The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I liked the newest episode, and I must say Negan is hilarious rather than scary, but I still prefer him over that disgusting Governor. I hated every moment seeing him.

And I couldn´t understand Carl not just shooting Negan in the same moment as he walked on the scene - he had just killed two men just like that, why to stop listening him? Of course there is the storyline but it makes Carl seem so lame... "I came here to kill Negan, where is he?" and when he appears, then just freeze...

And because of Carl´s little trip of his own, Negan gets to find Judith. That was creepy and cute at the same time as he was holding the baby girl so happily, sitting in the porch. I so wanted to see Rick´s face if he´d came home in that moment... ;)

Just getting a bit back to the Tara thing, I wouldn´t even have noticed her becoming chubbier, if haven´t readen about it so much, as she is such a side character I never really paid much attention on her anyway. But I did watch some episodes from season 5 now to compare, and well, she indeed is a bit bigger, but I still wouldn´t have really noticed that enough to care. I think having a baby is a good excuse, even still it would be great thing if one could keep up with the role and get the weight down a bit. But you never know the situations. People are different, babies are different - there are differences between individuals and not all can just easily drop the weight even still someone else might. And I think it´s totally more important to the baby get well milked than the character look more realistic. (And it´s funny how men do complain of someone having bigger ****s. ;) )

I´m so looking forward to see Carol and Morgan again. They should be shown again in the mid-season finale, just don´t know more. Just a wild guess, but I believe in this next episode everyone start gathering together. Finally! :) It feels so odd how everyone have their own little vendetta going on - why don´t they just share their feelings and group up for Negan!
I love how JDM is able to go from psychopath one second to showing the cracks underneath which reveal the sane person he used to be then back to psycho without missing a beat.
Decided to put on the pilot for the first time in...well, years I guess.

Walkers were different back then. The little girl walker picking up the teddy, Morgan's dead wife walking to the front door of the house and trying the handle, walkers sitting down and 'resting', even trying to open the hatch on the tank. And they were eerily quiet a lot of the time - much less of the stock ''errggghhhh Aaaarrrghh'' sound. Honestly they were better like this, freakier.

Speaking of Morgan's dead wife, the part where he's trying to work himself up to shooting her permanently dead was quite an emotional scene, I'd forgotten.

Good stuff.

edit - episode 2 - walkers using rocks to try to break into the shopping mall, Glenn and some others calling walkers ''geeks'' for some reason, Merle using the N word on T-dog, other characters I'd completely forgotten existed, wow.

''Don't get any on your skin or in your eyes'' - well I guess that went out the window at some point.

Walkers running and pretty much climbing fences....the running doesn't seem too far fetched this early I guess

episode 3 - wow, major feels moment when Rick meets back up with Carl and Lori - hairs stood up

Daryl has more dialogue in his first ever episode than he's had in the past 3 seasons :lol
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Decided to put on the pilot for the first time in...well, years I guess.

Walkers were different back then. The little girl walker picking up the teddy, Morgan's dead wife walking to the front door of the house and trying the handle, walkers sitting down and 'resting', even trying to open the hatch on the tank. And they were eerily quiet a lot of the time - much less of the stock ''errggghhhh Aaaarrrghh'' sound. Honestly they were better like this, freakier.

Speaking of Morgan's dead wife, the part where he's trying to work himself up to shooting her permanently dead was quite an emotional scene, I'd forgotten.

Good stuff.

edit - episode 2 - walkers using rocks to try to break into the shopping mall, Glenn and some others calling walkers ''geeks'' for some reason, Merle using the N word on T-dog, other characters I'd completely forgotten existed, wow.

''Don't get any on your skin or in your eyes'' - well I guess that went out the window at some point.

Walkers running and pretty much climbing fences....the running doesn't seem too far fetched this early I guess

episode 3 - wow, major feels moment when Rick meets back up with Carl and Lori - hairs stood up

Daryl has more dialogue in his first ever episode than he's had in the past 3 seasons :lol

I agree with all of this. Thank you.

I can easily watch seasons 1 and 2 repeatedly. It was just brilliant stuff. There was more character development then as well. The other seasons, I find myself constantly skipping over a lot of episodes. I think it gets especially bad once the Governor is introduced and by the time of season 5, the writing is just weird and gets bad. The zombies became nothing but background noise essentially. And Daryl hasn't been interesting since the death of Merle. Like they had no idea what to do with him after that.

I've been watching TWD since season 1 came out. Might as well hang in there and see how this thing ends. I'm not expecting a marvelous ending though, but more along the lines of something ridiculous like the ending of Lost or Dexter.
I agree with all of this. Thank you.

I can easily watch seasons 1 and 2 repeatedly. It was just brilliant stuff. There was more character development then as well. The other seasons, I find myself constantly skipping over a lot of episodes. I think it gets especially bad once the Governor is introduced and by the time of season 5, the writing is just weird and gets bad. The zombies became nothing but background noise essentially. And Daryl hasn't been interesting since the death of Merle. Like they had no idea what to do with him after that.

I've been watching TWD since season 1 came out. Might as well hang in there and see how this thing ends. I'm not expecting a marvelous ending though, but more along the lines of something ridiculous like the ending of Lost or Dexter.

I'm on the last episode of season one.

Maybe it's nostalgia bias but it does seem better than it is now. I miss these early characters and their dynamics, even the ones we came to 'hate'. Maybe there's just too many characters now, many of whom, for some reason, just never made me interested. They try to give the newbies drama and I just don't care.

