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Skipped this mornings workout with cardio but hitting it tonight, chest bi's and more cardio. After weigh in last night I dropped 1.5% and 5lbs, after coming off a bulk in the winter to 200lbs I dropped to 195lbs last night from Monday's weigh in.


Awesome!!! Congratz!!!

Let's do this Bam...


Just became a member of Gold's Gym....I got in on a crazy good deal which was $30 for the whole year!!!

I'm gonna be pumping it up with the big boys now!!

Hope no one makes fun of me. :monkey3:(:monkey2
Awesome!!! Congratz!!!


Just became a member of Gold's Gym....I got in on a crazy good deal which was $30 for the whole year!!!

I'm gonna be pumping it up with the big boys now!!

Hope no one makes fun of me. :monkey3:(:monkey2

Nice deal Mama ! :rock

Don't worry about them. Just do you.

That is what I do now. I care less about all the hard bodies.

When I look at them, most of them don't even have good form, so I just ignore them and do me.
Ran very well last night. Upped it to 2.5 miles but the good part was they were STRONG miles.... Going to add in weights next week. Was thinking of doing one of those circuit dumbbell routines. Anyone know of any good ones?
Well goto to get back to it this week, only went once latst Monday,
My excuse is I'm on holidays & I've had a lot to do around the house, fixing stuff etc
Yeah it's a crazy routine. How are you liking the Plyometrics? I think it's by far the hardest of all the videos.

Plyo is actually my favorite video so far. It is intense, but the workout is fun because it incorportates a lot of 'real world' moves. I definitely consider Yoda the most difficult. It impossible for me to acheive perfect form on the majority of the exercises because I not very flexible and my stabilizer muscles don't have enough endurance yet. I am using a yoga block and strap for the majority of poses. And of course Ab Ripper X kicks my butt following each workout Mon, Wed, Fri. I'm already exhausted when he starts the reverse bicycles. :monkey5
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Plyo is actually my favorite video so far. It is intense, but the workout is fun because it incorportates a lot of 'real world' moves. I definitely consider Yoda the most difficult. It impossible for me to acheive perfect form on the majority of the exercises because I not very flexible and my stabilizer muscles don't have enough endurance yet. I am using a yoga block and strap for the majority of poses. And of course Ab Ripper X kicks my butt following each workout Mon, Wed, Fri. I'm already exhausted when he starts the reverse bicycles. :monkey5

Yoda is pretty difficult man, it's the highest form of the Jedi, it will prolly be til summer before I get that advanced.
I cheated tonight.....they invited me to California Kitchen and I ate some really delicious Fish Tacos :drool

I felt bad afterwards :(....but they where just sooooo good!!!

But tomorrow is gonna be teh first day at Gold's I'll double time my routine to make up for my cheating! :)
im thinkinking of starting up again but it is so difficult getting my focus on since ive hit my late 30's early 40's ! i could stand to lose at least 100 lbs of bacon fat off my back .everytime i gear up to start a new regimen i either get sick or something starts to hurt . i know its psycological but why can't my psyche kick in when im about to devour a yodel or a whopper ? ill post a pic of my before when i get started.
can't wait ! :naughty
but you mean SDCC 2010 ?

Nah...I can't go this year :(

But I'm definitely going in 2011!! Fo' sho'! So get ready Fel!
We didn't really even talk this pass year :(...i was still a n00b.

BTW...even tho I cheated last night...the scale saids I lost 2 more pounds!!! That make 4 in total! Must be water weight or something...but fawk it!:bunnydanc

76 pounds to go!! :woo
You'll be surprised sometimes, I had a lot of dessert items around Thanksgiving and somehow still lost weight that week, I also slacked on the excercising so that's what surprises me.

For me, the number 1 thing to worry about is your state of mind, always think thoughts that keep you moving forward, like if you indulge a bit, don't think, oh great, I just messed it all up, just say whatever, I'll just burn it off.

Like for me right now, my initial goal was 60lbs, I hit that, I need to lose another 30, but instead of thinking just in terms of that 30, I think about it as 90 overall and that I'm 2/3 there rather than not started cutting into the 30, keeps me more confident and progressing forward to focus on what I have done rather than look ahead at what I haven't.

Last spring, I think it was Ski, said it would probably take a year to lose what I was trying and I wanted to lose it by summer, I actually almost cried at the notion of taking a whole year to do it, it made me feel like I was fighting a battle I couldn't win. It's been a year, it took a year, and now I don't care, I fought and I won.