The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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That he was. Captain Kirk wouldn't never show he was ******** bricks. Sure his grand plan turned into a huge disaster, but should have shown bawls like a leader. Abraham did. He straightened up when Negan pointed him out for possible bashing.

I'd like to think I'd react like Abraham. But more likely I'd be like Rick.

On the one hand I thought it was great acting from Andrew Lincoln, ''man, he really looks petrified'', but then I thought ''wait....he looks petrified, Rick, the leader''......hmmm.
Abe has become one of my favorite characters. For a while, his singular focus on moving to DC was annoying. But, since he got past that ... his one-liners are nearly Boyd-Crowder-brilliant, and he's genuinely fearless in a way nobody else on the team is ... though Carl is getting there. Rick looked genuinely sick in front of Negan. Glenn never seems scared for himself, but falls apart anytime Maggie stubs her toe. And, if I recall, Daryl looked like he was going to cry when the Governor brought him out for the walker fight at Woodbury. Abe doesn't rattle. Ever. I really loved the subtle f-you of straightening-up and daring Negan to club him.


Agree on Abe.
Rick has been way too overconfident this season. One of my favorite things about the finale was seeing Rick slowly break down. He needs to get knocked down a peg or two just so he can become an effective leader again.
I'd like to think I'd react like Abraham. But more likely I'd be like Rick.

On the one hand I thought it was great acting from Andrew Lincoln, ''man, he really looks petrified'', but then I thought ''wait....he looks petrified, Rick, the leader''......hmmm.

Is was Rick realising that he was wrong and was way in over his head, he was possibly in shock. He knew what was coming to either himself or someone he loves.
I thought it was a good finale. I had been reading in this thread for the past week how the episode was going to end so it was no surprise to me. Even if it had been a surprise it wouldn’t have bothered me. In fact, I’d even say it’s one of the more craftier cliffhangers. I mean, that’s what a cliffhanger is supposed to do! You’re supposed to go, “WHAT?!? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! YOU CAN”T END THE SEASON LIKE THAT!!!!”

Anyway, I liked the Eugene sendoff—I thought the music was particularly good in that scene. I thought the whole Carol thing was ridiculous—getting shot twice like that! And I thought JDM was great. I don’t read the comics so I don’t really have any base for comparison. But he played the part beautifully and spoke those lines effortlessly.

So, I read a few comic spoilers so I know how it ultimately ends up way down the line, but it’s going to be frustrating and annoying to have to go through god knows what to get to the resolution. I imagine the “escape” (no spoiler here since you know they’re going to escape) will happen right before the winter break (ending in a cliffhanger, of course!). Then the second half of the season will be Rick’s group preparing themselves for another fight with Negan in the last episode of the season which will end in another cliffhanger!
I think the POV was a hint throughout the episode. The POV theme was from the back of the truck (Glenn's POV most likely) and this may be the same POV when they are getting Lucilled. All points to Glenn.

I agree. I think the POV shot in the van was the clue that was mentioned during Talking Dead. That shot was shown three times throughout the episode, so it must mean something. I really think that narrows down the Lucille victim to Daryl, Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita.

Abe has become one of my favorite characters. For a while, his singular focus on moving to DC was annoying. But, since he got past that ... his one-liners are nearly Boyd-Crowder-brilliant, and he's genuinely fearless in a way nobody else on the team is ... though Carl is getting there. Rick looked genuinely sick in front of Negan. Glenn never seems scared for himself, but falls apart anytime Maggie stubs her toe. And, if I recall, Daryl looked like he was going to cry when the Governor brought him out for the walker fight at Woodbury. Abe doesn't rattle. Ever. I really loved the subtle f-you of straightening-up and daring Negan to club him.SnakeDoc

Agreed completely. Abraham's fearlessness and hilarious one-liners have made him one of my favorite characters. I thought it was really interesting how he was the only character who looked directly at Negan without the slightest amount of fear on his face, and it was almost as if Negan reciprocated with a brief look of respect.

I'd like to think I'd react like Abraham. But more likely I'd be like Rick.

On the one hand I thought it was great acting from Andrew Lincoln, ''man, he really looks petrified'', but then I thought ''wait....he looks petrified, Rick, the leader''......hmmm.

Agree on Abe.
Rick has been way too overconfident this season. One of my favorite things about the finale was seeing Rick slowly break down. He needs to get knocked down a peg or two just so he can become an effective leader again.

Agreed with both of you guys. Andrew Lincoln's acting in that scene was really good. He excellently portrayed Rick being torn down, brought to his knees, and overwhelmed with fear. For me, the most tragic thing about the Negan scene was how Rick went from overconfident leader to helpless, terrified, broken-looking victim in a matter of minutes.
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Rick's emotional state at the end of the episode wasn't him being a p***y, so much as him realizing that as a leader he has failed his group/family. Rick's journey this season has been one of growing confidence to the point it was bordering on being cocky. There were several times when he would say something like if we want something, we will just take it, or we will end this like we always do. In the finale he says to Maggie that we will get through this because we always have and always will as long as we are together.

The cracks in Rick's confidence grow with each roadblock they encounter. Once they are all captured and helpless at the hands of Negan, his breakdown is in full effect. He has let them all down and now they are going to suffer for it. Anyone who has ever been in a leadership position and had to make a hard decision with an unguaranteed and uncertain outcome has certainly had those feelings of doubt in the back of their mind. The stakes are life and death for Rick's decision as a leader and they are now in a certain death situation. They are all terrified about what is going to happen, but Rick especially so as their leader. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Yes I agree with the whole POV thing, and for me that POV was Glenn's. He was at the back of the trailer. Daryl was pretty much against the door. I don't think daryl would be able to see the light coming through the buillet holes.

Hmm, I haven't been this interested in watching a POV since the last time my girlfriend went out.

Also for me when watching it, there seems to be some glances and nods towards Glenn from neegan when Glenn jumps out of line.

There's no real eenie meenie minie mo method to who he picks, I think he's personally picked one and to me it could be Glenn because he sees that he has a bond with Maggie.
Hmm, I haven't been this interested in watching a POV since the last time my girlfriend went out.

Agree on Abe.
Rick has been way too overconfident this season. One of my favorite things about the finale was seeing Rick slowly break down. He needs to get knocked down a peg or two just so he can become an effective leader again.

It's interesting to watch the differences between Abe and Rick. Rick got overconfident. But, Abe never did. Abe's fine acknowledging they're "neck-deep up **** creek with [their] mouths wide open." That's what makes Abe unbreakable, and Rick not-so-much. Rick thought he had everything handled, and cracked when he realized he was in-over-his-head. Abe is comfortable being in-over-his-head, and standing tall anyway.

It's interesting to watch the differences between Abe and Rick. Rick got overconfident. But, Abe never did. Abe's fine acknowledging they're "neck-deep up **** creek with [their] mouths wide open." That's what makes Abe unbreakable, and Rick not-so-much. Rick thought he had everything handled, and cracked when he realized he was in-over-his-head. Abe is comfortable being in-over-his-head, and standing tall anyway.


Most definitely. :lecture

Abe, IMO, flies by the seat of his pants and deals with each situation as they come.
It's interesting to watch the differences between Abe and Rick. Rick got overconfident. But, Abe never did. Abe's fine acknowledging they're "neck-deep up **** creek with [their] mouths wide open." That's what makes Abe unbreakable, and Rick not-so-much. Rick thought he had everything handled, and cracked when he realized he was in-over-his-head. Abe is comfortable being in-over-his-head, and standing tall anyway.


That may be part of it, but I also think there is an element of his soldier mentality of following orders. He believes in Rick and his abilitites as a leader. As such, it gives him the confidence to stand tall in the face of adversity.
You guys who are complaining that Rick turned into a ***** when Negan confronted him must not be paying attention.

Rick grossly overestimated the odds. His overconfidence put him, his group, and his family at GREAT risk. You aren't seeing the Rick inebriated by righteous indignation calling a town to wake up. You aren't seeing the Rick who doesn't ask what the odds are before he attacks. You are seeing a Rick who KNOWS the odds. Who KNOWS that he is out manned and their is no God in the Machine to fly in and save their butts. He KNOWS he made a great miscalculation and he KNOWS someone very dear to him is going to pay the price.

The writers for this episode did a great job showing Rick's confidence errode away and the panic and realization that they are screwed take over.
The stupidest and most unrealistic thing would have been Rick going FULL RAMBO mode. That truly would have been "jumping the shark".
All these posts mean Abe is hamburger meat.

He's on my shortlist of possibles. Rick and Carl are safe. Morgan and Carol are on the run. Aaron and Eugene aren't big enough names to matter. And, I think women are off-limits for this particular death -- so no Rosita (not a big enough name anyway), Maggie or Michonne. That leaves Abraham, Glenn and Daryl.

The original Atlanta crew hasn't lost anybody since Andrea in Season 3, and she died away from them ... meaning Lori (I think) is the last original death they actually dealt with. The farm crew is all dead, except Maggie. The Prison/Woodbury crew is all dead, except Michonne, Sasha and Tara. And, all of the deaths lately have been Alexandrians. That's part of Rick's overconfidence -- his original crew has been bulletproof for a really long time. That's why I figure it'll be one of the Atlanta-5.

This is supposed to be the biggest death so far, and I don't think Abe would be big enough. If you're going to outdo Hershel's beheading, it has to be Glenn or Daryl.

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The cracks in Rick's confidence grow with each roadblock they encounter. Once they are all captured and helpless at the hands of Negan, his breakdown is in full effect. He has let them all down and now they are going to suffer for it. Anyone who has ever been in a leadership position and had to make a hard decision with an unguaranteed and uncertain outcome has certainly had those feelings of doubt in the back of their mind. The stakes are life and death for Rick's decision as a leader and they are now in a certain death situation. They are all terrified about what is going to happen, but Rick especially so as their leader. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

You could really feel the fear and anxiety build with every road block. Personally to me I could feel the world closing in on them. It was well done IMO.
You guys who are complaining that Rick turned into a ***** when Negan confronted him must not be paying attention.

Rick grossly overestimated the odds. His overconfidence put him, his group, and his family at GREAT risk. You aren't seeing the Rick inebriated by righteous indignation calling a town to wake up. You aren't seeing the Rick who doesn't ask what the odds are before he attacks. You are seeing a Rick who KNOWS the odds. Who KNOWS that he is out manned and their is no God in the Machine to fly in and save their butts. He KNOWS he made a great miscalculation and he KNOWS someone very dear to him is going to pay the price.

The writers for this episode did a great job showing Rick's confidence errode away and the panic and realization that they are screwed take over.

That's exactly why I enjoyed watching his confidence slowly crumble. It really made you feel the tension as a viewer and helped to sell the desperation.

The stupidest and most unrealistic thing would have been Rick going FULL RAMBO mode. That truly would have been "jumping the shark".

Of course. I think the scene was perfect. As horrible as the situation was, I was grinning ear to ear (while my poor wife was in tears:slap:lol). The 2nd half of this season was some of the best episodes of the entire series IMO. The slow build up towards the Negan reveal was completely worth it and I have no problem with how the finale ended. I think that as is, there is more to look forward to in the Fall premiere.