The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Could be Daryl. :dunno

When you're banned no one can hear you scream.

I'm trying to decide if it's a bug or a feature.

You're being generous. It was a two week ban so, yes, he'll be back.

I'm almost positive that I'll get a harshly worded PM regarding his banning.

Small price for the pleasure. :lol
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You're being generous. It was a two week ban so, yes, he'll be back.

I'm almost positive that I'll get a harshly worded PM regarding his banning.

Can't you guys just perma-ban him and get it over with? :lol He adds nothing constructive to this place.
Can't you guys just perma-ban him and get it over with? :lol He adds nothing constructive to this place.

I'm going to second this. There's multiple threads across the board full of people rejoicing at the fact he's finally been banned. He's universally despised, and with good reason.

He's about as constructive to this thread as a termite infestation is to an otherwise pleasant home. Based on what I've read here, it's no different in the other threads.

He's about as constructive to this thread as a termite infestation is to an otherwise pleasant home. Based on what I've read here, it's no different in the other threads.

He's just a victim of a self proclaimed, extremely high intelligence. You people just don't understand what it's like to be that smart.
I am looking forward to the 40 post multi-quote. :pow

Meh, just put him on ignore and you'll never have to see it.

He's just a victim of a self proclaimed, extremely high intelligence. You people just don't understand what it's like to be that smart.

On the off chance that he is indeed in the two percent of the smartest people in the world, you may be right. I imagine he has no social skills during personal interaction.

But yeah, I would say Glenn is a goner. Too bad.
A bit late to the party but from what I've seen, everything points to...
Spoiler Spoiler:
being the one who gets killed.
Even if you put a person on ignore you still get the fallout of everyone else quoting, responding, reasoning, and arguing with him.
Soem lady at Home Depot saw my WD shirt and asked my who I thought it was....

I still say Daryl because of the Talking Dead Elbow he gave Jeffery....

She said Abraham, because he stood up to him when he threatened him initially...this is good logic......