The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Remember, Skiman is not the only competitive body builder on these forums. I am in hard core training season! :rock grace

You can figure out which one of the Graces I am. lol

Trudat, I'll vouch for Eli on his knowledge.

I limit my sodium until a weeks before a show, usually around 1.5-2 grams a day.

I would say though normal ppl probably don't need to watch it that closely but I'm sure by the foods that you'll be intaking the sodium intake falls well below what you were eating in the past with all the unhealthy stuff so it kind of works itself back out of the equations. Flush sodium out with all the good water and you'll have no problems with retention.

I think sugars are worse and the white flours like Eli pointed out for insulin spikes. Don't do it folks, same goes for the artificial sugars in diet soda. Real sugar is better for you than fake sugar but in short no sugars :lol

I think about it this way, (and I've never been a drug person I like to drink whenever it's time but there's a time and place for those things) real cocaine is better for you than fake cocaine :rotfl Apply that to every processed food the world is trying to feed you. Go natural on the healthy foods and you'll never go wrong.
Trudat, I'll vouch for Eli on his knowledge.

I limit my sodium until a weeks before a show, usually around 1.5-2 grams a day.

I would say though normal ppl probably don't need to watch it that closely but I'm sure by the foods that you'll be intaking the sodium intake falls well below what you were eating in the past with all the unhealthy stuff so it kind of works itself back out of the equations. Flush sodium out with all the good water and you'll have no problems with retention.

I think sugars are worse and the white flours like Eli pointed out for insulin spikes. Don't do it folks, same goes for the artificial sugars in diet soda. Real sugar is better for you than fake sugar but in short no sugars :lol

I think about it this way, (and I've never been a drug person I like to drink whenever it's time but there's a time and place for those things) real cocaine is better for you than fake cocaine :rotfl Apply that to every processed food the world is trying to feed you. Go natural on the healthy foods and you'll never go wrong.

My goodness, it's like reading something I would type! Pure gold!

Except no imitations, Skiman and Eli are the real deal! All others are flabby skinbags that have no clue! :rock

Sillyness aside, he's right. Sugar replacement/supplements, what ever you call usually have aspartame. It's carcinogenic. Bad for the ol' heart. Lab tests on rats showed that when given foods with aspartame, they have gained weight. The body is fooled into believing it's real sugar, and raises your insulin levels, turning any unused energy into fat.

You're better off taking in the real junk if you need to drink your cola, damn sodeeeeepop addicts! heh

What I can't stand is the people who get the double big mac with fries and have it supersized at McDicks, only to wash it down with a diet sodeee. That I could never understand. There is over 1,000 mg of sodium in a big mac and 50 grams of fat! BAD FATS! White bun, sugars, actually only two things on McDicks menu has no sugar. Makes you wonder. Diet sodeeeepops... pffft.
U know what time it is!!!!!! It's breakfast and gym time that's right, you have to get up even earlier whenever you are snowed in!!! So let's get to it!!!!

*eating breakfast* stat!!!

1 egg
6 egg whites
6.5 ruby red grapefruit
1 cup of veggies
1 tablespoon of PB
Legs and cardio at the gym at 4:00 took me a while to get there because of the snow storm, finally into the office by now....

dang the roads are horrible but that ain't stopping DA SKIMAN!!!!!!! are u suppose to eat before or after u go to the gym?

Oh and yeah apt complex has a pretty good gym with a bunch of machinery I don't know how to use! :confused:

I don't eat too soon before... I do at least an hour or more.

That site I sent you may be able to help understanding some of those machines Bammer....

Back and Bi's and feeling fine !!!!! :rock
Jimbo I was eating whenever I was posting my first post in this thread today, took me an hour to clean off my car and get to the gym with the snow storm we had in the Midwest. Digested and ready to go for some heavy legs this morning! Felt AWESOME!!!!
I tend to feel full and bloated... hence why I usually pass when it's too close.

