The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Solution 5 2 scoops
Grape fruit 6.5oz

4 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup stir fry veggies
4 teaspoons of natural peanut butter

1/2 gallon of XTEND

about time for another shake.

For those who're too afraid of those little plastic spoons/cups with fractions on them, it's not that difficult:

2 delicious scoops of poopy powder w/ water (12oz) or a full juice glass
1/2 grapefruit

a single chicken breast
sizeable scoop of veggies (peas/carrots/corn - more color the better)
golfball-sized glob of peanut butter.
For those who're too afraid of those little plastic spoons/cups with fractions on them, it's not that difficult:

2 delicious scoops of poopy powder w/ water in a juice glass
1/2 grapefruit

a single chicken breast
sizeable scoop of veggies (peas/carrots/corn - more color the better)
golfball-sized glob of peanut butter.

I agree :lecture
Oh, and one more thing: I believe in cleansing too. So I occasionally take a 3 day fast during which time I only drink juice (mostly fresh carrot juice, and when I can't get that, concord grape juice). I also drink pear juice with psyllium husks and bentonite clay, 3 times a day during a fast. You wouldn't believe how much stuff comes out of you even though you are not eating! :horror
For those who're too afraid of those little plastic spoons/cups with fractions on them, it's not that difficult:

I'm not saying it doesn't serve a purpose for certain people.

I just sincerely believe that that is not the way were meant to eat.
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I'm not saying it doesn't serve a purpose certain people.

I just sincerely believe that that is not the way were meant to eat.

:confused: Because on the 2nd day, God created drive-thru and the "supersized" lard meal? :dunno

People in other countries eat like that on the daily basis and live to a ripe old age well over 100 years. Here, we eat like ____ and die at 50-60. Dunno about you, but I think we are meant to eat like that.
:confused: Because on the 2nd day, God created drive-thru and the "supersized" lard meal? :dunno

People in other countries eat like that on the daily basis and live to a ripe old age well over 100 years. Here, we eat like ____ and die at 50-60. Dunno about you, but I think we are meant to eat like that.


Um, I'm just saying that regardless if whether you believe that we were created or evolved, we weren't meant to carry around measuring spoons.

Maglor do you believe that "I" am malnourished and have a eating disorder?

Heh, No.

One look at you would dispel any fear of that!

Um, I'm just saying that regardless if whether you believe that we were created or evolved, we weren't meant to carry around measuring spoons.

Where were the measuring spoons in my post? :confused:

Body builders, aka meatheads, like to use things like "oz" and "cup" to make them look smarter. :p Honestly, it's all sensible stuff and easily translatable to more common speech as I translated in my post.
I really don't have to measure anything at all these days, its' all by like what you said eye'd down but I definitely know what 4oz of chicken looks like, 1/4 teaspoon of peanut butter or a half cup veggies.

I might carry them with me whenever it comes contest time just to insure that I'm getting the correct amount of calories but that's neither here or there and definitely not for everybody. I know that, bodybuilders definitely know that.... I've had some bodybuilder buddy's of mine that claim training for a contest is worst than getting a divorce :lol

The point is I don't carry any measuring tools with me all day long, I just know the portion size and therefore you can only spell that out here in so many ways to give people an idea of what a meal should really look like and that's several times a day. I'm constantly eating throughout the whole day every 2-3 hours, now will this work for some people, no..... does everyone have the same schedule no..... I understand that and that's where some will have to be more creative or they are gonna have to bare down and try harder to make things work.

Portion control and eating regular is probably more work than the actual work we do inside the gym or outside exercising. That's where we get to be release, stress free and only think about mainly what we do in order make our bodies for a healthy living.
Where were the measuring spoons in my post? :confused:

Body builders, aka meatheads, like to use things like "oz" and "cup" to make them look smarter. :p Honestly, it's all sensible stuff and easily translatable to more common speech as I translated in my post.


