Thanks Ski!
My main motivator for getting one is heart rate. I've had some occasions where I've broken into the high 170s and low 180s and didn't really even know it. Now it's been a while since that's happened (almost a month now), but it concerned me enough that I would want some kind monitoring system to tell me when I'm entering a 'danger' zone. Plus, it would be nice to see how I'm doing calorie wise in my classes. It's not super important of course, but it is a positive motivator for me when I can physically see how much I burned.
I already have been consistent with shedding 1 to 2 pounds a week, so I know I'm doing things right (ha!). Buuuut I wouldn't mind that other satisfaction of looking and seeing how much I'm burning, and of course to keep track of my heart rate (even if it's not 100% accurate).
I hear yah I'm the same way, only with weights, I really know and tell myself that reps shouldn't matter but I count them anyways. I know in my head that if I tap the muscle a certain way and fatigued it a certain way them I'm truly training sufficient regardless of what number of reps I hit but I still count them in my head
I also monitored my calorie intake to keep me on track for a number of years but I've gotten to the point I know what/how many calories are if I'm eating the same meals per day, so no need in counting but it does help to see actual numbers, trackers and motivation factors.
If it weren't for that mind of ours all the time we could overcome just about anything. One trick of mine is on the last set of lifting heavy I visualize myself lifting something that is much lighter and guess what? WHAM!!!! I hit that set much better than myself thinking "whoa this is some heavy weight, what if I can't lift it or if I get stuck".
Same goes with my cardio, 60 minutes is a long time to stay on the treadmill walking and of course my legs and feet get tired, num and shoes start to hurt but I again visualize myself getting a 1st place trophy from the announcer, the cheers, the claps from nailing down the poses as I do lateral left and right turns, usually my back is the bread and butter that separates me away from the rest but I start to think about why I'm doing this...
I think everyone should think why they are doing this whenever they are at the gym or running outside, it's such a motivator and refills the tank whenever you are at the end of your rope.
Sorry for the long post, the passion is coming out with me on the Fitness subject