Dude, how many eggs do you go through a week ?
My scale must be messing with me. No way I can lose 4 pounds since Sunday just by limiting my calorie intake to 1500/day. :dunno
:rotfl who knows, I just get my egg whites in bulk and get three cartons of regular large eggs a week :rotfl

Oh ok. So you just buy egg whites in .... poweder ? Carton ?

If you eat more frequent meals you stomach should be able to digest those foods quicker. I'm thinking that's the solution. :monkey3

I have to try that. I am trying to nibble on something every few hours, but at work it is just so hard.

Free shipping!
No shipping available outside the 48 states or to APO addresses.
Note: After your order is placed you will receive a telephone call to set up a date to have it delivered. Please keep this in mind when placing your order. The reason for this is due to the fact that the egg whites are refrigerated and need to be kept cold. Your order can NOT be shipped until a delivery date is scheduled. Please be aware that the shipping dates for this product may be longer than 2 - 3 days. It may take as long as 7 days for you to receive your 100% Pure Liquid Egg Whites. All orders are shipped UPS or FedEx only. When placing your order choose the shipping method "USPS Priority Mail 2-3 Days (USA Only!) ($0.00)", and you will determine the actual shipping method during your phone call to schedule a delivery time. No signature required.

Don't forget to order your Egg Whites Pump! It is a must for anyone purchasing the 100% Pure Liquid Egg Whites! Without it things can get messy.

100% Pure Liquid Egg Whites are the purest and most versatile form of protein in the world! People on the go, and Bodybuilders are the two biggest consumers of 100% Pure Liquid Egg Whites. Why? Because they can mix them in a drink in a matter of seconds and be done with it.

Perfect for losing weight or building muscle. You can't taste the egg whites! They are NOT slimy as you might think, and they are completely tasteless and odorless. One 8oz cup of 100% Pure Liquid Egg Whites supplies 26 grams of 100% bioavailable pure protein. No fat, No cholesterol, and only 2 grams of carbs. No more cracking and separating the egg whites from the yolks, and then having to take the time to cook them, eat them, and then clean up the mess.

Most Bodybuilders today, are cracking and separating a dozen egg whites in the morning and then another dozen before bedtime. That's 14 dozen eggs a week. A lot of work!

Liquid, NOT RAW egg whites are 100% bioavailable. Which means that none of its Amino acids are wasted. Powdered egg whites and protein powders in general, are only 70 to 80% bioavailable at best. The powders only support muscle growth for 2 to 3 hours. Liquid egg whites support muscle growth for up to 4 to 5 hours.

What's The Difference Between LIQUID And RAW Egg Whites?

The human body cannot completely and safely digest a raw egg white. So, if you like to do the "Rocky Routine" with a raw egg or raw egg white in your drink, you are wasting your time, not to mention the threat of Salmonella. Avidin, which is found in raw egg whites, blocks the uptake of Vitamin B6 (Biotin) causing a vitamin deficiency. You must cook the egg white to neutralize the Avidin and allow your body to safely digest the protein and utilize all its Amino acids.

Our 100% pure liquid egg whites from Egg Whites International are heat pasteurized and salmonella tested. The pasteurization process heats the egg white to 134 degrees for 3 ½ minutes. This heat kills the salmonella and neutralizes the Avidin to allow the egg whites to be digested safely by the human body. When you cook an egg white to the point of scrambled eggs, you are overcooking the protein and denaturing the true value of the protein. Therefore, 100% Pure Liquid Egg Whites are liquid but not raw, making them the purest form of protein, known to man, In The Entire World! They will stay good in your refrigerator for 90 to 120 days. Can be frozen indefinitely.

What Is The Best Way To Use Them?

