The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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hairless - should have told him that you have to workout fast or else the Geritol smell will make you gag and vomit all over the place. :p
I see a lot of people talk about working out in this thread, but not a lot about nutrition/proper eating except a few. (and diet is 75% of it) Anyone change up their ____ significantly?

Every morning(and two to 3 times a day) i have a spinach/strawberry/tomato/carrot blended shake (with protein added) Lately i am big into eating what god/nature has put here for us to eat and nothing more. I try to get as many natural phytonutrients and eat as natural as i can. I really notice a difference. One thing is in my sleep, i don't need as much. When you sleep you're healing/repairing, and if you don't need as much your body doesn't need that much repairing.

Also big into hot peppers for the healing benefits of capsaicin.

I probably go through a bag of organic spinach a day with these shakes. Some of them don't taste so good cause i only use fruit in the morning :)

( I also TRY to stay away from anything with sucralose in it. (but that don't always happen) And i DO stay away from HFCS)
I know what I say doesn't carry a lot of weight around here due to the fact that I do occasionaly eat garbage, but I appreciate that post OSCORP. Diet is very important and not just for purposes of burning fat/building muscle.

We need adequate nutrition, and we need to cut out the chemicals.

I try to avoid things that have ingredients in them that I can't pronounce and, like you say, eat foods that god/nature provided. I do take supliments because I believe that the food we eat now contains no where near the nutrition that it did say 100 years ago. Although eating organic will get you a lot closer, I think it's important for most people to take some whole food suppliments.

Whole food suppliments, not suppliments derived from coal tar like Centrum, etc.
Well, aside from a healthier diet of leaner meats, more veggis and fruits (annnd portion control aside)...I do also have various vitamins everyday...

2 Fish Oil Pills
1 Multivitamin
1 Vitamin E
1 Folic Acid Pill
so what is a good whole food suppliment? there are so many that i never know what i should get and then say "screw it"

Well, aside from a healthier diet of leaner meats, more veggis and fruits (annnd portion control aside)...I do also have various vitamins everyday...

2 Fish Oil Pills
1 Multivitamin
1 Vitamin E
1 Folic Acid Pill

Good choices. The whole food multi and fish oil I take is made by Solgar.

Another great whole food supplement is Dr. Schulze's Super Food. Actually anything be Dr. Schulze's is gonna be a great product.

Garden of life also makes great stuff.
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I just finished an hour and a half of Yoga and my position is, Yoga was made by the devil. It sucks big time but I know it is an awesome workout if one could contine it.
I just finished an hour and a half of Yoga and my position is, Yoga was made by the devil. It sucks big time but I know it is an awesome workout if one could contine it.

Concur, ha! I've been doing yoga for almost 3 months now and love it. It's great for core training if one is doing the moves to their full potential. I've also been doing pilates, which is yoga amped up (for lack of a better description). Much more faster paced and focuses on core really well.
Chest is pounding from tightest on yesterdays workout along with bi's.

Getting the Solution 5 complete food replacement meal right now... oh and a 1/2 grapefruit.

Agreed with OSCORP about the natural foods, peanut butter is about the only food that I usually eat on a reg basis and of course the shakes (that would be artificial) to get all my meals in (8 a day)

Also trying to get more into organic and switch that this year. I'm tired of thinking of my chicken being hormonally juiced :lol

Well, aside from a healthier diet of leaner meats, more veggis and fruits (annnd portion control aside)...I do also have various vitamins everyday...

2 Fish Oil Pills
1 Multivitamin
1 Vitamin E
1 Folic Acid Pill

Great supps throw in some Flaxseed Oil in there and you are good to go. That's pretty much my list along with a calcium pill because I don't think milk and some others... Mainly minerals.
Chest is pounding from tightest on yesterdays workout along with bi's.

Getting the Solution 5 complete food replacement meal right now... oh and a 1/2 grapefruit.

Agreed with OSCORP about the natural foods, peanut butter is about the only food that I usually eat on a reg basis and of course the shakes (that would be artificial) to get all my meals in (8 a day)

Also trying to get more into organic and switch that this year. I'm tired of thinking of my chicken being hormonally juiced :lol

Great supps throw in some Flaxseed Oil in there and you are good to go. That's pretty much my list along with a calcium pill because I don't think milk and some others... Mainly minerals.

:lol:lol:lol:lol why ? What do they do for you ?

They all do various things. You need a lot of good oils in your diet (fish having one of them) and I know good oils are slightly lacking for me (I do not eat fish, unless it's sashimi or sushi and that's not all that often). Fish Oil is also good for the heart, brain, skin, hair, and much more!

Folic Acid can be found in many foods, but I wanted to boost my intake a bit more and take a vitamin supplement each day. This pill also helps with bone strength (which is VERY important for women as we start having bone loss issues later in life...I'm not at that age yet, but I'd rather be preventative...or at least try to be). It's also good for the heart and can help with depression, allergies, and much more.

Vitamin E is found in many foods too, but many of those (eggs, avocado, etc.) are rarely part of my diet and it seems Fish Oil will strip down the amount of E in your body, so I wanted to ensure I was still getting enough of this particular nutrient as well. It's another good for the heart vitamin (among other things). Also, it's very good for the skin.

Multi-vitamin is there to make up for various other nutrients I'm not getting enough of. Do taking these work? I believe so. My skin and hair look better. My immune system seems to be doing better, etc. I won't deny that my changed diet and more active lifestyle is a factor in my overall health as well, but I'd rather be safe and try to get my proper vitamins needed (that I know I'm not getting 100% of) than sorry.

Ski - Thanks for the Flaxseed suggestion. I had been actually contemplating taking a supplement of that, so I'll look into further. :D