I Hope he does turn up o.k. Shell, but I've got a feeling that he may have the broken leg syndrome like mine and a few others.
I've looked at mine and I could glue it back, you wouldn't see it as it's under the pants, but to be hhonest I don't see why I should do that after spending almost $400 to get the sucker to the UK!
Yeah i know , I think my total was $411, so like you say whey should we spend money like that for a defective item.
Fingers and toes crossed mine will be okay but if its not, its even gonna cost me more because I don't have a Digi camera to send them pics.I'll have to buy one.
I rarely buy direct from Sideshow because of things like breakages/their QC etc, but I had to with this so I could get the Exclusive version.
I'm gonna have to start praying until he arrives.
You go for the replacement pal, you shouldnt pay good money for a broken one