Anything that happened in the lineup eenie meenie sequence detail-wise should not be used as something to decipher who got Lucilled. Remember how the mid season finale ended with that stupid boy in the lineup saying "" and how different the scene ended up being. They changed Glenns dumpster scene a bit too to make it somewhat more believable that he survived. The show likes to leave fans astray a bit.
But no way it'll be Eugene, or Rosita, Sasha, Aaron, and even Abraham. Their deaths won't be as impact full and devastating as any of the A-team. And to set Negans intro they are going to go for devastating and unforgettable. What's the point if they dont? To have a long timer get killed by some walkers in some poor lack of judgment next season? No this is the way you got to do it for this guy. His arrival his heart breaking.
Due to Negans comments about what to do if Carl or Rick trying to help we know it isn't them (not that they weren't safe anyway). I highly doubt it's maggie or michonne. It's daryl or glenn...and I'd say Glenn
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