The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Today: Shoulders & Tri's 30 second rest between every set.

Military Press (4-5 sets push-ups in between)
Lateral Raises (failure)
Front Dumbbell Raises (4-5 sets)
Barbell Shrugs (4-5 sets)
Upright Rows (4-5 sets)
Reverse Lateral, Rear Delt (4-5 sets)

Close Grip Bench (4 sets)
Rope Pull Downs (3 sets)
Overhead Extension (4 sets)
Push Downs Hammer Strength (4 sets)
Laying Tricep Extensions Triple Superset, alternate from chest to side of head (3 sets)

1 hr of cardio

Today: Shoulders & Tri's 30 second rest between every set.

Military Press (4-5 sets push-ups in between)
Lateral Raises (failure)
Front Dumbbell Raises (4-5 sets)
Barbell Shrugs (4-5 sets)
Upright Rows (4-5 sets)
Reverse Lateral, Rear Delt (4-5 sets)

Close Grip Bench (4 sets)
Rope Pull Downs (3 sets)
Overhead Extension (4 sets)
Push Downs Hammer Strength (4 sets)
Laying Tricep Extensions Triple Superset, alternate from chest to side of head (3 sets)

1 hr of cardio


Ski, how many reps?

I did similar, but I went from 1 x 15, 3 x 10 to 4 x 8
Ski, how many reps?

I did similar, but I went from 1 x 15, 3 x 10 to 4 x 8

I usually go a 12X10X8X6X4 rep with all my sets unless I'm going high volume but that's mainly with legs. Some leg days we can go about 20 reps each set of weights, it's brutal but your quads will thank you for it with growth.
I usually go a 12X10X8X6X4 rep with all my sets unless I'm going high volume but that's mainly with legs. Some leg days we can go about 20 reps each set of weights, it's brutal but your quads will thank you for it with growth.

Do you see results from the pyramid?
Another delightful meal! Baked salmon and a whole pile of sauteed spinach! Yum!

Well my routine is about go the heaviest with less reps, so I would think that would be different than pyramid.

Are you talking about starting off light weights then go heavy and back down to light?

Not going back down, just going up

Im going to go with my 8's for a few weeks, then give that one a go
Not going back down, just going up

Im going to go with my 8's for a few weeks, then give that one a go

Oh yea, I think it works the best for putting on size, I've used the 5's and 8's for rep range on everything for more maintaining and switching things up if the joints don't feel like going heavy.
Hit the regular gym for the first time in about a year today. Actually lifted some weights. It's amazing how you get the bug back again. Did chest and tri's... can't wait to go back now. It's 24/7 and they're open on Memorial Day so I should be able to hit it a couple more times this week.
500 meter row on the C2
7 thrusters with 135lbs
5 rounds for time = 14.36min

Was a bit disappointed with my time but conditioning is getting better every time.
Well, officially down 27 pounds now! Yay! Still trying to consistently go to a 3rd pilates class a week as well but trying to fit in a Saturday class hasn't been easy (time issues). So far I've been gyming for an hour to an hour an a half (depends if I have a class that day or not) for 4 days a well. Have contemplated 5 days a week, buuuuuuuut we shall see, ha!
Got in a second workout of sorts tonight. Was helping a friend build a huge fire pit in the backyard. Flipped 7 railroad ties end over end (think tire flipping) down a hill and also carried about 10 wheelbarrows full of dirt and sand down the same hill (not fun trying to control a heavy wheelbarrow Throw in some shoveling, raking, and moving rocks and I think that was tougher than my actual gym workout earlier. Gonna be sore in the morning, but in a good way.