For those who're too afraid of those little plastic spoons/cups with fractions on them...
So I have a question, and I'm sure Ski will have some good suggestions.... :cool:

But what can I eat to keep me filled up and put on some weight? (healthy weight that is) I've started some resistance training with weights and I do cardio by playing hockey a couple times a week. Whenever I start getting heavy into physical activity, it seems like I grow a parasite or tapeworm! I'm CONSTANTLY hungry!!!! :lol

So what can I eat or carry with me as a quick and convenient meal? I've been told to eat ANYTHING in site, even fast food, just to pack in the calories..... I have a super fast metabolism, so I've been told to eat anything. But I don't like junk food, and it makes me feel crummy. I usually have protein shakes a couple times a day (afternoon and night). I'm a little nervous to take the weight gainers since the cholesterol is so high..... What do you guys think? :naughty
I really don't have to measure anything at all these days, its' all by like what you said eye'd down but I definitely know what 4oz of chicken looks like, 1/4 teaspoon of peanut butter or a half cup veggies.

I might carry them with me whenever it comes contest time just to insure that I'm getting the correct amount of calories but that's neither here or there and definitely not for everybody. I know that, bodybuilders definitely know that.... I've had some bodybuilder buddy's of mine that claim training for a contest is worst than getting a divorce :lol

:lol Now that I can believe!

And I give you a lot of credit for your dedication! :duff

I also give a lot of credit to people who devote themselves to any discipline, whether it be music art or bodybuilding. :)
So I have a question, and I'm sure Ski will have some good suggestions.... :cool:

But what can I eat to keep me filled up and put on some weight? (healthy weight that is) I've started some resistance training with weights and I do cardio by playing hockey a couple times a week. Whenever I start getting heavy into physical activity, it seems like I grow a parasite or tapeworm! I'm CONSTANTLY hungry!!!! :lol

So what can I eat or carry with me as a quick and convenient meal? I've been told to eat ANYTHING in site, even fast food, just to pack in the calories..... I have a super fast metabolism, so I've been told to eat anything. But I don't like junk food, and it makes me feel crummy. I usually have protein shakes a couple times a day (afternoon and night). I'm a little nervous to take the weight gainers since the cholesterol is so high..... What do you guys think? :naughty

I say that you are just gonna have to eat more, and I mean healthy stuff of course if you want to remain lean. Also since you are probably an ectomorph then you probably use carbs at a more efficient rate than some others that are able to pack on the pounds much easier. I would say to make sure you get complex carbs along with a decent amount of protein moderately and more importantly after workout or sports. Carbs mixing dextrose or quick acting sugars like juice with protein will help push more protein into the muscle and recover quicker.

The other problem I see is putting on size with such an extensive amount of cardio. There's two different types of cardio and the low intensity will allow for more weight gain while something like sports, especially hockey, soccer or basketball is just going to do the opposite. Here's a lil more background on the different types of cardio

It's a combination of recovery from whatever workouts you are doing and keeping you body fed throughout the day with solid proteins/carbs/fats. Of course I always like to stick to more natural foods but if you are on the go then maybe a protein bar is an easier route for people that can't carry meals with them all day. Only thing about protein bars that I don't like is the artificial/process parts of them but it's better to eat one of those than actually missing a meal and letting the imbalance of sugars causing cravings for less healthy foods.
meal 3: 2 more scoops protein.

meal 4: and another chicken, veggie and peanut butter meal, it's GAME TIME SON!!!! 6 minutes until I unleash holy hell on my legs!!!
If I'm expected to get out a scale, measuring cups and measuring spoons every time I eat, I may not belong in this thread...

Measuring food out is not for everyone, but speaking for myself, it's done wonders (of course I've also been eating much better foods as well). I measure all my food out in baggies, which not only keeps me eating a healthier portion of food, but has a nice side benefit...easy to grab food for lunch and dinner. I'd suggest trying it out (as a test), to see if it fits. It may not be for you of course, but doesn't hurt to try.:D

Thank you for that post.

Very helpful. I will think about it. :)

Do you do weight watchers?

Thank you for that post.

Very helpful. I will think about it. :)

Do you do weight watchers?

I have been since February of this year. With the Weight Watchers program (which is really all about having a much healthier lifestyle overall with eating, exercise, etc.) and a combination of going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week I've shed 16.8 pounds. I still have a looooong way to go, but I'm getting there.