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I'm just tired of Rick's affection being used against him. I don't give a damn if it did seem out of character. Him being all "meh. It is what it is," is exactly the kind of mind**** I want him doling out to Negan, as opposed to more "Corral! Don't you take my family! No, no, no, no, no, no, Nooooooo," and acting like JDM's *****. It's nothing if not predictable and it reaches the point where it's so insufferable that you just feel like he should kill them all himself and be done with it.:lol

Yea but that's not realistic. I hate to fall back on this but I think it's required. Do you have kids? If not you have to be a parent to understand that most parents won't just sit back while one of their kids is getting ready to be murdered. They will try to do something, even at the cost of their own life to try and keep it from happening. That's not Ricks character, it's parenthood.
Yea but that's not realistic. I hate to fall back on this but I think it's required. Do you have kids? If not you have to be a parent to understand that most parents won't just sit back while one of their kids is getting ready to be murdered. They will try to do something, even at the cost of their own life to try and keep it from happening. That's not Ricks character, it's parenthood.

I don't, but that isn't to say that I don't understand it. I do, it's just, when it's repeatedly used, over and over and over again, it's kind of like beating your head against the wall. I mean, ****, if Carl's that much of a weakness take him to the Kingdom and hide him or some ****, since he's otherwise constantly going to be your Achilles heel. I feel bad, too, because Carl's become surprisingly competent. He was kind of a littleness badass during that battle, but the odds were sacked against them and, yet again, he found himself in the position of the pawn.

At the end of the day, this is supposed to be entertainment, however dire things may seem, and it becomes incredibly tedious when you consistently draw from the same well as a source of tension.
Not that I saw. I would have liked to have seen Rick grapple with Neegan and then Shiva burst onto the scene but oh well. I was one of this shows biggest vocal supporters on here but sad to say it's losing me. I'm still watching, and will still watch but I don't love it like I once did. The whole Sasha, Abraham thing was unneeded and they could have used that time for a bigger battle scene.

That would been the more apocalypse hero sacrifice thing for Rick to do. Attack Negan to save Carl knowing that he would die in the process... Then to be saved in the nick of time by the tiger like many other times on this show, or any other. Whether it is a real world reaction from a parent, I don't know. Couldn't have kids and have spent my life without a single paternal bone in my body.

I suppose part of the point of the episode was to mirror the last cliffhanger and transition into the first episode with similar dialogue exchanges.. but you have to wonder, without intervention from The Kingdom and Hilltop, Carl would have been executed like Abraham, and would Rick have been dragged off for another psychological beatdown, all for the first part of Season 1 to repeat itself..
I am still thoroughly enjoying this show. Yes, it has had it's shares of up and down episodes this season, but it was necessary to knock Rick and the group down, so they could come back stronger. I read the books and the March to War story arc was a bit of a slog to get through too. Next season will be the All Out War arc, which should have plenty of action packed episodes.

In regards to Rick acting out of character when Negan threatened Carl's life, I didn't see it that way. Rick has reached a point where he is not going to let Negan (or anyone) have control over any of their lives anymore because that is simply a life not worth living. Michonne and Carl have both helped him see that. Heck, Carl was the one telling Rick to cut his own arm off in episode 7.1. Carl gets it. When Rick doesn't breakdown when Negan tells him he is going to kill Carl it is indeed shocking and in stark contrast to how he acted the first time Negan threatened Carl. Instead of crying and capitulating to Negan's demands, this time he tells him that whatever he does to him or his family, he will keep trying to kill him until one of them are dead. Those were some pretty powerful words there. The look on Negan's face said it all. It was almost like he knew Rick would never work for him again and killing Carl would only fuel his fire for vengeance, but he had to follow through on his threat to kill Carl or risk losing the fear (and respect) of his men. Alas, Shiva had to pounce and prevent him from carrying out his deed. lol

I thought Sasha's death was handled very well and she probably got the nicest send off to date. She had complete control over her own life and chose to sacrifice herself so that she couldn't be used against Rick and the group. She wanted to kill Negan with a weapon and when he didn't give her one, she made the decision to become the weapon. Brining Abe back via flashbacks was a nice touch, if only to get one more Abe-ism about beach sand sandblasting his nuts. lol

Coolest scene for me was at the end during the Maggie voiceover where it showed the three community leaders (Rick, Maggie and Ezekiel) addressing the group. Runner up scene for me was when Shiva burst on screen to maul the random red shirt Savior. That elicited a "f@ck yeah!" from me.

As I said, I still really dig this show. The same cannot be said for FTWD. That show is pure garbage to me and just reflects badly on TWD franchise as a whole.
All that automatic fire and no one of consequence got hit, they even fired point blank at the tiger.....this

It was ****ing dumb. Everybody running around in the open totally vulnerable and none of them get hit even though there were plenty of chances. Bad guys are literally standing next to and behind the goody guys, able to shoot them.
The abraham scenes were cringey as hell and a big waste of time. Nothing but padding. We couldnt even have a proper finale but they needed to pad the crap out of the episode... jesus....
I agree that there was some silly stuff in there, stuff that I normally complain about and yet, at the same time, damned if I didn't enjoy that episode. It was immense fun even though I don't know how anyone survived or how the hell they kept control of a tiger in that situation :lol The Tiger really should have been among the casualties in fact, no way it doesn't get mown down in a hail of gunfire. Still, I'm glad it made it through.
Hard to believe Neegan didn't know about Shiva.

The Supreme God Emperor fears no Tiger.

I agree that there was some silly stuff in there, stuff that I normally complain about and yet, at the same time, damned if I didn't enjoy that episode. It was immense fun even though I don't know how anyone survived or how the hell they kept control of a tiger in that situation :lol The Tiger really should have been among the casualties in fact, no way it doesn't get mown down in a hail of gunfire. Still, I'm glad it made it through.

With all that automatic gunfire, everyone should be dead, but that's just how tv is.

But hey, Stormtroopers can't shoot worth a crap either. :lol
The King had control of him I'm sure. You guys over think things. :lol
IF the tiger was with the king the whole time (or near him) then i would kinda buy it

the fact that the tiger went to roam on its own and not eat anyone friendly was stupid as hell
I agree that there was some silly stuff in there, stuff that I normally complain about and yet, at the same time, damned if I didn't enjoy that episode. It was immense fun even though I don't know how anyone survived or how the hell they kept control of a tiger in that situation :lol The Tiger really should have been among the casualties in fact, no way it doesn't get mown down in a hail of gunfire. Still, I'm glad it made it through.

Pretty much my thoughts.....episode in general was enjoyable but damn some wth stuff tossed in for good measure.
In the end did Dwight double cross ricks group or is he playing possum?

He didn't betray them. Hence the message he left Darryl via his hand-carved wooden soldier. He didn't know Negan had the garbage people in his pocket.