Brothers to the end
How are the workouts going, Bamboota?
How are the workouts going, Bamboota?
I also take:
Fish Oil
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Do men take Folic Acid ?
Alright here's my fable for the day. I woke up bright and early at the crack of 10 and said to myself "what a beautiful day, let's go get my workout on." I then consumed a bowl oatmeal and a nice cold glass of Cranergy juice. Following that delicious and hearty breakfast I proceeded to accomplish the three morning S's.
Next, I got dressed and consumed a glass of water mixed with Jac3ed for my upcoming workout. I grabbed my towel, earbuds, water, and phone for my journey and proceeded to walk out to the car. Finally, I pulled into the parking lot of the gym, and began my chants to the workout gods for motivation and strength. I immediately summoned the combined might of Chuck Norris, Dutch, the Red Ranger, Apollo Creed, and King Leonidas.
After a few sets of my routine I could tell the gods were favoring me this day as I was feeling good and was rocking out to some seriously good tunes-- "Thunderstruck" by ACDC. I was doing supersets between preacher curls and underhand lat pulldowns and doing some plate pinches in between.
While in the middle of a rep on the preacher curl bench I hear this screeching, raspy sound over my earbuds....."HELLOOOO, HELLOOO." Not wanting to break my focus or concentration, I continued pumping out my last reps before turning around to see what was going on. Upon turning around I see this old man with a sleeveless shirt, shorts that were wayyy too short, and a headset from the 80's approaching me.
This guy got in my face and started yelling and lecturing me about how I rudely ignored him when he was asking me if I was using the lat pulldown machine. I told him I was using both and doing supersets, but if he wanted to jump in to go ahead. I'm guessing that he isn't familiar with what supersets are because he said I can't be using that machine since I was over here doing curls. Next, he told me he was going to complain to management that I was "hogging all the equipment."
My response was "Fine, do what you have to do. Excuse me I have to finish my workout." As I was walking away he continued to lecture me by saying "Wow, I guess your parents didn't teach you how to socialize with people the right way." WTF??? So I turn around and say "I'm sorry, but I'm here to workout. If you want to socialize you're in the wrong place....try a bookstore or a coffee shop."
At that point I put my earbuds in an go about my business and get my workout on. 45 minutes later I'm about finished and getting ready to walk out to my car and head home when the manager walked over and asked me what happened. I told him the old guy was mad because I didn't stop what I was doing right away to answer him, and because I didn't kiss his arse. The manager just laughed because we're good friends and he knows I just mind my business and do my thing.
Bottom line is this: When an old guy yells at you in the gym...you better drop whatever you're doing and answer them!!!!
~~~True story.
Got the new issue of Runner's World today. This magazine is a great inspiration for me. It has everything I am looking for right now.
The exercises, training methods and food encourage me to just get out and run. LOVE IT!!!!
Yea I can't say the same for Muscle Fitness, Men's Health or any bb'ing magazine![]()