Woman Kissing An EggIn a drink! Most people are looking for the instant breakfast, or a fast Hi Protein meal on the go. It could be a protein powder, or a slim fast shake. Most active people, who are using protein powders, are using about 40 grams of protein powder, and mixing it with water or milk. Usually 2 scoops of powder at 20 grams per scoop. However, there is no protein powder in the world today that is better than 70 to 80% bioavailable. And, most only support muscle growth for 2 to 3 hours. This means that out of 40 grams of protein powder you are consuming, your body is only using 28 to 32 grams at best!

People are paying $45.00 for a 4lb can of powder. Now you can make that can worth $90.00, by using half as much, or only one scoop of protein powder. The 20 grams of protein powder at 70%, gives your body 14 grams. Mix it with one 8 oz cup of liquid egg whites at 26 grams of 100% bioavailable protein, and you now get a true 40 grams of protein in your body. And, the egg whites support muscle growth for up to 4 to 5 hours.

They are also the most versatile form of protein because you can use them in just about anything you want. They make great omelets, and can be used in any cooking or baking recipe in place of a whole egg. They can be added to almost any cold drink without changing the flavor. You can even drink them straight. They will have no real taste by themselves. Your kids will even drink them by just adding some chocolate syrup to 8 ounces of liquid egg whites, shake well, and they will taste the same as chocolate milk. What better way to get protein into your kids? Mix them with orange juice, tomato juice, fruit and yogurt smoothies, and milk etc... What ever you like to drink, can now be protein enriched.

How Much Protein Should You Consume In A Day?

The average "Active" person requires about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. Most people never get that much protein in a day. The Atkins Diet is the prime example of people who almost get that much protein in a day. Bodybuilders take in 1 ½ to 3 times that amount. While a non-active elderly person might only need half that amount.

Protein is the building blocks for muscle. It is also the primary food to your brain.

Remember, protein eats fat and builds muscle.

How Often Do You Use Liquid Egg Whites?

At least twice a day. First meal in the morning and just before bed. This is the most convenient time that you are at home where your refrigerator is located. You don't want to pre-mix a shake to take with you to work or the gym. The egg whites will separate and thicken the longer they are sitting in the powder. You can keep a spare bottle at work if you have a refrigerator. It is better to drink the liquid egg whites at the same time you mix them into your drink.

Proteins are usually digested every 3 to 4 hours. Most diets tell you to eat 5 to 6 times a day. That does not mean you have to eat 5 to 6 full meals a day. It usually means to start with a protein shake in the morning, eat a light healthy lunch, have a protein shake mid day, eat a healthy dinner, and finally, have a protein shake before you go to bed. This will keep your metabolism working to burn fat and build muscle, and you will have more energy. However, you will not build muscle unless you work them. If you are working out at the gym or just exercising at home, it is important that you understand what your muscles need. You must get protein into your body within 30 minutes of your workout, or your workout was a total waste of time. Right after your workout is when your muscles are tingling and looking for proteins to build on. Give it to them!

Why take protein before bedtime? Bodybuilders have known for decades that if you don't put protein into your body before you go to bed, your body will run out of protein about 2 am. Once your body digests all of its available protein, your body thinks it is starving itself. To protect you, your body shuts down and starts storing your fat cells. The blood sugar still needs protein to keep you going, so it starts consuming the only protein source available, your own muscle mass. Basically, you are storing fat and eating muscle.

By drinking a high protein drink with liquid egg whites just before you go to bed, they will support muscle growth for up to 4 to 5 hours. Now the process is reversed for most of your sleep time. Rather than storing fat and eating muscle, the time-release protein from the egg whites, is allowing your body to burn the fat at its normal rate while building on the muscle. That is why bodybuilders eat a dozen egg whites before bedtime.

You will get a better night sleep, and wake up more alert and less hungry in the morning.

