The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I've read some of the books, but at some point next season they'll be past me, unless I get my butt moving.

I don't think that anything to do with Lori and the baby in the books will be the same on the show. It's not just that they've diverted heavily from the books in general, but that a book is a very different beast than a show. Like I said earlier, having a baby on the show is just a world of issues for the writers and the actual shooting of the show itself. If they are already having budget cuts, I doubt they'd be finding the money to support the kind of complicated shooting schedule that actually having the baby present would require.

Like I said, I think her being pregnant is just a death sentence waiting for the proper dramatic moment to play out. I don't think it will be this year, as they have way too much to wrap up with Shane, but who knows - if she were to die while Shane was there, he'd pretty much completely lose all hold with sanity, especially if he blamed Rick. Hmmmm - that's got some potential...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Yep, Pixel makes a great point on Lori. Also, just like Dale took away Andrea's choice, Shane did it again by lying to her last night. He treated her as a child, and lied to her to convince her to come back, taking away her choice to go after Rick. Think about times you've been manipulated like that - it's more than just lying, it's about how you're being treated by the other person.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

They had the preview of next weeks show on the talking looks like after shane and rick fight,rick is under a walker and with more walkers coming instead of helping rick shane runs and saves his own. A$#%.I think that will be shanes be shanes final strik3e against him.

That preview had me going :thud:

I think that Shane will be in deep doo-doo next episode!

I've read some of the books, but at some point next season they'll be past me, unless I get my butt moving.

I don't think that anything to do with Lori and the baby in the books will be the same on the show. It's not just that they've diverted heavily from the books in general, but that a book is a very different beast than a show. Like I said earlier, having a baby on the show is just a world of issues for the writers and the actual shooting of the show itself. If they are already having budget cuts, I doubt they'd be finding the money to support the kind of complicated shooting schedule that actually having the baby present would require.

Like I said, I think her being pregnant is just a death sentence waiting for the proper dramatic moment to play out. I don't think it will be this year, as they have way too much to wrap up with Shane, but who knows - if she were to die while Shane was there, he'd pretty much completely lose all hold with sanity, especially if he blamed Rick. Hmmmm - that's got some potential...

I disagree but we'll have to wait to see what happens in season three. :D :peace
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

aaaahh, finally. this is the show that i remember --- and love.

great episode, imo. and lots of great little character moments... carol's quiet drawing out of daryl's pent-up guilt and grief, herschel becoming much more of a realist (in wanting to leave the injured kid), and lori's insidious manipulation of rick. it may just be out of self-preservation, but still.

but did anyone else besides me feel annoyed at rick for putting the safety of the group in danger AGAIN? i mean, i understand where he's coming from, he's acting purely out of compassion and that's something i can get behind. but not at the expense of their own safety. that's starting to border on stupidity. he's just lucky they made it out alive. at the rate he's going, rick's eventually gonna get someone hurt or killed.

some nice gore and make-up effects too. the scene where rick just yanked the guy's leg up made me :rotfl
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

So you admit Rick is changing. :clap

Not for the reason you state though. Rick said it in last night's episode. He will do whatever it takes to keep his family safe. That is how he is changing. Lori just used that admission to plant the seeds of Shane's demise in Rick's head. Calculating ********. :nono

Of course Rick is changing in some ways, everybody on the show is, and
I appreciate where you're coming from, but we're just going to have to agree to disagree.

Is risking his life and the life of the only doctor they have for his pregnant wife to save the guy that was trying to kill them doing whatever he has to do to keep his family safe? Same Rick, same hero complex. As for planting the seeds of doubt about Shane in Rick's head. Those doubts were already there, Rick just didn't want to admit it to himself, now it looks he's starting to. That's the change.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Ok so now the argument is that Shane and Dale "stole" Lori and Andreas right to cop out with suicide? :lol

Hey the last time I checked you needed to suck it up when you're smack dab in the middle of a ____ing zombie apocalypse. Wipe your ____ing tears and move on already.

Shane also lied again in last nights episode and you know what? Lori's alive thanks to it. If you people can't see what a little "white lie" can do to benefit the cause of the group then maybe you don't get the point of this show.

Meh, agree to disagree. :D
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Looking at his monitor his vitals were great. I don't see an IV to unhook so unhooking his monitor is all he'd have to do and he'd be good. Strap his ass over your shoulder and get the ____ outta dodge. He knew he wasn't dead and left him. He's a chicken ____.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Again, it's not what Shane is doing - it's why he's doing it. I find it amusing that he keeps talking about others not handling 'reality' when he's losing his grip on it with Lori. He'll sacrifice the entire lot of them if it means he gets her.

As to the kid, I was annoyed as well that Rick didn't just put a bullet in his head, and I wonder if it will come around to bite him in the ass. Of course, the kid could always choose to stay too - his own 'friends' just left him to be eaten alive by zombies after all.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Who do you choose? They guys who left you to be eaten alive or the the guys who tried to save your legs. :dunno
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Like Andrea says, Shane sucks at presentation. What can I say? :lol

Well Davie Caruso says


Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

If I were going to choose...I'd go with the group with two good looking blonde chicks with no other available men their age :D
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Looking at his monitor his vitals were great. I don't see an IV to unhook so unhooking his monitor is all he'd have to do and he'd be good. Strap his ass over your shoulder and get the ____ outta dodge. He knew he wasn't dead and left him. He's a chicken ____.

I know its just a television show but in a similar real life scenario you'd never have even entered the hospital. He was scared, sue him. At least he tried.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I know its just a television show but in a similar real life scenario you'd never have even entered the hospital. He was scared, sue him. At least he tried.

That wasn't the question. The question was what did he do wrong and I answered that. You can try and still be a chicken ____. He knew Rick was alive, didn't do enough, and then lied to Lori about it.

edit: Just out of curiosity why wouldn't he have entered the hospital in real life? It wasn't under attack until after he was already there.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

There is a world with no rules now. Rick and Shane's true characters are being displayed. One is taking advantage of no order and the other is doing his best to hang on to some. Same people. Different world.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

That wasn't the question. The question was what did he do wrong and I answered that. You can try and still be a chicken ____. He knew Rick was alive, didn't do enough, and then lied to Lori about it.

edit: Just out of curiosity why wouldn't he have entered the hospital in real life? It wasn't under attack until after he was already there.

I said in real life you would have never entered the hospital. I don't think many of us would have had the balls to do so.

And unless I missed something he didn't know he was still alive when he checked on him. Hense why he put his head to his chest to try and hear a heartbeat over the gunfire.

Hey he may have been dumb but that doesn't make you a chicken____ imo. I saw good intentions and I continue seeing a good man being ____ on. Now, after Otis he has changed and no it may not be for the better but my point from the beginning is to consider what he's been through. Thats all.

Again, i'm 100% with Rick.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I would have been at the hospital working already. :lol

He put his head to his chest to listen for a heart beat because the monitors turned off. He knew he was still alive (because he heard the heart beat) and started getting choked up out of frustration because he didn't know what to do, you could hear it and see it in the scene. He also knew he was alive because he barricaded the door with the hospital bed on his way out.

I do agree his intentions were good, but in the end his decisions weren't. He got scared, panicked, ran and then lied about it. It's a complete parrallel and foreshadowing of the events with Otis. An early look into who he is.