The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

As a big fan of the comic since 2007, I gotta say I've been waiting 2 (long) seasons for the show to get to Woodbury and the prison. But man, it was worth it! Now this season is The Walking Dead!

Yeah, the anticipation for the Governor and prison story-line has been well worth the wait for me! :yess:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

this was such a good episode. But so many questions.... Why did he have those heads? why did he kill the soldiers? what's with the Tea? if he is so evil how why does everyone trust him like that?

You will see.
ONEYE explained the killing of the soldiers perfectly.
He's British.:rotfl
Trust or fear?

I kind of thought this episode slowed the pace down, especially after the epic badassness of Rick last episode. Imo it wasn't a good idea to completely dedicate an entire episode to Michonne and Andrea. But wtf do I know?

IMO, this wasn't a Michonne/Andrea episode. It was a Governor/Woodbury episode.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Why is it in every postapocalyptic-type show the leader of the safe-haven is really an ******* with a hidden agenda? It seems pretty cliched at this point.

Maybe because it takes an ******* to become the one in charge. Let's face it. Most, if not all, countries are run by *******s.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Do the people in town have a dress code? They look like a walking JC Penney ad. Are the colors supposed to keep everyone calm & happy?

Maybe that was the only store to survive. I noticed the one guy in pastel blue shorts. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

here is a theory going on Josh's theory....maybe the governor has those heads soaking in their so called "tea" hoping/waiting to see if one of them turns back to a human or dies out because his family is turned and he has them locked up somewhere. Each head could be soaking in a different test cure sample. Or he is just one sick individual.

Maybe that's where the tea comes from. Boiled zombie heads! :monkey4
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I'm sure the Governor would be happy with a Ricktatorship.:lol

You know Lori would go for the Governor, lol.

Maybe it's just me, but I kinda wonder if Andrea will go for him. Seems she a little interested.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

here is a theory going on Josh's theory....maybe the governor has those heads soaking in their so called "tea" hoping/waiting to see if one of them turns back to a human or dies out because his family is turned and he has them locked up somewhere. Each head could be soaking in a different test cure sample. Or he is just one sick individual.

The characters don't know that. They may think there is a cure or, as Oneye points, out a sedative to make everyone docile.

That doesn't work though, because the Governor is drinking the same tea, and because on Talking Dead they already said it was nothing more than an inside joke poking fun at one of the writers. :wink1:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

It's also troublesome that they keep the interior of the grounds so weapons-free at woodbury. Especially since they know that anyone can turn regardless of wether they were bit or not. I mean if one guy in there has a massive coronary or chokes on his food does it all go to ****?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Governor is a typical male, keeps the chicks eliminates any new sausage from coming to town. :lol

I am pretty sure hes wanting Michionnes knowledge on the Walkers/Biters for more personal reasons.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Great Episode , kinda missed the group though .

Weird that they didn't show any of them at all.

LOL Governor C. ock Blocker

There's noway they could have taken out those soldiers .

I think Lorie wants the Governors 8====D

I think Michonne is gunna kick some serious ass , she just looks so pissed all the time.

When the herb/nerd brought up that Michonnes Walkers , and how she knows them , Hmmm possibly they were her brothers or friends

This season is awesome so far , the lack of Walkers this episode made me sad , LOL
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

The leader wants what he has and wants to keep it. Absolute power/control. Only people totally dedicated to their cause/themselves will be able to succeed. It's not a democracy. Totalitarianism. So far, he seems to get away with it by making himself look like the Savior, the good guy, I'm here to help. Only his most trusted know the real deal, and apparently he has some kind of control over his trusted as well. We haven't seen that. This guy likes to do things the easy way, but I bet that, if he needed to, he could drop the charade and do what he needs to to continue having it his way. This guy would put all previous real world dictators to shame. His only limitation is size of the group, and he's definitely controlling that, for now.

So that has to happen on most post-apocalyptic shows on tv? Like I said, cliché. This isn't to say I didn't enjoy last night's episode. It just seems like I've seen this scenario before.

Maybe because it takes an ******* to become the one in charge. Let's face it. Most, if not all, countries are run by *******s.

*Note to self: In the post apocalypse stay away from all villages, towns, or other safe-havens. There's a 99% chance it's being lead by an *******.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Governor is a typical male, keeps the chicks eliminates any new sausage from coming to town. :lol

I am pretty sure hes wanting Michionnes knowledge on the Walkers/Biters for more personal reasons.

Notice the woman to men ratio???? damn those parties must be GOOOOD!
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I havent read the book, but I thought when we saw the governor sit down at the end, the camera was going to pan to his family as walkers inside a caged glass, and that's what all the experimenting was for to see if he can turn them back.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Notice the woman to men ratio???? damn those parties must be GOOOOD!

The Governor doesn't want any competition for leadership. That is why the town has many women and older males. I didn't see another alpha male in the town (with the exception of Merle but he is more of a loner). That is why the Governor eliminated the soldiers. They were a threat not to the town's safety, but to his leadership.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

The Governor doesn't want any competition for leadership. That is why the town has many women and older males. I didn't see another alpha male in the town (with the exception of Merle but he is more of a loner). That is why the Governor eliminated the soldiers. They were a threat not to the town's safety, but to his leadership.

Merle's not an alpha male anymore, he's the Governor's personal *****. :lol