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I really need to get back in the swing. Work is really killing my routines and I have number of functions upcoming that I really need to get into better shape before making an appearance :(
So what is the recommendation for "soft foods" for the next month? Damn jaw.

A lot of protein shakes, yogurt, mashed sweet potatoes, oatmeal.

Morning fellas...

Fell off the wagon a little bit yesterday. Met a friend for some beers after work. I'll consider that my cheat day and try to be good for the rest of the week.
A lot of protein shakes, yogurt, mashed sweet potatoes, oatmeal.

Morning fellas...

Fell off the wagon a little bit yesterday. Met a friend for some beers after work. I'll consider that my cheat day and try to be good for the rest of the week.

Sounds yummy. :sick

One day will not kill you so don't worry about it and just keep pushing.
Killed it last night with shoulders and tri's, no HIIT because got to talking to someone after weights were done :monkey2 so I just left...

Today is back, hamstrings and some more HIIT.
A lot of protein shakes, yogurt, mashed sweet potatoes, oatmeal.

Morning fellas...

Fell off the wagon a little bit yesterday. Met a friend for some beers after work. I'll consider that my cheat day and try to be good for the rest of the week.

Does everyone have a cheat day ?
Killed it last night with shoulders and tri's, no HIIT because got to talking to someone after weights were done :monkey2 so I just left...

Today is back, hamstrings and some more HIIT.

Did Chest last night and it feels good today . Love that feeling across the shoulders too. :D
I play my wild card at anytime, I don't schedule it and I can go weeks, months without cheating. So yes and no for me, I think of it in my head it's like baseball and I'm on a hitting streak.

Yeah I don't know if my streak can extend beyond Friday most weeks. :eek:
I usually eat faily good during the week but eat like crap and drink heavily on the weekend (Friday night/Saturday) ... but now I'm dropping the beer for a while... hopefully. ;) but will still enjoy maybe one Pizza night. As my struggling excersie routine gets into swing.

I got on the treadmill last night and ran for 5 walked for 15.. just didn't have any enegry after being on the road for work for 6 hours. I still haven't found a good way to bring weights into my excersise.

I only do the Treadmill 3 times at most a week. and only have 2 dumbells that go up to 25lbs. Hmmmmmm.....
I play my wild card at anytime, I don't schedule it and I can go weeks, months without cheating. So yes and no for me, I think of it in my head it's like baseball and I'm on a hitting streak.

I usually eat faily good during the week but eat like crap and drink heavily on the weekend (Friday night/Saturday) ... but now I'm dropping the beer for a while... hopefully. ;) but will still enjoy maybe one Pizza night. As my struggling excersie routine gets into swing.

I don't plan my cheat day, I just take things as they come. If I know there's potential for me to eat poorly or drink on a given night, I'll make sure I kill it beforehand at the gym to maintain at the very least.

I've always found it to be true that the more results you see, the easier it is to avoid the crappy things. You put in all this time and it seems like such a waste to throw it all away by eating the wrong things or drinking too many beers.

That being said, it's always harder for me to avoid these things when football season rolls around.
I've always found it to be true that the more results you see, the easier it is to avoid the crappy things. You put in all this time and it seems like such a waste to throw it all away by eating the wrong things or drinking too many beers.

Well, I have cut out all sugar and breads and IT'S WORKING...dropped 7 lbs in one week, we'll see if I can keep it up!!!

I did this a while ago, threw all types of soda out the door too.

But I think my body has grown accustomed to not having those things :(
I did this a while ago, threw all types of soda out the door too.

But I think my body has grown accustomed to not having those things :(

I gave up soda a long time ago. I'll get a craving for it every once in a great while, but as soon as I take one sip, the craving is gone.

Also, having grown up with a nut allergy, I never really gained a taste for baked goods or sweets because I could never take the chance on things possibly having nuts in them. Makes it easier for me to avoid these things now as an adult.

Did shoulders and bi's yesterday and feeling the good kind of sore this morning.
Well, I'm down to 197lb today. Mid June I was at 213lb. Starting to see the top row of abs. I have kept my protein up at 180-200. I've been told to do 225-250 but that's really not easy when trying to stay at 1500-1800 cals.

On the soda issue-I really don't drink it much but when I do it's diet Vanilla pepsi. After not drinking it for awhile I caqn really taste the chems.
Yeah even diet tastes so rich. I can't do it alot. But if it's my cheat day, and I;m out, I may cave. Though the past few I have stuck to water.

Off in a few. TIme to hit back and Bi's !
... i think my wife got me p90x for me Bday. I hope it works. I really didn't ask for it.. but it's all in the thought right. ;)