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How many sets of chest do you do ski? (including all exercises)

I do 10-14 depending

A LOT more than that.... Sorry I don't really count but everything is to failure and it's both heavy sets of weights to superset push ups to my knees push or til I can't handle it anymore.

Lemme think and I'll add up today's number of sets....:angelsmil
How many sets of chest do you do ski? (including all exercises)

I do 10-14 depending

Ok I'm back, it's around 18 to 23 and that's not counting superset pushups without rest between my weight movements.

Call it crazy, I feel pumps, doesn't feel overtrained to me and I do that because it's mega hard to get my chest sore the next day.
Not counting pushups just weight exercises.

Not worried about CNS overload?

Not unless I feel like crap, I just push myself harder and harder as I get more advance. Ppl are all different on threadholds so I don't really take what others do in order to stimulate the muscle, I just listen to my body and go from there. Hasn't backfired on me yet :D:monkey1

edit: I think nutrition is the reason I can push myself harder and collegiate sports training whenever I was a young pup.
Tell me about it. Super hard for me to get the chest sore. (although i did cut back on weight for the MM connection and it has helped some. Also time under tension)

Looking at changing it up again
Tell me about it. Super hard for me to get the chest sore. (although i did cut back on weight for the MM connection and it has helped some. Also time under tension)

Looking at changing it up again

I added a triple superset to my training which really blows my chest to where I just laugh as I can't even push myself off the gym floor, I roll over and situp.

1) Bench Press 135, 185, 225 (pause at 3 levels down to my chest and then press up, extremely harder than just one up and down pressing movement.)
2) Dumbell Pullover Press 85, 85, 85
3) Push ups to failure, after failure I switch to girl push ups on the knees to failure.

Repeat for the 3 sets with the weight I stated up above. (all done without any rest between all movements)
Hmmmm pullovers. I never considered those. (maybe that will throw a curve-ball in there)

My ol' lady when she touches my chest says she can fell the difference but i'm ???? about it. I always feel like i work my shoulders more when i do chest. (trying to get back to the MM connection) Anyways i'm soaked after my 12 sets now and must go shower and goto work for 9hrs WOOT! (not :))

I will try pullovers
Hmmmm pullovers. I never considered those. (maybe that will throw a curve-ball in there)

My ol' lady when she touches my chest says she can fell the difference but i'm ???? about it. I always feel like i work my shoulders more when i do chest. (trying to get back to the MM connection) Anyways i'm soaked after my 12 sets now and must go shower and goto work for 9hrs WOOT! (not :))

I will try pullovers

Keep elbows tucked in also helps with getting the shoulders out of the movements. Just something I always remind myself if I'm not feeling the pump like I should.

Pullovers really help in the tie in on the middle of chest for that perfect blocky square pec look.
Gotta start somewhere, some will never take it far, but for some it's a stepping stone, I went through a number of few week spurts without sticking it out, most I ever did was like 3 months, I'm now at 11.

That is true and they will get my support, but if they are not serious about it then they need to get out of the way and stop leaning on equipment just to converse.
Once you start seeing results thats when you really kick in, the first few months for most people is only dropping the excess fat, then when you start seeing the muscle coming thats when you get inspired to keep going & going harder, then you look forward to the gym & not the rest days LOL!
No cardio this morning as I could not get to sleep last night but I will hit back and get a cardio session tonight. I hate whenever I miss a twice a day cardio session :banghead :banghead :banghead

Rest > than being tired all day at work and for the workout later on tonight.
So far today....

:banghead 1 freaking pound off this morning, 261, I feel like Ace Ventura in the second movie when he's rolling the slink down the temple stairs and it stops at the last step :lol
:banghead 1 freaking pound off this morning, 261, I feel like Ace Ventura in the second movie when he's rolling the slink down the temple stairs and it stops at the last step :lol

Eh no biggy Sean, it's not like you have to beat this deadline, you'll get down there just remain consistent and lets roll more pounds off there, you have the rest of your life to look like Ryan :lol

I wanted to start running today but I got a cold... WTF!

Decided my only time to run will be at around 8:30-9. It's going to be cold!

R U running outside :horror:horror:horror
Eh no biggy Sean, it's not like you have to beat this deadline, you'll get down there just remain consistent and lets roll more pounds off there, you have the rest of your life to look like Ryan :lol

Indeed, and 1 lb isn't the difference between there or not :lol, I'm proud of what I achieved, but with 60 being the goal, I want the satisfaction of accomplishing precisely what I set out to do, not close enough, even if it's 99%, but 100% achieve a goal I set for myself.