The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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She really “did not anticipate the photos would cause such a virulent outbreak.” Does she have more than 3 brain cells? Did she not think showing a picture of a child pointing a gun at the back of the head of another child would cause bad responses? Yikes lady... wake up to the 21st century.. you can’t do stuff like that anymore. I am sure if I went to my photo boxes I would see some pics this bad, if not worse, from when I was a kid but those were different times… no internet, no terrorism, no school shootings no PC police. You have to think differently now than when we were kids. There is no way I would let kids do 3/4 of the stuff I did now days. And I wouldn’t go to Las Vegas and go see a show with my wife and ditch the kids who were around 11 and 7 in Circus Circus to fend for themselves all night like we were. :)  I’m sure she didn’t mean any harm and other than that Lizzy one the rest of the pics don’t seem to be THAT big a deal but come on… you have to think things through sometimes.
She really “did not anticipate the photos would cause such a virulent outbreak.” Does she have more than 3 brain cells? Did she not think showing a picture of a child pointing a gun at the back of the head of another child would cause bad responses? Yikes lady... wake up to the 21st century.. you can’t do stuff like that anymore. I am sure if I went to my photo boxes I would see some pics this bad, if not worse, from when I was a kid but those were different times… no internet, no terrorism, no school shootings no PC police. You have to think differently now than when we were kids. There is no way I would let kids do 3/4 of the stuff I did now days. And I wouldn’t go to Las Vegas and go see a show with my wife and ditch the kids who were around 11 and 7 in Circus Circus to fend for themselves all night like we were. :)  I’m sure she didn’t mean any harm and other than that Lizzy one the rest of the pics don’t seem to be THAT big a deal but come on… you have to think things through sometimes.

It's awful posting anything on Facebook anymore. They find fault in everything and get so bent out of shape that they become 10 times worse than what they're complaining about.

I asked a question on Cinemark's Facebook page and they answered me. Then some guy posts a picture of himself holding his junk under my comment. WTF?
I've seen people post some great things on Facebook. New medical items, things to help clean water in poor countries and still half the posts are people complaining about them.
Poor judgement I think. Daryl on his bike is harmless enough. But the Carol execution scene I think is poor judgement. For a few reasons. Daryl on the bike can be laughed off. Everybody on the web can probably figure out what it is in reference to, and laugh at it as some cute kiddie photography tribute or satire. Carol... if you don't know what the photo refers to, then it is an instant red alert. One kid pointing a gun to the back of the head of another. That's just no... If you do know what the photo refers to, then really it is a bad choice. The scene, and the whole storyline really are just a bit too bleak, to try and make some artistic photo involving children.
Maybe they just should have shown it and then they wouldn't have to worry. Like I saw somebody say before... show the one major death then have Negan say something like "that was fun lets go again" and leave that a cliff hanger.
Maybe they just should have shown it and then they wouldn't have to worry. Like I saw somebody say before... show the one major death then have Negan say something like "that was fun lets go again" and leave that a cliff hanger.

That is a great idea. It makes both sides (cliffhanger side and show who died side) happy.
Yeah, I really don't see what advantage it was to not show the death. The comic didn't pull that crap to get you to buy the next issue even, and comics love that kind of gimmick. Plus its going to make showing any trailers or ads for the show very difficult. They have to stick to Rick, Carl, Morgan, Carol, the Hilltop, the Kingdom, the Saviors, and Alexandria groups. They can't show any of the people from the line up besides Rick or Carl without confirming another survivor and I don't think they'd want to do that. Could you imagine if the trailer for the season spoiled the cliff hanger? I'd be pissed to find out from the trailer who died rather than on the show at this point.
You really think that they held off to get people to keep watching?

If it wasn't the intent, its a happy consequence of the cliff hanger then. I mean, we are STILL talking about it after a few months now and once we've all had our say, we'll get the SDCC trailer and spark the conversation up again and carry us through to the premiere. I think the excruciating nature of this cliff hanger is going to lead to their highest rated episode yet. Everyone's going to want to tune into find out who got Lucille. As a fan it SUCKS, as a entity dependent and viewer turn out to make money, it was a brilliant play.