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It'll also help finding something to relieve your stress. Stress and worn bodies, even on healthy diets, won't process things the same. You get colds more easily, things work slower.
Water, veggies, lean meats (mostly white or poultry), healthy fats and dairy is a great start and will get you a long ways...
It'll also help finding something to relieve your stress. Stress and worn bodies, even on healthy diets, won't process things the same. You get colds more easily, things work slower.

Very true, even moods can be reverted by some stress free exercise, you'll feel better once leaving the gym and having that great self accomplishment that you've done something good and healthy for yourself.

The best high is the ole natural high.
It'll also help finding something to relieve your stress. Stress and worn bodies, even on healthy diets, won't process things the same. You get colds more easily, things work slower.

I wish what I enjoy doing, my life offered me more time to make it happen.

But I know what you mean and I will make that effort as well.

Water, veggies, lean meats (mostly white or poultry), healthy fats and dairy is a great start and will get you a long ways...

I am doing the water now. Trying for two gallons a day. Almost there. Trying.

So mostly chicken then ?

What is considered a healthy Fat ?

I thought dairy was frowned upon ? See, I love cheese :(
Very true, even moods can be reverted by some stress free exercise, you'll feel better once leaving the gym and having that great self accomplishment that you've done something good and healthy for yourself.

The best high is the ole natural high.

I understand. I love going to the gym.

I love that day after "good" sore.
I wish what I enjoy doing, my life offered me more time to make it happen.

But I know what you mean and I will make that effort as well.

I am doing the water now. Trying for two gallons a day. Almost there. Trying.

So mostly chicken then ? (chicken, fish, eggs, lean steak |london broil|)

What is considered a healthy Fat ? (natural peanut butter, almonds, sun flower seeds, olive oil , avocados)

I thought dairy was frowned upon ? See, I love cheese :( (diary is moderate but once you get to a certain level then it can deminish certain goals in weight loss, cottage cheese, skim milk, yogurt are better items for diary)

Made some suggestions up above....
Improved dietary habbits alone can make a big difference, not in losing large ammounts of weight but it's certainly a first step, I lost like 20lbs in high school just from drinking lots of water instead of juices and sodas, that mixed with my lifestyle burnt some off.

I'm actually trying that out myself. I'm cutting down to 1,500 calories a day to see how that goes for me. My wife's a pro at getting by on fewer calories, so she's a big help.
I'm actually trying that out myself. I'm cutting down to 1,500 calories a day to see how that goes for me. My wife's a pro at getting by on fewer calories, so she's a big help.

One of the biggest thing, and it requires time, is getting your stomach to shrink and feeling less need for things. Even early on into my weight loss, I was still big but my stomach shrank to only being able to hold what I needed for my daily activity, even if i felt hungry I simply couldn't eat excessively anymore, but that takes time.
I'm actually trying that out myself. I'm cutting down to 1,500 calories a day to see how that goes for me. My wife's a pro at getting by on fewer calories, so she's a big help.

Slowly taper that's the key, so your body can get used to the new style of eating, therefore it's another long road of binge cheating... I know several that do it, even bodybuilders and it's horrible for the metabolism.

My two cents on getting by on fewer calories, and they actually say for a male 1800 is ideal, just make it less carbs and more protein and fats and you'll be on the road to Lou Ferrigno :lol I joke but yea...
One of the biggest thing, and it requires time, is getting your stomach to shrink and feeling less need for things. Even early on into my weight loss, I was still big but my stomach shrank to only being able to hold what I needed for my daily activity, even if i felt hungry I simply couldn't eat excessively anymore, but that takes time.

I figured I'd be starving to death over the last couple days, but I have been drinking a lot of water, so I'm guessing that's the reason.
My two cents on getting by on fewer calories, and they actually say for a male 1800 is ideal, just make it less carbs and more protein and fats and you'll be on the road to Lou Ferrigno :lol I joke but yea...

Will I turn green, too?

Well I'm happy today, as over the xmas new Years period I went from (25th DEC 210.5lb) to max at (DEC 30 213.4lbs) I've now dropped to 211.2lb it's a rollercoaster, finally it's back to the proper Gym routine after a hectic couple of weeks.
Well, I have given up the elevator for 2010. Let's see how long this lasts. Today I climbed the stairwell up and down 3 times just out of necessity. I toil on the sixth floor.
Guess what time it is.....? Just got home from cardio and it's time for egg whites, stir fry veggies, grape fruit and some almonds YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ow. Note to self. Do not do the bike class the day I have a hockey game. By the third period I was dead and could barely skate.