Having said that I've never watched any season more than once. If I watch it all straight through - not having to wait week to week for episodes and then months to a year between seasons - it's very possible no one season is actually as much of a drop as I may have thought while watching it initially.
I have watched all episodes now twice or more. But I used to always watch the first time fast-forwarding a bit or being careful not to see too scary things (the parts like burning face or smashing with Lucille have been mostly able to be prepared so I have had chance not to watch and even the walkers I haven´t need to see too closely). This season 7 has been not scary at all since the first episode of it. I think it tells a lot if even I can watch it without any fear of seeing something gore. ;) I´m not normally watching anything gore and it may feel odd I´m even watching this show, but I like to see how the characters survive and how their relationships grow by time.

A-dev said what I´ve been wondering myself for a long time, thanks! It just felt in the beginning, like the walkers could think and act by thought. Like carrying things and trying to open doors or climb. That was more scary than the ones just zombie-walking in a mass and making disgusting sounds. I wondered what changed them, or is it just a different vision that has changed by time? And I wondered, if the zombies could see and think even some lower level or just going by sounds and scent of humans? Nowadays it is definitely the later.

I think the show suffers for the original group getting so small. People tend to get attached to the original characters or those they have seen long time. Well, I mostly hated many from first season, like Lori, Shane, Andrea, Carol´s husband, and many of the rest them I didn´t care about, not too much even Rick and Carl or either for Sophia. I liked Merle and Daryl from first sight (they both were interesting characters since beginning, despite their flaws), Carol since some episodes, and the Hershel family, plus Morgan and his son, even still they weren´t shown much then. While in the prison time I liked many, specially Sasha and Tyreese and of course Michonne! It went so boring and annoying when the Governor came in. I liked the part when everyone went around woods and how they found each others, but the Terminus episode was horribly scary and made me sad, as there were so few people and still they were mean to each others. I would rather want to see how everyone team up to survive together and make it work as a group. Seeing the evil people almost made me want to stop watching, but after all, was too hooked to stop. ;) I liked very much the Alexandria and Hilltop parts, and later the Kingdom, to see there are also nice people who tried to make it in peaceful way. :)

Well, now I got carried away from what I meant to say. But for the show, I think it was bad choise to kill so many of the nice people on the way. I think that losing so many characters that were likeable and fun, like Bob, Beth, Tyreese, Denise (etc, like cute little Mika!), many people lost interest and didn´t get so fond of the ones left living. And Glenn & Abraham! I knew that it was coming (actually my guess was that at least one of them or both would go) but it made me sad. I understand part of the idea of the show is that anyone can die at any moment, but still they shouldn´t as the show isn´t interesting anymore. Or then there should be much more character building for the new leader characters to help the change. I compare to the Grey´s anatomy in that, it´s now season 12 or so running, and there are just a handful of original cast anymore, and that shows badly. I have watched it all the time, but more for a habit now, as it´s not interesting anymore as I don´t care about the new characters.

I wonder, if one of the reasons for the Tara episode was also to get people notice and like her before they´d kill her in some fight a bit later. I won´t miss Spencer, Olivia, Aaron, Tobin or most of the other side characters, if they´re gone, but I hope they will keep Maggie, Sasha, Carol, Morgan, Daryl, Michonne and baby Judith in the show. Those are mostly who I am interested to follow. Rick and Carl are kind of annoying persons, but I like to have them around too. And even if I wish a meteorite would drop on Negan´s head from the sky at any minute, I sort of like his character, just wanting to see him in less powerful situation. If the storyline goes by the comics it might be interesting to see him in new position. ;) He may be oddly psychopatic and not like in comics (I haven´t readen the comics, just readen from the TWD wiki how the story goes there) but JDM has managed to make him as a character that you love to hate. :)
The show should have zombie dogs (animals) in it. That scene in season 5 where the dogs approach the group on the road is a really good (but too short) scene. It was a sign of how an apocalypse could be - ravenous dogs would be terrifying.
Greygoose, in that scene I was wondering too, if they might be zombie dogs... If it is sort of a virus, why wouldn´t it effect on animals too? But then, think about where to find food... All those zombie birds and squirrols sneaking around? ;) The people would be so outnumbered that there would not be any life left in the globe after a moment. ;)
Ink, it doesn´t, yes, but I remember for a moment I was thinking of that when saw the wild dogs.

Wild animals would carry on as normal. I was just thinking about all those domestic pets that would have to survive by themselves. With no owners to buy them dog food they would soon revert back to their instincts and hunt for food. How many dogs are kept as pets in the US?
Pets were probably the first things the zombies munched!

The first seasons of any show like this are the best. It's new, you're finding out about the characters. You're finding out about what's going on.

Same with the zombies. Maybe they're "smarter" when they first change. After they get all decrepit, they lose that. I have to wonder if smarter people become smarter walkers. :lol
Pets were probably the first things the zombies munched!

The first seasons of any show like this are the best. It's new, you're finding out about the characters. You're finding out about what's going on.

Same with the zombies. Maybe they're "smarter" when they first change. After they get all decrepit, they lose that. I have to wonder if smarter people become smarter walkers. :lol

I'm trying to think of the last time we saw a character die and turn into a walker in real time. The last few deaths have all been head shots so there would be no transformation.
And it also took longer time before to change, as now it seems to be quite immediate unless there is the head shot. Like the sister of Andrea´s, and some others too.
And it also took longer time before to change, as now it seems to be quite immediate unless there is the head shot. Like the sister of Andrea´s, and some others too.

Shane turned pretty quick. Could simply be the "virus" and how your body reacts to it. Kinda like how some people can catch a cold and be really sick but others only get sniffles.

Dr. Jenner in season 1 said the time it took for a corpse to reanimate seemed to be connected with the person's proclivity towards violence in life.