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:lol Hilarious video...

Yesterday my gym weightroom A/C was broken... so I had to sweat to death in the heat... it was pretty damn brutal. Here's hoping they fix it.

Deja vu :eek:
:lol Hilarious video...

Yesterday my gym weightroom A/C was broken... so I had to sweat to death in the heat... it was pretty damn brutal. Here's hoping they fix it.

I realized the other night how much a little air can help. I workout in my basement and whatever the temp is, I just deal and sweat horribly. Stupid me never thought to turn on the fan down there my parents setup for when they used the treadmill :lol Much smoother now.

I added 10lbs to my flys yesterday, doing 30lbs each side now, was nervous if I could do it but I pressed on and got through.

I want to see if this makes sense to anyone.

When I used the preacher bench on my home weight system, with a straight bar, I could only do about 30lbs total in curls. Yesterday, I decided to try not using the bench and just doing curls with a 20lb dumbell in each arm and I could do it. Do you guys find that your muscles and do more or less weight depending on your grip of the devices? I have say, two-handed curls with a straight bar didn't feel the most comfortable for me. I'm looking around for a bar that has the angled grips, we had them in college and I liked them better.
I realized the other night how much a little air can help. I workout in my basement and whatever the temp is, I just deal and sweat horribly. Stupid me never thought to turn on the fan down there my parents setup for when they used the treadmill :lol Much smoother now.

I added 10lbs to my flys yesterday, doing 30lbs each side now, was nervous if I could do it but I pressed on and got through.

I want to see if this makes sense to anyone.

When I used the preacher bench on my home weight system, with a straight bar, I could only do about 30lbs total in curls. Yesterday, I decided to try not using the bench and just doing curls with a 20lb dumbell in each arm and I could do it. Do you guys find that your muscles and do more or less weight depending on your grip of the devices? I have say, two-handed curls with a straight bar didn't feel the most comfortable for me. I'm looking around for a bar that has the angled grips, we had them in college and I liked them better.

I personally think the greatest curl bar to use is this

we had one at my highschool when I was at my strongest. I used it all the time when I curled. and never do anything if something feels uncomfortable. always find another way to work that muscle, otherwise, you'll end up injuring something. I did that, I had to stop working out for about 7 months before I could get back into it.
I realized the other night how much a little air can help. I workout in my basement and whatever the temp is, I just deal and sweat horribly. Stupid me never thought to turn on the fan down there my parents setup for when they used the treadmill :lol Much smoother now.

I added 10lbs to my flys yesterday, doing 30lbs each side now, was nervous if I could do it but I pressed on and got through.

I want to see if this makes sense to anyone.

When I used the preacher bench on my home weight system, with a straight bar, I could only do about 30lbs total in curls. Yesterday, I decided to try not using the bench and just doing curls with a 20lb dumbell in each arm and I could do it. Do you guys find that your muscles and do more or less weight depending on your grip of the devices? I have say, two-handed curls with a straight bar didn't feel the most comfortable for me. I'm looking around for a bar that has the angled grips, we had them in college and I liked them better.

I think I understand your question but I'm sure u or some will try to correct me if I'm wrong...

Basically my understanding is that the preacher curl exercise does not allow ur bicep to cheat therefore whenever you are standing up the shoulders, legs, back get used a lil more than it would if you were applying just constant tension on the bicep alone.

It's a little tricky to teach someone without being there on the correct standing bicep movement but if you feel the slightest swing in things try to keep elbows back and only pull with the bicep. You should only feel constant tension on the bicep whenever standing, if there's some burning on the front delt of the shoulder the form is off. I'll try to find some vids.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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that too, is what I was also thinking. the preacher curl is tuff. sometimes it's best to just lower the weight if it doesn't feel right.
If you're going do to curls with dumbells, should you stand. I sit with my arm hanging between my legs and curl that way.
If you're going do to curls with dumbells, should you stand. I sit with my arm hanging between my legs and curl that way.

I think it depends where you are at in the workout... Stand if u are towards the end of the workout and do the concentration movements at the beginning. U know that the form will only give out the more tired you progress throughout the workout so get the best form and concentration at the beginning.