Serious competitive Bodybuilders, who are using a protein powder before bedtime, are getting up at 2 am and taking another protein drink to sustain them until morning.
Jack H. Gutman, D.O. FAAFP
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Egg Whites?
Egg whites are exactly that, 100% pure liquid egg whites, just as if you cracked and separated them yourself at home. The only thing we did was to pasteurize them to avoid salmonella. There are no additives or preservatives, no artificial ingredients or food colorings. Egg whites have a naturally light yellow color to them. You will notice this more in the bottle than in the frying pan. The white substance floating on top of the bottles is the same white particle you see when you put an egg in the frying pan. This connects from the egg white to the egg yolk. We leave this in the egg whites because it has the highest concentration of protein in the egg. Just shake up the bottle before using. Egg whites are completely tasteless and odorless.

How can Egg Whites be used?
They can be prepared and eaten the same way you eat eggs today. You can use them in baking and making pancakes or whatever you would normally use eggs for now. However, due to the heat pasteurization process, we do not recommend them for meringues or angel food cake. They do make great omelets and scrambled eggs. Because the yolk is gone, so is the fat and the cholesterol. Therefore, the eggs tend to be fluffier and healthier without the yolk. They also make great smoothies and protein shakes, thanks to the pasteurization process that has eliminated the salmonella threat from drinking raw egg whites. See our Recipes page for more great ideas.

How do I measure Egg Whites?

For Baking:
Egg White Measurements
3 tbsp of Egg Whites = 1 whole egg
2 tbsp of Egg Whites = 1 Egg White
1/2 cup of Egg Whites = appx 4-5 Egg Whites

Is it safe to freeze Egg Whites?
Absolutely! You can even put a previously opened, partially used container of Egg Whites in the freezer. They will last indefinitely while frozen. To defrost, put the container on a paper plate and leave it overnight. Once defrosted, you must keep them in the refrigerator. When Egg Whites freeze, the water separates from the egg and settles on top. Therefore, it may be necessary to shake the bottle well before using. If the eggs tend to cook up watery, simply blend in a blender for a few seconds, or pour back and forth into another container to assure that the water mixes back into the egg. For gallon containers, you nay need to pour back and forth into a larger pitcher. We do not recommend that you re-freeze the Egg Whites if it's not necessary.

What is the "shelf life" of Egg Whites?
Our own personal tests have shown that Egg Whites, if maintained at 40 degrees or lower in the refrigerator, stay good for up to 6 to 8 months, even when opened. However, we recommend that you use them in 3 to 4 months to assure the best quality product. If you freeze them, they will last indefinitely. To determine if they are good or not, the best test is to smell them. If there is any odor whatsoever, discard them. Egg Whites have no odor or taste.

What is the "Protein Benefit" of Egg Whites?
Egg White protein is the purest form of protein known to man in the entire world. Each 8-ounce cup gives you 26 grams of pure protein, only 2 grams of carbohydrates, NO fat and NO cholesterol. They are 100% bio-available, which means NONE of its amino acids are wasted. No artificial protein powder can make that claim. Other high protein sourced foods and supplements need to be broken down before the body absorbs the protein. All natural products have always been the recommended way to get the nutrients your body needs.

How are the eggs separated?
The eggs are washed and placed onto a conveyor. The conveyor then cracks the eggs, drops them into a tray with holes in it. The tray catches the yolks but allows the Egg Whites to fall through the holes to another tray below. A quality control person is there to clean out any broken yolks that might fall through with the whites. There is also a USDA Inspector that oversees the entire process to ensure consumer safety.

What is Salmonella?
More than 90% of all eggs are free of contamination at the time they are laid. Contamination with Salmonella bacteria and with certain spoilage organisms occurs essentially afterward. Proper washing and sanitizing of eggs eliminates most Salmonella and spoilage organisms deposited on the shell.

How do you Pasteurize Egg Whites?
The Egg Whites are run through a series of heated tubes, almost like a big still, just hot enough to kill bacteria but not enough to cook the eggs. They are then tested for any signs of Salmonella bacteria.

What happens to the rest of the egg?
The yolks are sold to various companies that produce salad dressings, ice cream, mayo, etc. The egg shells are sold to various companies that include them in pet food as a calcium supplement.