes the motivation button to the next level. So fellas lesson learned whether it's a gal or guy, if you see them making progress go up to them short and sweet tell them how amazing their progress is coming along or how good they look. It won't hurt and it makes for that more enjoyable and more motivating for the person to plug along in what is a all ready hard enough sport.
What's this dude? and great story, it must really make you feel good to be complimented like that..
where'd you find that program??
~~and girls come up and tell me that now. I can't imagine how often it would happen once I get in shape.
That is a half truth. Women can be like men and just say what comes to their mind. Granted men are much much worse at letting the opposite know what they think. Not so much worse, as it's more of a common trait, for men to say what is on their mind. By that, they are more comfortable letting a woman know how attractive she is to him, were as a woman, may think it, but won't necessarily say it.
I have had women in the past, and even the not-so-distant past, that were of the stranger variety, let me know how attractive I am. Who doesn't like getting those compliments? But like Skiman said, those are of the rare variety. They don't happen every day, so it's nice to take it in when it does happen. I like when women say, so have you been seeing anyone lately, because you're a good looking guy. Take this past Summer, a few girls peeped into our gym, and they were around 18-20 and the one girl yelled out to me, "you're hot!" She was very cute, and gave me a nice ego boost that day.
Another thing I noticed, as we probably all have, men make it so obvious that they check women out, where as women, are very sneaky about it, and you may think that one girl who doesn't even know you exist, could be the one checking you out. There a tough group to crack, that's for sure!
btw Skiman, I have upped my workout routine since I am on a holiday break!
I put in 3+ hours yesterday. I know I overdid it, but I love working out free of stress, no time constraint, so I'll take advantage of that, and see how much I can improve over the next 6-7 days I have off.
I love muscle memory!![]()
Leg days for me!
I wanna blast my legs... probably do some cardio first. I know, never do cardio on a leg day, but I am. I am taking advantage of working like a mad man during my time off.
Eli nothing wrong with cardio on leg day, I actually did cardio in the morning, legs with weights at night and cardio again right after that. I've never seen a depletion in growth on my quads, actually it's been the opposite.
I believe this to be another myth that it will shrink your legs, just get a great post workout meal and leave it to the make believers...![]()