The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Perfectly normal for a boy his age. Now her flirting back would lean towards the weird.
From what I just read on some Walking Dead wikia site, Carl is 13 and Hershel's daughter is 16. If that's true, it wouldn't be weird at all for her to share the attraction.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I don't believe Kirkman, Carol is alive.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Why the heck was she wearing that weird hat or whatnot? That was the part of the ep that had me asking, 'WHAT THE...'
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Perfectly normal for a boy his age. Now her flirting back would lean towards the weird.

well Now that T dog is dead who is she going to date? Glenn is taken Daryl has someone after him, who is she going to date? :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

From what I just read on some Walking Dead wikia site, Carl is 13 and Hershel's daughter is 16. If that's true, it wouldn't be weird at all for her to share the attraction.

In the normal world it would be weird, but I guess not so much in TWD world.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)


Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I wouldn't say's not uncommon for a girl to be interested in a younger guy. Especially with only a three-year age difference. And they're both teenagers at this point.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I wouldn't say's not uncommon for a girl to be interested in a younger guy. Especially with only a three-year age difference. And they're both teenagers at this point.

plus there's no one else
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I can see it now:

"I just shot my mom in the face. Want to be my girlfriend?"
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

If T Dog wasn't already bit, would he have still done what he did?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Weirded out? Hell no he likes older women.

seemed normal to me......

Perfectly normal for a boy his age. Now her flirting back would lean towards the weird.

That is pretty much what I'm getting at. Carl flirting fine, but she seems to be flirting back with all of those passing glances and smiles. Feels off, almost forced as if trying to fill the Sophia gap that no longer exists because of the TV continuities. Three or four years is a larger gap given how old Carl is. If he is 12 and she is 16-17 than it's like a High School Sophomore feeling like they might fancy a 7th Grader.

Just stopping by to say Andrew Lincoln is an amazing actor. Then I saw this: :mad:

And thanks for quoting that too......:(
Meh. I guess it is that hard to keep the spoilers focused on the aired episode and everything behind it.

The problem of comic spoilers is proving to be recalcitrant.

Before people get all in a tizzy, the show has proven that it's on it's own continuities well before this but definitively set that up with last week's episode. Lori's death takes us completely off script, as realistically at this point Andrea is with Dale and well...there is still a Dale.

It isn't a comic spoiler because realistically what occurred the books CANNOT OCCUR thanks to last night's episode. I still didn't mention what that was but realistically we don't even know if the kid's name will still be Judith and my comment was more aimed at what happened to her in the comics was bad, given everything that has occurred and how much more gruesome this season has become I fear that it might be worse. Feel free to unbunch your panties.

plus there's no one else

You'd think she'd go upwards like trying to hit on Daryl, T-Dog or even Rick maybe even Glenn (sibling rivalry?) but to go downwards feels off.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

You'd think she'd go upwards like trying to hit on Daryl, T-Dog or even Rick maybe even Glenn (sibling rivalry?) but to go downwards feels off.

I don't know...statutory rape, a married man or your sister's boyfriend all seem much more weird to me than her smiling at Carl.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I don't believe Kirkman, Carol is alive.

Yeah, other than the hat, is there any evidence that she's dead?

I fully expect to see her again.

From what I just read on some Walking Dead wikia site, Carl is 13 and Hershel's daughter is 16. If that's true, it wouldn't be weird at all for her to share the attraction.

In the normal world it would be weird, but I guess not so much in TWD world.

:exactly: 3 years is nothing.

It isn't a comic spoiler because realistically what occurred the books CANNOT OCCUR thanks to last night's episode. I still didn't mention what that was but realistically we don't even know if the kid's name will still be Judith and my comment was more aimed at what happened to her in the comics was bad, given everything that has occurred and how much more gruesome this season has become I fear that it might be worse. Feel free to unbunch your panties.

Until I read your post I wasn't even willing to entertain the possibility that the baby dies.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

That is pretty much what I'm getting at. Carl flirting fine, but she seems to be flirting back with all of those passing glances and smiles. Feels off, almost forced as if trying to fill the Sophia gap that no longer exists because of the TV continuities. Three or four years is a larger gap given how old Carl is. If he is 12 and she is 16-17 than it's like a High School Sophomore feeling like they might fancy a 7th Grader.

Yeah, a three year difference is one thing when it's a 21 year old girl after an 18 year old guy. But when you're that young, every year is a much bigger difference.

That said, it's a different world, so while I don't fully buy it, I don't not buy it.

Carl's got a shot, until the group meets the Governor, and she starts swooning all over David Morrissey.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Until I read your post I wasn't even willing to entertain the possibility that the baby dies.

Then you aren't really watching the show. You entertain the possibility that everybody dies given the situations they are in, not to mention that with this show no one is safe especially given that characters who did die early were given a longer life and characters who were around and kicking long after where we are now are now dead.

Who knows, she might live well into her 20s if the show leaps ahead but if you didn't entertain the thought that a newborn baby in the zombie apocalypse has a better chance of dying especially given that full grown adults are falling left and right then I apologize for adding logic into the conversation.

Yeah, a three year difference is one thing when it's a 21 year old girl after an 18 year old guy. But when you're that young, every year is a much bigger difference.

That said, it's a different world, so while I don't fully buy it, I don't not buy it.

Carl's got a shot, until the group meets the Governor, and she starts swooning all over David Morrissey.

Eh. Still don't buy it, the "different world" scenario doesn't fully stack here to make it believable. Be careful though, people might be able to entertain the idea that the group might met up with Woodbury folk, no spoilers. ;)
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Eh. Still don't buy it, the "different world" scenario doesn't fully stack here to make it believable.

I guess it's like when the bar's closing, you go for whoever's around, regardless of attractiveness. She probably knows no older guy in the group is going to take care of her hormones, so she's just branching out.

Be careful though, people might be able to entertain the idea that the group might met up with Woodbury folk, no spoilers. ;)

Nah, that's no spoiler - with all the plots and characters intertwining, there's no way they don't cross paths soon.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

To piggyback on that, I really fear what happens once they let The Governor off the leash and even bigger (to avoid whining I'll spoiler tag this since it goes off of questioning to the comic book)

Spoiler Spoiler:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

To piggyback on that, I really fear what happens once they let The Governor off the leash and even bigger (to avoid whining I'll spoiler tag this since it goes off of questioning to the comic book)

Spoiler Spoiler:

I think what will happen:

(Comic-y spoiler)

Spoiler Spoiler: