Super Freak
Any ideas on shin splint recovery? Got them bad. I've tried to ignore it and work out and run through them. I've tried ice, ibuprofen, leg braces, ect. Nothing is working.
Was hoping of something other than stop. I don't like that word.
I run on the road. Uneven pavement, rocks, the whole nine.
Yea I hear ya but it's the smart thing to do.
Gym membership?
Don't go to the gym. Budget is too tight right now until business picks up. Plus I have two babies. I wake up at 4:30 am and work out. I'm doing an Insanity / Asylum hybrid. Basically I'm doing Insanity and on the recovery and off days I'm doing the weight training part in Asylum. Then when I get off of work I run as hard as I can for bout a mile and a half to two miles (10 to 14 miles a week). That's my routine. Not trying to get big. Just tone up and stay healthy.
Nice, sounds like a good plan
How much are gyms by you? I pay $10 per month at one of the gyms I frequent.
$30 a month. Doesn't sound like a lot but daycare is a *****. We have some $10 places but not close. Maybe 10 to 12 miles away. Which again with two kids isn't easy to go out of the way to go there.
I would say some chin supports would help, that would be what I would do if I were in your situation.
The good ones might cost a little bit and it might feel funny running with them on at first but that's what I would suggest that wouldn't be a $$$ monthly deal and doesn't stop your progress.
Those would work, if you can find Rehband ones, those are pretty nice.
I have them for my knees during squat day.
I have these. Didnt help today. But I will try again. I run on rough terrain. I should probably just find a track somewhere.
Yea that rough terrain is not going to help, a track would be much better.
They kind of have to be somewhat tight as well, to where it supports and warmths the shin but other than the Doc and or resting... that may be it.
or a gym but we already went there.
Yea finding a track will help. Better surface to run on