The Star Wars Holiday Special

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I did actually watch the whole thing earlier. It is a really weird show to say the least! There are so many strange things that happen in these two hours- singing, dancing, comedy (sort of), a virtual hooker. It really does feel like a dated 1970s variety show. I guess that's what they were going for. :confused:

Besides the cartoon, I think the cantina scene is good to watch just because you get to see a lot of the aliens in detail. That and Bea Arthur singing.

At times, it seems there was no script, just actors in costume wandering around adlibbing. There is no story to speak of, the barest of bones about a talisman getting back for Life Day...with a lot of bizarre 'skits' work in for the purpose of... well, I don't know.

Unbelievable that this runs nearly as long as Star Wars itself.
Was it me or did Harrison Ford seem a little too emotional? It was like he had come from a rave after taking E. All he wanted to do was hug people. :lol

And what about the Life Day ceremony at the end with all the Wookiees wearing red robes like the Imperial Guards?

I did like hearing the Wilhelm Scream when the Stormtrooper fell several hundred feet to his death. :D
We must never speak of this horrible show...

Actually, the cartoon bit in the middle was quite good...

Always a pleasure to meet Boba Fett...:D
What was up with Mark Hamill there, anyway? I had to check wikipedia to make sure it was really him. I think this show is a fantastic lesson in how bad choices (and bad taste) can wreck even the best properties and characters.
I've always wanted to see this. I'll have to go somewhere with a high speed connection so I can watch it. It sounds horrible, but curiosity compels me.
How long do I have to watch this live action crap before I get to the Boba Fett cartoon?
I once had a girlfriend who knew nothing about Star Wars and had no interest in it all. One night she finally agreed to watch it, and I popped in the Star Wars Holiday special! She watched ALL of it and was speechless at the end! She couldn't believe that this is what the whole Star Wars hype was about! :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

thats an awesome trick! I may have to pull that someday.
I love the Holiday Special. If you can't enjoy it for the campy value, than I feel bad for you. Plus the animated short is actually good.

I always think about a dad in 1978 (?) with his kid who's into this "Space Wars thing" and the kid is watching it and the first like...10 min. are nothing but Wookie howls. That dad must have been so confused, especially since Star Wars than isn't what it's become. SO SWEET!
It's drawn in that weird style of the 70's where the frames seem to meld into one another creating a rubbery look to everything.

Han and Leia look particularly odd. It's like those 'Freakies' cereal commercials, if anyone can remember those. :D

It reminds me of the Heavy Metal Movie. It has a certain 70s European feel to it.
Most cartoons today suck really...

This was pretty cool, shame they didn't follow the idea with a show until almost a decade later...
Thanks for posting this, I was born in '78 and never had the chance to see a copy of it. It's terrible, but just so damn weird that you have to watch it. It's so bad that it's unintentionally funny. I can now understand why Lucas never wants it officially released, but it's actually best if he allows anyone to see unofficially, they can come to the same realization and stop requesting it. Though I wouldn't be surprised if there's some uber Star Wars geeks who still make the request.

Google video was surprisingly great, it loaded right up with no lag even at full screen.
I can't wait for Sideshow or Hasbro to make this figure:


Thanks for posting that. I haven't ever had the chance to see the infamous Holiday Special. But that had to be the worst two hours I have ever had. No wonder Geroge disowns it :lol

I don't want anyone to EVER complain about the PT ever again because:

PT+Clone Wars+OT+Holiday Special = Star Wars :eek:
PT+Clone Wars+OT+Holiday Special = Star Wars :eek:

hahaha. The Holiday Special was definitely a warning sign for the goofy direction Lucas ended up taking the Star Wars story. At least there were no muscial numbers in the PT. :rolleyes: