The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I have not gotten to Negan yet in the comics so I don’t know what exactly his language pattern is like but in general I have always thought of bad language (and even nudity) in movies / tv shows as a cop out. We have no idea what to do here so lets just throw in some boobs and F bombs. Its not like I have a problem with either and in certain circumstances it fits (like Ricks “They’re ******* with the wrong people” in the train car in Terminus) but to just toss it out there every other word for shock value that’s just lazy and causes it to lose that shock value real quick… or maybe I am just getting too old. :)
I had only noticed the F word being used after 1am here, but FX has been using it at 10pm. It depends on the channel, I guess.

It might be 10:00pm, actually. Yeah that sounds about right, there are definitely a fair few channels that do show programmes that use the F word excessively.
I have not gotten to Negan yet in the comics so I don’t know what exactly his language pattern is like but in general I have always thought of bad language (and even nudity) in movies / tv shows as a cop out. We have no idea what to do here so lets just throw in some boobs and F bombs. Its not like I have a problem with either and in certain circumstances it fits (like Ricks “They’re ******* with the wrong people” in the train car in Terminus) but to just toss it out there every other word for shock value that’s just lazy and causes it to lose that shock value real quick… or maybe I am just getting too old. :)

you are nude every single day of your life when you shower and when you come out to dress. thats something almost every human shares
so if anything having nudity in movies should be the norm, having people being covered all the time, specially in a survival show like this is kind of more unrealistic.

you are also nude when having sex, So when movies show people having sex fully clothed, or when they wont come out of the covers, That to me IS The cop out.
because in reality NO ONE behaves like that during sex.
People also poop every day... I don't need to see that in movies. :)

I understand people are nude at times during the day and having people clothed while having sex is dumb but what I am saying is does that act need to be there in the first place? Do you HAVE to show the hot chick in the shower? Is its needed in the story? 98% of the time i'd say no.
The F word thing is certainly strange. That's a general American thing though, I take it?

this is how it goes with ratings, (Movie ratings, TV ratings or even Music ratings)

80% of people watching the show might not care about cursing, or about nudity... 80% might be completely ok with Negan cursing a lot and stuff. okay good.

but then there is that 20% that always has a stick up their bum, that 20% that gets offended by everything, that seems a problem with a nipple showing on tv.

That's the 20% the channel is scared of, the 20% that might send letters to their sponsors, that 20% that will try to get the show banned on twitter, that will make a huge fuzz over the F word.

everyone might be all like "Why does that 20% of people matter? F them, who cares...
but the channel cares, because they might be small in numbers, but they are loud and they are relentless.
the loud minority ruins everything (Specially now in this politically correct world we live in)

You can even apply that to this forum. 90% of us might be okay with using curse words. but the forum cant, on the chance that there might be ONE really young kid reading these posts.

... this is that 20% lol: :lol

People also poop every day... I don't need to see that in movies. :)

I understand people are nude at times during the day and having people clothed while having sex is dumb but what I am saying is does that act need to be there in the first place? Do you HAVE to show the hot chick in the shower? Is its needed in the story? 98% of the time i'd say no.

to answer your question, Technically we dont need to see anyone eating either for that matter. Eating is something that could be taken out of every movie.
we dont need to see anyone getting a haircut or brushing their teeth.
Actually we dont need to see people driving either. Why waste time on showing the trip, just show the characters arrive to where they are going.

showing people showering might be pointless, (just like eating, driving,) you got a point there, BUT if movies or shows are going to have people having sex, some nudity should be expected. OR just skip any kind of romantic scenes all together.
The walking dead has had dozens of scenes where two people are going to have sex. why even include those?
You're talking to a Marine Vet, cursing was our first language in the Corps; English second. So yeah, it's pretty tame. :lol

Indeed. They say that those who do swear are more honest people. Whethet it's true or not is another thing but for anyone to turn around and say they don't swear at some point in a given moment is a liar. :D
I used to shoot high end Wedding videos for extra money, and I was walking to the church and the priest was there trying to open the door, he was having trouble with the lock and started cursing up a storm, enough to make a sailor blush. I asked if I could help him with the door and he jumped back with a horrified look on his face, surprised to see someone there. He was so red in the face and looked quite ashamed, and then just said, "I guess we're all human".

So, it no longer surprises me to hear anybody curse now.
Finally watched last weeks episode. I hate having to wait so long, but real life demands it. Anyway, fairly slow episode, nice to see Carl back on his feet. Rick and Michone thing wasn't a surprise, but very curious about Jesus and how he got out of that cell room thing. And how he knew where rick was.
Personally I Think TV in general will end first before cursing or nudity are allowed on tv. I think Cable will bankrupt before that happens.

Its already happened thou.....both nudity and cursing. Maybe not on the big three , but almost every other plain Jane cable network has....Including AMC.

I knew an older couple that refused to watch anything with cursing, they literally turned off a movie, no matter how engaging or how far into the film. So alot of people in middle America simply still will not tolerate it.

And they are where Neilson gets its ratings...and major 3 get there guidance.