The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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There you go bringing the "R" word into the discussion. Next thing you know your going to bring up "feelings".



I can live without the cheesy relationships, to be honest. Maggie/Glenn, Rick/Jessie, Carl/Enid/Ron, Tara/and the big girl (I forgot her name) and now Abraham/Sasha? They should label this show "The Coupling with some zombies" and use Barry White for the intro.

I can live without the cheesy relationships, to be honest. Maggie/Glenn, Rick/Jessie, Carl/Enid/Ron, Tara/and the big girl (I forgot her name) and now Abraham/Sasha? They should label this show "The Coupling with some zombies" and use Barry White for the intro.

Now that you mention it, this show is basically "FRIENDS" with Zombies in it. Now all they need is a coffee shop to gather in.
Okay, just finished Season 5. Now its time to binge-watch Season 6.
Quick rundown of my thoughts after the Season Finale:

- The priest is a nut case
- Rick finally got through to them. Hallelujah!
- How did the husband get Michones Sword?
- Screw Nicholas
- Screw the Wolves
- Morgan is a Bad-Ass
- Morgan is one of my Fav Characters now
- Morgan is in top 3 best zombie killers
- Fortify the place NOW!!!
- More flashbacks of the Governor, PLEASE!
- I miss Merle
- Daryl, your so cool! Not afraid of Death.
- Deanna finally gets it! (Brings me back to the days when Rick had to convince Hershel of how dangerous this world is)
- I actually like to wait, so I can binge the episodes
- One downfall to binging them, is the lack of Talking Dead afterwards
- I MISS GOVERNOR!!! No bad guys have proven to be as amazing as him thus far. It's like they killed off the Joker midway through the movie. Even though I haven't read all the comics, Governor is the Joker to Ricks Batman.
- What was the point of terminus? They were being played off as this huge thing, just to have faded into the mist.
- I really want Ash Williams to come in and just kick Ass.

Speaking of which.....

Crap, I don't know how to post youtube videos here, or if it's even allowed. I thought they were.
That is awesome! :lol

Here it is...

Okay, just finished Season 5. Now its time to binge-watch Season 6.
Quick rundown of my thoughts after the Season Finale:

- The priest is a nut case
- Rick finally got through to them. Hallelujah!
- How did the husband get Michones Sword?
- Screw Nicholas
- Screw the Wolves
- Morgan is a Bad-Ass
- Morgan is one of my Fav Characters now
- Morgan is in top 3 best zombie killers
- Fortify the place NOW!!!
- More flashbacks of the Governor, PLEASE!
- I miss Merle
- Daryl, your so cool! Not afraid of Death.
- Deanna finally gets it! (Brings me back to the days when Rick had to convince Hershel of how dangerous this world is)
- I actually like to wait, so I can binge the episodes
- One downfall to binging them, is the lack of Talking Dead afterwards
- I MISS GOVERNOR!!! No bad guys have proven to be as amazing as him thus far. It's like they killed off the Joker midway through the movie. Even though I haven't read all the comics, Governor is the Joker to Ricks Batman.
- What was the point of terminus? They were being played off as this huge thing, just to have faded into the mist.
- I really want Ash Williams to come in and just kick Ass.

Spoiler Spoiler:
I'll have to watch it again too. I thought someone wrapped them in plastic because the plastic would have melted in the fire. I thought someone went back after the house burned down and wrapped them up. Although, now that I think about it, were they burnt? They didn't seem all crispy like some of the other bodies from earlier in the episode.

I took that as the greenhouse material melting and covering their bodies then hardening over them

That's what it was. I believe the material - glass? - shatters when the walkers make their move on Tina.
I don't read spoilers in here anymore. Most of the time they're comic spoilers. I don't want to know what happens or what MAY happen ahead of time.
Just saw JSS. Where the hell are they leading the zombies? What's the end-game? I'd have a 50 caliber on the back of a jeep and just be mowing them down.
Over Rosita? That's crazy talk, crazy talk I tell you!

