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That is my biggest issue issue. The gut...

Just can't cut into it. My legs are ok, my calves great.

My shoulders lean. It's just hard.

I cut out soda. Barely once a week if that. I do 12 grain bread mostly. Brown Rice.

I just can't jump start my metabolism and it's crazy.

I assume you guys stay away from Thermogenic products an the like right ?

Take out the bread find a more natural carb something that is not produced by a factory works better. Lower the carbs, do you know how many carbs you are taking in daily?

Caffeine is ok and once you find that lower carbs really takes out the energy and steam from the workouts, some N.O. product or caffeine with arganine supplements go a long way to pushing you to the next level during the workouts.

How is the cardio regime, how long, intensity?

edit: better carbs, white/sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, old fashion oats
Take out the bread find a more natural carb something that is not produced by a factory works better. Lower the carbs, do you know how many carbs you are taking in daily?

Caffeine is ok and once you find that lower carbs really takes out the energy and steam from the workouts, some N.O. product or caffeine with arganine supplements go a long way to pushing you to the next level during the workouts.

How is the cardio regime, how long, intensity?

edit: better carbs, white/sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta, old fashion oats

problem is, being diabetic, I thought I had to cut out those starches ?
That's why i only drink 1 day a month. Alcohol does kill gains. I find that 1 day(12 times a year) has no effect. As long as that's it and no more. ( 1 day a month may be restrictive but it works, and i really get to drink on that day a lot)
What is your cardio routine? If it's something consistent, you might want to switch it up a bit. I used the elliptical machine for years and at first, it helped shed some fat, but my body got used to it and eventually all I could do was maintain.

Lately, I've started taking the cardio classes at the gym and I've seen more fat drop off. I went from a 34 waist to a 32 in about a month's time. I've also read that studies have shown that people tend to burn more fat doing interval training within their cardio. Essentially, you do high intensity cardio for a minute or two and then less intense for the next minute or two. That's essenitally how some of the classes I've attended work and it's been doing well for me so far.
What is your cardio routine? If it's something consistent, you might want to switch it up a bit. I used the elliptical machine for years and at first, it helped shed some fat, but my body got used to it and eventually all I could do was maintain.

Lately, I've started taking the cardio classes at the gym and I've seen more fat drop off. I went from a 34 waist to a 32 in about a month's time. I've also read that studies have shown that people tend to burn more fat doing interval training within their cardio. Essentially, you do high intensity cardio for a minute or two and then less intense for the next minute or two. That's essenitally how some of the classes I've attended work and it's been doing well for me so far.

What he said, HIIT training! :lecture
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HIIT is tough to get used to but effective.

I worked out with my trainer buddy and it was a decent routine. I am sore now and will be feeling it tomorrow. We did back and triceps today and I will do chest and biceps tomorrow.
While it's not a shirtless physique checkin, which I'll do at some point, here I am this morning, at 44lbs burnt off.

Well I have to stay sugar free or substitutes.

Low carbs

White flour products


Then I guess the protein and fats are all right with the diet but white flour is horrible for losing weight. It causes so much bloat.

I would say carb options are rice and oats.

Also I think I mentioned cardio and I didn't know your intensity on that. Some ppl have to absolutely do cardio in order to lose more weight even though with diet and a strong weight routine.
Then I guess the protein and fats are all right with the diet but white flour is horrible for losing weight. It causes so much bloat.

I would say carb options are rice and oats.

Also I think I mentioned cardio and I didn't know your intensity on that. Some ppl have to absolutely do cardio in order to lose more weight even though with diet and a strong weight routine.

Yes you are right.

Carb wise I am stuck to brown rice and oats. :banana :duh

My cardio is not anywhere near where I wish it could be. I barely am able to get to the gym three time a week now due to work.

And when there I may have 1 hour during the week and two on the weekend.

Sucks to be me.
Yes you are right.

Carb wise I am stuck to brown rice and oats. :banana :duh

My cardio is not anywhere near where I wish it could be. I barely am able to get to the gym three time a week now due to work.

And when there I may have 1 hour during the week and two on the weekend.

Sucks to be me.

For very lil time the HIIT session might be the best bet of cardio for you.

Here's my HIIT session routine:

Jog at 4-5 mph
Sprint at 9+ mph

5:00 minutes jog
5:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (5th minute)
6:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (6th minute)
7:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (7th minute)
8:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (8th minute)
9:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (9th minute)
10:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (10th minute)
11:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (11th minute)
12:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (12th minute)
13:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (13th minute)
14:50 jog, 10 seconds sprint (14th minute)
5:00 minutes jog

20 minutes total

It's a hella workout, even though u think that 10 seconds of sprinting is nothing by the time you get further you will start to feel like u wanna quit before reaching the 14 minute mark.
Wow that is wild.

Should this be done first prior to weights ? Or after ?

Would you recommend this to be done each time I hit the gym?
Wow that is wild.

Should this be done first prior to weights ? Or after ?

Would you recommend this to be done each time I hit the gym?

Actually I've done this after weights since some of the glycogen will all ready be burnt through from the weight training but it does take time to get adjusted to. Right now I'm doing the cardio session by itself on non-workout days because it really is that intense and it can burn you out if you're not careful.

So it's best to use it once per day on non-workout days. Eat regularly like your schedule workout days as well, you will need the fuel.

I have read that this release a stress hormone on the body that only releases with this amount of exertion. The hormone is called a GLUT4 and even though you might not burn as many calories as you would on a 5 mile run it's more beneficial towards burning fat because the hormone is released for a number of hours after the session is finish and the body will become more efficient for burning fat for longer periods throughout the rest of the day or night.
Wow that is wild.

Should this be done first prior to weights ? Or after ?

Would you recommend this to be done each time I hit the gym?

and if you feel like you wanna quit around the 8-9 minute mark just slow the job pace down, it can and most times certainly will be a crawl :lol but the main point about this type of cardio session if changing the heartbeat from high to low and make sure that the sprint is a full sprint to achieve this conditioning.
Being as big a guy as I am... Think big olde boy linebacker type, I hope I can do those sprints and not bust my @$$.


I want to do more cardio, but tend to worry I am going to lose muscle. Is this dumb ?

Anyone taking any supplements ? (sorry if this is an old question).
I've been paying more attention to my health lately. I'm a small guy, 5'5", 110lbs - but I'm bigger than my dad. :x I'd like to maybe get up to 130 or 140 within the next couple of years, if not sooner. I've been doing cardio, which isn't going to build any bulk but I just need to be more active, first and foremost. I run two miles a few times a week and swim a good bit too.

I recently cut back drastically on red meat, and I've been eating much more fruits and vegetables lately, particularly in the form of salads. I did splurge and have Taco Bell last night (to my great regret.) *barf*
Being as big a guy as I am... Think big olde boy linebacker type, I hope I can do those sprints and not bust my @$$.


I want to do more cardio, but tend to worry I am going to lose muscle. Is this dumb ?

Anyone taking any supplements ? (sorry if this is an old question).

That is what the whole HIIT thing is suppose to do minimize muscle loss, the more indurance cardio freak would lose more muscle.

Of course keep the protein high...

Supplements is a industry, some are taken but others are well over what is needed to become fit and healthy. Food is gonna be the best supplement overall, don't waist the money on supps and go to the grocery store and load up on lean meats, eggs, veggie, carbs.

They really have succeeded on pushing supplements to make everyone think they are needed to have a nice physique.