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So, back to my question. Does it improve neck strength?

(as i'm new the this certain exercise, i'm starting out light 40lb dumbbells till i get used to it)
One of the best ways to make your neck stronger is to:
Be on all fours, lower your neck and have your other half apply pressure with both hands to the back of your head. Slowly push up. Start with light pressure until you are comfortable.
Same position, have your other half standin front of you and cup your chin with both hands and slowly push down with your head.
Same postion, have other half stand with their outside thigh against your head and slowly push out.
We did this for football and wrestling. It works great and you won't need to buy a neck strap to hang weights from.
Well, I've been doing the cardio/weights/diet since Mid June-1.5 months. I have made some gains and lost fat. I still have 1.5 months left. My goal is -10% BF at any weight. I want to be 10% @ 200lb but that will take some time. Pics are from mid june and Aug8'.


Awesome work Wing, I can see the development on the shoulders and bi's greatly, what are you weighing in at right now?
Thanks, 5'9 202 avg. Low this wk was 201, high was 204. I think i'm sitting at
16/17%. Which if that is the case then 7% @ 200=14lbs which will = 187-190lb at 10%.
I will be happy there for awhile. I have gotten really excited about this and I'm going to be inthe best shape of my life at 36.
By the way are you over at I started up over there and will be posting some and getting alot of encouragment from that site.
Want to add there are times we NEED to cheat and eat the fun stuff. I have experimented with a desert.
Protein pudding:
One box(2.10z) suger free c.pudding
1 1/2 cup Hood low cal c.milk
1 1/2 cup Hood low cal 2% white milk
1 scoop (23 g/protein)
I blend it all in a blender. Makes 6 servings
Per serving:
Fat=3.5 g
Pro=9.3 g
Car=4.2 g
It's a good treat and I am currently adding a second scoop of Protein to make it:
91, 3.8, 13.1, 4.5 which is a great mix. Hopefully it will set right. you can use 1% milk but will add more carbs.
I'm pretty much straight edge. No drugs, no alcohol. Would love to be no chems what so ever but love them sweeteners.
No drugs here. I do enjoy a beer every now and again, but I've cut back severely over the last couple of years. You get tired of spending hours in the gym the entire week only to ruin any chance of progress in a couple of hours at the bar. Still, I don't abstain entirely and it's going to be especially hard with football season coming up and all. As for supplements, I'm currently taking CLA, MSM, fish oil, flaxseed, and of course, Protein shakes.
I drink beer after hockey on Sunday nights but it is only a couple cups usually. Now the drugs.....well we won't talk about the drugs. :monkey3
Ski how far out are you now? I thought you where getting close.

Done and over with since July 15th, had to drop though because...

1) was not happy with my cut
2) this frakkin wedding stuff :lol
3) my fiance's father got in a motorcycle accident that weekend. I didn't even get to show up to watch the show.

All good though, there's another one in Oct but that's when we leave for our trip and of course next year March and next July. The MO Naturals goes off once or twice a year, so there will be more opportunities and of course these comps are lifetime achievements for me, no rush and I will want to be at my best every time I compete. If I get beaten, I wanna know that I put everything into it to get beaten :lol
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whats the best way to reduce my gut? it's really my only problem area.. and I need to get back inot shape.
whats the best way to reduce my gut? it's really my only problem area.. and I need to get back inot shape.

U can't because the body loses fat from everywhere as a whole. In order reduce belly fat though you'll have to lose it overall throughout the whole body, diet is the main key.

Do you drink soda? If you do then limiting soda throughout the week 1-2 will reduce some belly fat. Doesn't matter if it's diet or regular, prolly could go with regular since real sugar is better for you than fake sugar from the diet soda stuff.
Damn... I was afraid of that. I only drink about one soda a week. Beer and pizza on the weekends kill me as well as my portion control. I can eat like that Man vs Food guy! :(
Damn... I was afraid of that. I only drink about one soda a week. Beer and pizza on the weekends kill me as well as my portion control. I can eat like that Man vs Food guy! :(

The alcohol is really the devil whenever it comes to losing weight. The gist of it is that the alcohol consumption actually stops all fat process in the liver. Until the liver is completely clear of the poison (this is what the body sees it as) then it will not break down the food fat disposition correctly. Therefore everything that is consume with alcohol gets stored. Usually close to one full day a night at the bars can damage yah unless you are straight pounding water the very next day.

You can still get by though with decent weight loss if you are dieting 90% of the time though. On the weekends a lot of ppl with faster metabolisms can eat whatever they want and then go cold turkey again Monday through Friday but there are some that can damage all the muscle gains or fat loss in a weekend as well. It's all about knowing how far you can actually cheat without damaging the results that are hard worked for during the week Monday through Friday.

For myself my body is a carb maniac, by adding in carbs on the weekends I can gain 8-10lbs easily. I know this so I have to be careful, come Monday evey one at the gym has thought that I've done a cycle but it's actually all the water retention and bloat that makes we look that much more fuller and hyrdated. Our bodies all respond differently, just best to find the balance that fits for urself and the only way is trial and error.
That is my biggest issue issue. The gut...

Just can't cut into it. My legs are ok, my calves great.

My shoulders lean. It's just hard.

I cut out soda. Barely once a week if that. I do 12 grain bread mostly. Brown Rice.

I just can't jump start my metabolism and it's crazy.

I assume you guys stay away from Thermogenic products an the like right ?