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Never had that happen. Man you must have worked it ! Be careful regardless. Lot's of stuff in the gym to cause another head injury.
Yes. I was out cold. I was talking to the trainer and the next thing I know I was looking up at him. They gave me a gatoraid and I was much better.

I think this is a combination of lack of sleep last night due to work and the head injury I got last week as I have never been this way before.

Yikes, that's scary stuff...

I've felt very close to passing out in the early days of doing HIIT, but I always knew to stop myself before trying to push it too hard.

Hope it doesn't happen again my friend.

Bad weekend for me... not terrible, but still not great. Oh well, it's the start of a brand new week... time to get back on the horse.
Never had anything ever happen like that, although I've been known to take some hits and keep on ticking. I pretty sure the only time I've ever felt like that was when falling from high places whenever I was a dare devil kid back in my youth :lol

*It's munday :monkey2*
Up to 46lbs burnt off now, if I can lose 4lbs in the next two weeks I'll have accomplished my 50lbs by Labor Day goal, then 10 more to the goal I set when I started this all, and then 30 to go until my body's the form I want it in.
Wowzers, that's a lot of weight lost. Congrats, Maulfan! I've been slacking recently, for a number of reasons, but have been doing cardio stuff over the last few days. Got to stop getting injured and having to leave town for family crap.

As an aside, a couple times over the last few months I had blurry vision for a good hour or two after jogging, which kind of freaked me out :confused:

Anybody else experienced this before?
Nope, never had my vision affected. In the early treadmill days I'd occassionally get off and feel like I was still in motion, but that's normal. Other than that, a slight blocking in my ears sometimes because of the motion and my headphones is about it.

I would consult a doctor, vision issues from jogging doesn't sound right.
Up to 46lbs burnt off now, if I can lose 4lbs in the next two weeks I'll have accomplished my 50lbs by Labor Day goal, then 10 more to the goal I set when I started this all, and then 30 to go until my body's the form I want it in.

Congrats. I was able to accomplish this goal too and am at the point where my weight it static between 4lbs no matter what I do.

Be careful Kar as I found out don't mess around if you don't feel right.
Awesome work Sean ! I wish I could reach that goal myself ! The difference must be amazing ! You guys are really inspiring me to get there ! I hope I can !

Only problem I have is time. Never enough time.
Time is the enemy of us all. It will control us until it runs out completely. We need to continue to get some of that control back and manage it to our benefit. That usually means sacrifice.
Between a demanding job (min. 9-10 hour days) and home, I barely get the gym. :( I cram as much in as I can but I feel it is not enough.
quick question i been taking BSN NITRIX and SUPER PUMP 250 for 3 months and just finshed them is it ok to buy more or should i take a break from them
Best to cycle, maybe go off for about 30 days and come back. You don't want you body to rely on the substance to workout. Plus when you come back on you'll be able to push just as hard without having the body adapt to the caffiene, stimulants, etc...
Best to cycle, maybe go off for about 30 days and come back. You don't want you body to rely on the substance to workout. Plus when you come back on you'll be able to push just as hard without having the body adapt to the caffiene, stimulants, etc...

cool thanks
Well, back on the horse this week... did chest and tri's @ the work gym yesterday afternoon and did a medium intensity run for 40 minutes on the treadmill last night. Feeling the good kind of sore this morning.
Well, back on the horse this week... did chest and tri's @ the work gym yesterday afternoon and did a medium intensity run for 40 minutes on the treadmill last night. Feeling the good kind of sore this morning.

That's what I have planned for tonight ! :banana