Concentration and preacher will bring out the peak of the bicep while the more power movements and wider grip will add size, thickness, mass, etc...

Close grip for the inner part of the bicep but it doesn't have to be applied in concentration form.
Well, here's my current routine.

1) Bench Press
2) Pull downs for shoulders and back
3) Flys
4) Triceps
5) Biceps
6) Dumbell raises
7) Forearm curls
Well, here's my current routine.

1) Bench Press
2) Pull downs for shoulders and back
3) Flys
4) Triceps
5) Biceps
6) Dumbell raises
7) Forearm curls

Since it's more of a overall program I would stick to preacher or at least sitting or like you were saying sitting curls concentrated between the legs. IMO, I think you would get the most results peak wise and strength wise with the preacher exercise, between the legs is a lil hard to master the concentration contraction and sometimes tends to overcompensate with the shoulder again.
I think i'll try preacher bench but just one arm at time, maybe it's just awkward for me to use both arms at once doing that, everyone's body is different.
I think i'll try preacher bench but just one arm at time, maybe it's just awkward for me to use both arms at once doing that, everyone's body is different.

Oh yes, that is a phenominal exercise with one arm dumbbells, whenever you slowly let down make sure that you are fully extended to where your arm is flat and then come up slowly but not all the way.

This way whenever you do a complete curl the 25% rest of the motion at the top of the curl is basically a rest period. (This give you extra time and energy for the next rep although considered cheating once again because we want to tap the contraction to it's fullest we don't want to do countless number of reps) To maximize all full tapness don't curl all the way to the resting point. Curl about 75% and hold then continue to lower down with the negative rep. Hope that makes sense.

Another exercise is to do straight negatives, grab the dumbbell and have it placed in your arm in the curling position and slowly release it on the way down until the arm is fully extended. Do not do the positive rep and grab the dumbbell from the hand extended and start again with the curl position and slowly release down again.

This is resistance training and a few weeks of doing these whenever you go back to the regular preacher exercise and perform it without the resistance training, you'll notice it coming along much easier and the concentration factor and strength gains are phenomenal feeling.
I think I understand your question but I'm sure u or some will try to correct me if I'm wrong...

Basically my understanding is that the preacher curl exercise does not allow ur bicep to cheat therefore whenever you are standing up the shoulders, legs, back get used a lil more than it would if you were applying just constant tension on the bicep alone.

It's a little tricky to teach someone without being there on the correct standing bicep movement but if you feel the slightest swing in things try to keep elbows back and only pull with the bicep. You should only feel constant tension on the bicep whenever standing, if there's some burning on the front delt of the shoulder the form is off. I'll try to find some vids.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I agree with that. you see people at the gym doing standing bicep curl and they are rocking back and forth and lifting the curl bar up while they are bent backwards trying to lift it. To me, that's very stupid because you're using your back to lift it and not your biceps, as the preacher curl it's only the biceps. If you can't do the exercise in a controlled manner without using other parts of your body, then it's too much weight.

When I don't do preacher curl, I either stand with my back against a wall and have a dumbell in each hand to stop myself from using my back or use one of those L shaped chairs that a lot of people use for shoulders. Both of these work for me.

BTW, I really like the guy's videos. Chest is my weakest part, so I'm going to use what he says :duff
Yeah, a lot of the "muscle heads" at gyms just care about how much weight they're moving around and showing off that they're doing it without any regard for form or safety. I used to see all kinds of crazy stuff at college and I'd be impressed by the weight, but I'd ask my brother, who's a physical therapist, about the motions and he'd tell me how dumb those guys were and how many patients he treats for problems because of that. One of the biggest is traps exercises you'd see guys doing, I'd tell my brother and he'd tell me how many guys come to see him with neck problems because of that. I shy away from trap excercising between that and the knot or whatever I got in my left trapezius about 4 years ago, I was lugging a bag full of stuff on that shoulder one time and for weeks I had a horrible stabbing pain, couldn't turn my head, very tough to get comfortable, I never want to go through that again and I think from everything else I'm doing, my traps look fine.
What is even better is the muscle heads that can speak to you or notion you at the same time while concentrating curl some serious weights without losing a breath. THAT is impressive.

