Started training again this week after a 4 year hiatus. I used to compete in Powerlifting and Strongman competitions. I was pretty good at it too.
In 2005 I came 8th at Canada's Strongest Man competition.
I did a Powerlifting meet in 2007 and did a 775lbs squat, 540lbs bench and 710lbs deadlift. I weighted 295lbs at 15% bodyfat. I was in great shape then.
Shortly thereafter I ruptured the proximal tendon on the long bicep head (shoulder insertion). It happened during a Strongman competition while doing the Atlas Stones event. Surgery was not possible as it would not have held up. Although I competed a few times afterwards, the arm bugged me. The bicep dropped somewhat so there is a little gap between the shoulder and bicep head.
I had numerous injuries before (herniated disc, torn muscles, knee pain) but that one really knocked the wind out of me. I learned fear and it was impacting my training and competitions. I decided to take a break and focus on getting an education.
I graduated in Computer Science, got married, got a great job in IT Security and now I have a two month old baby daughter. Time just flew by. The weight certainly piled on too. I kept the giant appetite I had when I was competitive but I was no longer exercising. Especially the last few months. My wife, during her last month or so of pregnancy wasn't getting out much so we just lazed about watching television series. That's mostly what we've done the last two months as well since the baby was born. We get out to do errands once in awhile but generally we've gotten tired. Even small physical efforts are dreaded.
I refuse to let this continue. I want to be able to play and keep up with my daughter when she is old enough to do so. I recently acquired a gym quality threadmill and I dusted off the old barbell, squat rack and bench in my basement. For me this is Operation Super Dad.
I'm going to train on a 4 day split
Overhead pressing (Military Pressing, Push Pressing, Power Jerks)
Shoulder work
Tricep work
Upper back work (Rows, shrugs etc...)
Grip work
Close grip bench
Tricep work
Squats or Front Squats (rotate)
Cardio everyday on the threadmill.
As for nutrition I got back into using my favored Whey/Casein protein blend and Fish oil. Not going to worry about the rest of my nutrition until I've gotten in the hang of exercising again. Then I'll get back into a 6-8 meal a day mode.
If things go well I might get back with the Strongman team and do some events on Saturdays like Farmers walk, Log pressing, super yoke and stone lifting. I just don't want to jump into everything at once. Going to take this a step at a time.
Today is day 3 (Wednesday) of my four day split.