The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Do the people in town have a dress code? They look like a walking JC Penney ad. Are the colors supposed to keep everyone calm & happy?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I thought the Governor would get eased in this episode, boy was I wrong. Full blown lunatic right off the bat. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Excellent episode. I called every single move from start to end. That's a good sign the shows very consistent. Haven't read the comics either.

The governors clearly a power freak and a master of the mind. I'm wondering what he did for a living before the outbreak.

Interesting episode indeed.

I'm not sure if anyone listed it but here you go.


It's a prequel so it shouldn't spoil anything that I recall. I really enjoyed the book.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

The leader wants what he has and wants to keep it. Absolute power/control. Only people totally dedicated to their cause/themselves will be able to succeed. It's not a democracy. Totalitarianism. So far, he seems to get away with it by making himself look like the Savior, the good guy, I'm here to help. Only his most trusted know the real deal, and apparently he has some kind of control over his trusted as well. We haven't seen that. This guy likes to do things the easy way, but I bet that, if he needed to, he could drop the charade and do what he needs to to continue having it his way. This guy would put all previous real world dictators to shame. His only limitation is size of the group, and he's definitely controlling that, for now.

He keeps telling the two girls he will let them know, obviously he doesn't but, I wonder how Michonne reacts and I wonder how he stops her from leaving (obviously this happened in the book but I don't know. It makes me wonder)
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

man i hope rick deals with the Governor how he deals with other dudes that get in his way!

(sorry shane :monkey2:gah:)
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

The Governor is a bad ass. I can't wait to see him and rick have a showdown. That would and will be one hell of a confrontation. Especially because I feel it will be much later in the season, say half way through, and Rick will have become even darker.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I kind of thought this episode slowed the pace down, especially after the epic badassness of Rick last episode. Imo it wasn't a good idea to completely dedicate an entire episode to Michonne and Andrea. But wtf do I know?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I kind of thought this episode slowed the pace down, especially after the epic badassness of Rick last episode. Imo it wasn't a good idea to completely dedicate an entire episode to Michonne and Andrea. But wtf do I know?

I actually liked fully delving into their story for a while, without cutting back and forth between Woodbury and the prison.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Anyone else think the governor actor looked and sounded like Liam Neeson?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Didn't catch talking dead tonight, but yeah the guy really is like Neeson-lite, which isn't meant to be disparaging. He's really good and made me forget about how different he was from the comic version.

The show is on a roll. I'm kinda worried that at some point we'll have to get the mediocre episode to even things out. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

It was creepy...

when the pilot's eyes moved in the fish tank. I noticed the tank was being run by the huge battery pack behind the governor when he sat in his chair.

EDIT: I never read the comics so that was a wtf moment for me. :lol
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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

here is a theory going on Josh's theory....maybe the governor has those heads soaking in their so called "tea" hoping/waiting to see if one of them turns back to a human or dies out because his family is turned and he has them locked up somewhere. Each head could be soaking in a different test cure sample. Or he is just one sick individual.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

that governor... no need to kill the soldiers grrrr.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

He should play Darkman.

Anyway, easily my favorite episode since Ep 1. Amazing from start to finish.

I love the Gov's massacre. The slow mo shot, him drooling while killing that one dude. Great stuff.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

There's no cure. From Kirkman's lips. :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:

The characters don't know that. They may think there is a cure or, as Oneye points, out a sedative to make everyone docile.

It makes sense to me that the Governor
took out all those soldiers.

First, the way he did it was perfect. His men were already in position. Targets selected. He shows up as one guy. Mentions the name of their comrade. His compound. They let their guard down, are all uncovered/unshielded, easy targets. When the Gov senses the time is right, he shoots, his men do the same. Quick, precise.

Why kill them? Multiple reasons. He has enough men to do the work he needs. They are trusted, loyal. He can get all their weapons, beans, bullets, bandages, etc. Less to share. His cover story is believable.

This Governor although a bit mentally unstable (just check out his collection) but he is smart, ruthless, cunning. He is living the good life, has what he needs, and will use the necessary force to keep it. Controls the male population by keeping their numbers down, and yet keeping a larger population of women. You know to re-populate the world and take back what is theirs.

He will be a formidable opponent to Rick. Although, Rick has gotten dark grey, he isn't black. The governor is true black. Rick would negotiate/make a deal. The governor, he does it his way, only way he would do something that would look like a negotiation would be if he had the final solution worked out and needed his enemy to act the way he wants them to.


The tea
just because they all seem to drink it, doesn't mean it is all the same. It could be that it is the cups/glasses that are treated. The tea is just that. However, it is dissolving something in the cups. I would think it was something to make the women, non-trusted men, a little passive. Just a little tranquilizer, a little Dr. Feel Good stuff.

See TheObsoleteMan's comment.

On Talking Dead, they said all the tea drinking was simply an inside joke about one of the writers, take that for what it's worth.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

As a big fan of the comic since 2007, I gotta say I've been waiting 2 (long) seasons for the show to get to Woodbury and the prison. But man, it was worth it! Now this season is The Walking Dead!