Loved the introduction of The Master in the opening prologue, especially since Del Toro directed it. The part with the Ancients was both interesting and disturbing. Also the last part with them fighting off the vamps was great too.
Good opener. But old Zach was way better than the new.
I am pretty sure we have already seen his new form.
I feel the historical parts and basically anything Abe are the only good parts of this show for me right now. The ancients are intriguing as well. I think the new son is lousy compared to the old one and wasp man still annoys me. The first half of the episode was way better than the second. It's hard for me to get as excited about this show compared to the beginning. I just feel the writing isn't consistant and there seems to be a lot of annoying or forgettable characters in the show right now.
Do you mean the wife?
He meansBolivar
In the books, the Master transfers to Bolivar.
Is it too hard for you to use spoiler tags? Or do you just like ruining the show for everyone else?
Think someone said that Dave's OK with posting spoiler since it already aired/published. At least this episode aired.
That is a book spoiler. Please be careful with those. The Master's new incarnation hadn't been picked yet on the show.