The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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This is heading in such a great direction. Bad things are going to happen and the tension is going to keep on building.

If Negan doesn't appear until the last episode I'm guessing the next four episodes will just be the group travelling to the compound...
What I thought was unbelievable was even after Woodbury and terminus they start trusting Jesus and hill top pretty quickly. Not really in character. And when did Maggie start being the voice of the group? Just seemed forced. Frankly with her being in a family way, she shouldn't be out doing these kind of missions.

I was also surprised that they did ZERO recon on this new place- layout, weapons, personnel. Nothing. They just walked right up to the front door. Again, not in character.

Then they cut a deal with these people in about an hour's time. never really got to know them. It just all seemed forced to set up the next ep.
What I thought was unbelievable was even after Woodbury and terminus they start trusting Jesus and hill top pretty quickly.
That's because that dude had multiple chances to kill them, and didn't. He could've killed Daryl when he got his gun before the zombie attacked. He could've killed everyone in Rick's crib while they were sleeping, etc. Same for the people in his community: the people they saved after the car wreck weren't violent (don't remember them even having weapons). Rick and his people got assault rifles. The people inside Hilltop had a blacksmith and a forge. No need to fear caveman spears and shanks when you got them hollow points, yo. :lol

when did Maggie start being the voice of the group?
She was being groomed by the old lady of their town to take over as leader. So that's why Rick wants her to step up and represent them (since even he knows he's too kray-kray to deal with normal people).

Frankly with her being in a family way, she shouldn't be out doing these kind of missions.

Women be like that sometimes.. trying to do normal ish like they ain't super pregnant, bursting at the seams with a mini-person inside of them. :lol

I was also surprised that they did ZERO recon on this new place- layout, weapons, personnel. Nothing. They just walked right up to the front door.

Again, Jesus had no guns when they met him (that I remember!?) and none of his people (that they rescued) were strapped. Not sure how to explain this next part, but all the people they encountered from Hilltop (even Jesus to a certain degree) before arriving there, were kinda soft I guess!? Not threatening at all. Why would a community that has guns allow people to leave and scavenge with no guns? So it's safe to assume it's because that community HAS NO weapons like that. Again, knife to a gunfight type of attitude. Rick and his people roll strapped.

Then they cut a deal with these people in about an hour's time. never really got to know them.
No choice. They need food. Necessary risk.

That's why I'll never understand shows like this with large groups. Just more mouths to feed. :lol
So, don't laugh, but originally I thought "the Wolves" were part of Negan's group. Being as that is not the case, are The Wolves still a threat? Are they allied with Negan or are they enemies, cause I can't see the Wolves supplicating themselves to anyone, like Hilltop did.
I'm still confused how Rick and his group never ran into any of these huge groups that magically pop up per season. Didn't they travel and explore A LOT!? Kinda contrived. :lol
So, don't laugh, but originally I thought "the Wolves" were part of Negan's group. Being as that is not the case, are The Wolves still a threat? Are they allied with Negan or are they enemies, cause I can't see the Wolves supplicating themselves to anyone, like Hilltop did.

The Wolves are all dead now. The ones that made it out of Alexandria, Rick killed in the RV. The last wolf was the one Carol killed and Morgan took him out in walker form. They are no longer a threat.
The Wolves are all dead now. The ones that made it out of Alexandria, Rick killed in the RV. The last wolf was the one Carol killed and Morgan took him out in walker form.

By side-swiping him across the face with his stick as I recall, hardly a killer blow, but yes I presume Wolf-Walker is dead-dead.
The show is back where it should be. Season 6 has been such a good season. Another great episode and can only get more intense from here. Negan will be coming and there will be hell to pay.
I wonder if they will follow the comics 100% over these last few episodes. If so does...
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This episode was practically hitting viewers over the head with a frying pan in terms of foreshadowing- even if you haven't read the comics, it
wouldn't be hard to go back and piece it all together. I, too, think Negan's intro is going to go down just like in the comics, though the writers have been fond of keeping plotlines but switching up characters. Abraham DID seem to volunteer himself up as a bit of a wild card this past episode.
Nah. I am fairly certain it will go down just like in the comics.
I agree we will also see Abraham go bye bye soon I think. The show has an annoying habit of making a character based episode right before they kill them off.

The Walking Dead Pool. (My hit list)

1. Abraham
2. Glenn
3. Rosita
4. Spencer
5. Morgan
6. Daryl (i wish!)
7. Enid
8. Tara
9. Carol
10. Michonne

And where the hell is Carol!?!?!?
Who was the alexandrian in the comics that
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I think Carol will fill that role nicely.
This show is finally living up to my expectations. No complaints from me over the last three episodes at all. The level it is at now is what it should have been at all along throughout parts of season 4 and 5. This second half has been the best show on tv by far.
Who was the alexandrian in the comics that
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I think Carol will fill that role nicely.

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Yeah, you are right.

Personally I think that will be Tara.