I could only imagine...especially after seeing your pics. When you add 10lbs you must look like a freaking beast!
And yes, being 6-7% AND have bulky muscles?!?! That would be awesome/would have been awesome. I could never find the right balance, and probably never will. I was 192/4%BF in college and could never add muscle, even though I tried just about everything in the natural category. Strong as an ox, but all the running & sprinting killed any muscle size I guess. Meanwhile, you watch football teammates using 'roids bulking up in a matter of months, even with all the running...

. /rant off.
It's a very hard balance, it only comes with experience though and knowing how your body reacts to certain foods, etc.. Haha I played sports as well in college, I was always training in the weight room. Actually I transferred from two different colleges and teams and whenever I came over to the new team, I surprised a lot of my teammates on how strong my work ethic was towards training. "You are really into this ____ huh Ski, WTF!!!"

None of them really put in the focus, hours and day to day determination... well maybe a few but it was rare.
and of course... the riods, it wasn't soon after gaining some lean muscle, making gains the ole natural way there's always talk and accusing and assumptions.
I had a lot of friends that went that route and to TBH they didn't have doctors, blood work, etc... like the pros do and did cycles here and there, got into trouble with their health, had high blood pressure, sex problems

etc... It's just not worth it to me and right now as of today, my gains are still here and they are going through so much work to repair what they did in our twenties. It's kind of sad actually, I really don't see doing them unless you had the genetics to go Pro or compete IMO, but that's just me on the subject and even on that profession, there's not enough $$$ to be made to tempt me. Heck, there's no $$$ in Natural bodybuilding, it's more of a hobby like collecting statues and 1/6 figures, customizing.
Like I've said earlier, I never believed in the "drink more water" approach, but as I've grown older, I can see I was wrong. I've upped my water intake just over the past week, and cut back on anything non-water to two glasses a day (one milk and one coffee). I'm already feeling better, surprisingly to me.
Now I just need to cut back the coffee, as I know that's my last demon...besides a little left-over surgary and carb crap.
btw, just discussed the water article with the wife, and I re-affirmed the need to cut out salty foods and eat even healthier meals. She sounds even more convinced to keep changing, so thanks again!
It definitely makes a difference, almost over night, the cold water takes energy to consume so the body is converting it for the cells and hence even more calories burnt. A small fraction but every little bit helps.
Milk is the devil to my body, I know it has a form of sugar but man does it reek havok on any gains for me. I just use the saying of Arnie of milk, "MILK is for babies, once you grow up drink beer!!!"