Yea it happens at gyms across America :lol Just yesterday it was fun to show some "tough" guys how it's done. Or I think it was Monday, yea Monday I was doing chest and I see these guys, they are pounding 70's. 80's 90's and screaming there heads off, letting the dumbbell fall on their chest and then pressing it up quickly with horrid form.

Of course they are in the heavy dumbbell area where they don't belong anyways. So I have to grab a quick 70's set to warm up. I do it comfortably and without strain just slow nice and controlled.

We'll long story short I work myself up to the 140lbs dumbbells (having to drag these massive beast, almost a small child in each hand across the plain because these idiots were taking up all the space near the heavy dumbbells), again nice and controlled for 4-6 reps. Slowly all the way down like a compression spring and thrust full power on the way back up, like a piston.

Of course everyone is watching because it's big weight but the lesson to those guys was even at massive weight you need to control the weight and not just push it around like some bull in a china shop. Later on they both of them stopped me and said that is some serious weight, how did I work myself up to that :lol
What is even better is the muscle heads that can speak to you or notion you at the same time while concentrating curl some serious weights without losing a breath. THAT is impressive.

That's half of why I listen to music for lifting and running, I don't want to see, hear or have any contact with anyone while I'm working out, unless I was getting spotted and encouraged like Mickey with Rocky, I'd rather not know there's a world around me while I'm working, full concentration. One reason I'm really glad and lucky to be able to do all my exercise at home, I have total control of environment and everything, I'd probably get annoyed and less into my workout if i was at a gym.
That's half of why I listen to music for lifting and running, I don't want to see, hear or have any contact with anyone while I'm working out, unless I was getting spotted and encouraged like Mickey with Rocky, I'd rather not know there's a world around me while I'm working, full concentration. One reason I'm really glad and lucky to be able to do all my exercise at home, I have total control of environment and everything, I'd probably get annoyed and less into my workout if i was at a gym.

Yep ears phone in the head and not paying attention to anyone. I still get stopped at the gym regardless, ppl always want to talk but I'm kind and I'm not rude if someone needs help I usually go out of my way.
I think some people just don't understand how some people really need to get into a mental zone for excerise, let you mind go to a place where only the task at hand is on your mind. I take it one set at a time, let alone one excercise, I just get my mind worked up that I will get through the set and can, don't let myself think I cna't or anything, and I do it. If people were talking and everything around me, I'd probably not be able to get that focus, or I'd be intimidated by the guys in better shape around me :lol
That is the whole other side of the spectrum though, many without thought automatically sterotype anyone that is really fit as well. So it goes both ways.

Girls look at other girls that are way hot and without even knowing them they get the smugg look on their faces.

It goes the same way with guys and the egos, no one wants to look inferior but if they do compared the next guy they get a complex. Or you get the other person thinking they are bigger than you and size you up all around the gym. You constantly get eye'd and followed by others watching everything you do.

THIS IS NO JOKE, evey time I go to my gym bag, I swear to GD (which I don't want to but...) everyone is so quick on the draw to look if you're popping a pill or doing something illegal. It does really get on my nerves that ppl CANNOT believe that a person can get in amazing shape with some sort of hormone or steroid. I blame the sports of today and society but oh well, what can you do.

BTW, I was reaching for a piece gum, u curious cats :lol
I think some people just don't understand how some people really need to get into a mental zone for excerise, let you mind go to a place where only the task at hand is on your mind. I take it one set at a time, let alone one excercise, I just get my mind worked up that I will get through the set and can, don't let myself think I cna't or anything, and I do it. If people were talking and everything around me, I'd probably not be able to get that focus, or I'd be intimidated by the guys in better shape around me :lol

Although this is general consensus, they are prolly the nicest and most helpful ppl you will meet at the gym. I'm talking about the serious ones of course, not the people on their cell phones and the ones thrusting weight around like they are moving boulders off a wall.

They know that everyone starts somewhere and it's not easy and it's hard work so for you coming up to them for advice or any questions in something they take pride in doing almost all their lives, they'd almost want you to be right there with them in the battle. It's nice to have someone there with the same passion.