The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I hope Glenn doesn't die. He's not only one the few Asian actors that actually has a significant role on a television show but also had televised intimate scenes. I was thinking about season 1 Glenn and the character development is amazing. Would have never guessed he would last this long or become who he is. Damn, he's gonna have a huge impact when he dies. Damn, it's gonna be him isn't it.

Yea, Asian don't get much work in Hollywood. There is definitely white washing and diversity issues going on.
I am 100% convinced that Lucille's victim is...

Spoiler Spoiler:

You find a lot of stupid replies funny.

Possible spoiler.....

Spoiler Spoiler:

I have known that for weeks. Either way, it is the same production company. They could be filming ten minutes away from TWD set. It means nothing. Other actors have appeared in movies while filming TWD.

Yea, Asian don't get much work in Hollywood. There is definitely white washing and diversity issues going on.

Oh please.
I am 100% convinced that Lucille's victim is...

Spoiler Spoiler:

People seem to think Glenn will die though. Not much of a shocking thing at all.
I just can't help but wonder how I'll feel When I eventually find out who it is in 6 months! I wonder if I'll feel shocked, Sad or over it. I feel disappointed now but I'm sure once the hype train starts rolling again I'll be up for it when the season 7 premiers gets here.
I just can't help but wonder how I'll feel When I eventually find out who it is in 6 months! I wonder if I'll feel shocked, Sad or over it. I feel disappointed now but I'm sure once the hype train starts rolling again I'll be up for it when the season 7 premiers gets here.

I will feel bad if it's any of them. I'd only be shocked if it were someone that I figured it wouldn't happen to.
Since Morgan and Carol is away, any one of 'em will be perfectly fine. Eventually Negan will fall. That is for certain. Looking toward to new characters anyway.
I'd only be shocked if it were someone that I figured it wouldn't happen to

Wait? What?

I thought "the showrunners have done their job in making it believable that it could be any of them."

So, why do you figure there are people safe if they did such a great job?
Wait? What?

I thought "the showrunners have done their job in making it believable that it could be any of them."

So, why do you figure there are people safe if they did such a great job?

I am 100% convinced that Lucille's victim is...

Spoiler Spoiler:
Too many words... Too short of an attention span. [emoji2]
He can read anything you write when you're quoted.

I know. Two replies were not quoted and one was by you. Either way, I am sure he clicked on all of them.

:exactly: Guess someone isn't as smart as he thinks.

No... I am. Go back to crying over my opinion please.

Yet still smarter than 98% of us, lol.

Yup. Question... How much time do you spend stalking my posts to make some ignorant reply? Only time you post is to open your mouth against me. It is pathetic.