The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I'm not so sure about that. I thought I heard Gimple say that the S7 premiere would seriously push the boundaries as far as the gore that is shown on screen. I took that to mean that we will physically see the victim being lobotomized by Lucille.

My guess is we'll see Negan swing a few times, then see "insert name here" laying with his/her brains oozing out of his/her crushed skull. Whoever is beside that person getting sprayed with blood and brain matter. Hopefully not the cameraman again. :lol
My thoughts on who dies:

Neegan says that person is "taking it like a champ." Being that Abraham was the only one with a stoic composure, I can see Abraham being the one that is taking it like a champ.

I got money on the season 7 premiere being a drawn-out episode where we find our answer at the end. I have this feeling that it'll follow Carol and Morgan and towards the end, they are captured by Neegan's men. There'll be an extended version of the Lucille scene where Neegan begins his eenie, meenie game and is stopped by his men and Carol and Morgan is thrown into the lineup. Carol is ready to leave this world and "takes it like champ." It'd be a total twist and I believe Carol's death would be more sentimental and harder on the group than say Daryl or Michonne.
My thoughts on who dies:

Neegan says that person is "taking it like a champ." Being that Abraham was the only one with a stoic composure, I can see Abraham being the one that is taking it like a champ.

I got money on the season 7 premiere being a drawn-out episode where we find our answer at the end. I have this feeling that it'll follow Carol and Morgan and towards the end, they are captured by Neegan's men. There'll be an extended version of the Lucille scene where Neegan begins his eenie, meenie game and is stopped by his men and Carol and Morgan is thrown into the lineup. Carol is ready to leave this world and "takes it like champ." It'd be a total twist and I believe Carol's death would be more sentimental and harder on the group than say Daryl or Michonne.

Interesting Theory, morgan punished for killing again?

Maybe, though I thought Gimple said on TD that this season's story ends with whomever dying, and the new season will begin with who died and what that means to everyone.

He did, It will be an episode of exclusion....everyones daily life and how the missing persons absence affects them all....we will all know who it was without them saying a word..
Carol and Morgan are safe since they got help from those two on horses. The show would have to stretch timeline and distance to include Carol and Morgan before Negan.
I got money on the season 7 premiere being a drawn-out episode where we find our answer at the end. I have this feeling that it'll follow Carol and Morgan and towards the end, they are captured by Neegan's men. There'll be an extended version of the Lucille scene where Neegan begins his eenie, meenie game and is stopped by his men and Carol and Morgan is thrown into the lineup. Carol is ready to leave this world and "takes it like champ." It'd be a total twist and I believe Carol's death would be more sentimental and harder on the group than say Daryl or Michonne.

Be prepared to LOSE 'said money'. :D

No way they are even in the vicinity of what's going down and to me, there's a good chance that the storyline will eventually set them up to be the 'cavalry' that saves this group. There's an opportunity here for Carol to get her head on straight and for Morgan to also bend his principles for his 'family' (he already did in shooting that guy multiple times to stop him from further harming Carol) and for them to come together for the common good.
Since that ''taking it like a champ'' line is from the comic and we know who it refers to I don't think much should be read into it on the show. Sure it could be Abraham but it could easily be a 'weaker' character too.

I think they'll follow the comic on this. Not sure what else they can do with the character in question.
I always took the "champ" line in the comic as Negan being surprised the individual took his first shot without collapsing. Like he expected the person he hit to not be so tough. That's why I don't think Abraham is it. It's either Glenn because or Daryl. Negan could think since Daryl is wounded and weak, he's surprised Daryl was able to stay upright after the first blow. Same thing with Glenn. Negan's surprised someone as thin and distraught as Glenn is could hold up.
While I like the dramatic effect that plays out in this particular scene, I'm pretty sure a solid crack to the top of your noodle by
a fairly physically imposing man, WITH a barbed wire laden baseball bat, would be instantaneous 'lights out'.

-I am not a doctor. Lol
Jeffrey Dean Morgan, even as seen in the finale, looks like a very nice and friendly sort of chap. This show is going to have to work to make me hate him.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan, even as seen in the finale, looks like a very nice and friendly sort of chap. This show is going to have to work to make me hate him.

It's not going to work. Jeffrey Dean Morgan has this charisma about him, something Rick and the gang don't have. The season finale cemented that for me.
It's not going to work. Jeffrey Dean Morgan has this charisma about him, something Rick and the gang don't have. The season finale cemented that for me.

Wait you think his charisma will work against him being Neegan? Negan was a great villain because he was so likable. Even the horrible crap he did seemed reasonable to an extent.....except when he starts talking the "L" and getting all excited about it.........
No, not against him, not at all. For him. A-dev posted "this show is going to have to work to make me hate him", and I responded that their attempts won't work (if they attempt to at all.
"A good death is its own reward." - Faora, Man of Steel

I don't think a situation where you are brought to your knees in front of someone and they bash your head in with a baseball bat while your friends and family watch helplessly could be considered a good death.
Not a good death as being hit by a rocket launcher, from Daryl, or being killed in your sleep, but it will bring in viewers/ratings.