The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

In some states Beth could be charged with statutory rape if she hooked up with Carl because there's a 3+ year age gap.

To me it would be weird in the real world because you would have a girl who is a sophomore/junior in high school interested in a 7th grader. She would be a pariah in her a normal world/setting.

I wonder if this is the proper time to tell you all that I asked an 8th grader (brother of a friend) to my junior prom. :D

His mother wouldn't let him go. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Hi, my name is David Morrissey.


I don't find him attractive at all. :monkey4
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Why the heck was she wearing that weird hat or whatnot? That was the part of the ep that had me asking, 'WHAT THE...'

She was wearing it so she could lose it, so viewers could see Daryl pick it up, later and gave that look that he did.

I don't find him attractive at all. :monkey4

Me, either. Now Michael Rooker, on the other hand... (and of course Norman Reedus, that goes without saying).
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Yeah, other than the hat, is there any evidence that she's dead?

I fully expect to see her again.

:exactly: 3 years is nothing.

Until I read your post I wasn't even willing to entertain the possibility that the baby dies.

Whys that? Can just imagine the baby being invincible on the road crying its eyes at at every opportunity and zombies just casually strolling by not hearing it.

I seriously dont get the thing with the comic spoilers. Do people moan about going into a superhero film where theres obvious adaptions from comics and crying about it? anybody cry about the tweeted pic of Hardy doing the back break pose on one of the crew? No. I dont get the moaning. Its based off a comic book. Comic book fans will talk about the show, and use their knowledge to predict whats going to happen. We can also appreciate all the different touches from the comics and how its deviated along with appreciated the clear iconic moments taken straight from the pages of the source material. its not our problem if you dont read them, go read them.

This is a discussion for The Walking Dead television show, this very show is heavily influenced around the source material. it even says it in promos and credits. They have the talking dead afterwards, where they often bring up comic book discussion. Kirkman even compares the show and says he does things in the show he wishes he couldve done and changed in the comics.

Without the comics, there would be zero episodes of this show. And you people want to moan at the people who have supported this franchise for 9 years, people like myself who have bought the monthly issues and the volumes. People whove stuck from the beginning even when people were saying zombies are cliche, and your going to begrudge us from talking about the comics which clearly inspire 90% of the show?

I mean on the one hand people moan about comic book spoilers for the show, then they say its not being done that way on the show, but we still arent allowed to openly talk about it? Its stupid. The two mediums merge together hugely on many, many points and stories. You can see the similarities and things ripped from the pages, and you can see how theyve been given a new twist or perspective.

Maybe we should open a TWD thread where comic fans can openly talk about the programme and the damn things the show is clearly taking from its source material, because its stupid to keep doing spoiler tags for the smallest damned things because people are happy to get spoiled on the programme, but as soon as a comic spoiler comes its asif youve stormed into someones house and literally pi$$ed on their children on christmas day.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I'm just following a logical train of thought. Obviously, the group will meet the Governor at some point. Beth, all 16 and hormoned up, will see him and his dreaminess. Love ensues. The Governor gives up his evil ways, and they settle down to raise Lori's zombaby, and that is the end of the series. :inlove

Sounds about right. I dun need to watch the rest of the series now. :)

you are in for a surprise :wink1:


Never read the comics (don't read comics in general) but I know what you're referring to. :panic:

Thanks to an earlier spoiler in the thread, I think I do too. :monkey4

Whys that? Can just imagine the baby being invincible on the road crying its eyes at at every opportunity and zombies just casually strolling by not hearing it.

I seriously dont get the thing with the comic spoilers. Do people moan about going into a superhero film where theres obvious adaptions from comics and crying about it? anybody cry about the tweeted pic of Hardy doing the back break pose on one of the crew? No. I dont get the moaning. Its based off a comic book. Comic book fans will talk about the show, and use their knowledge to predict whats going to happen. We can also appreciate all the different touches from the comics and how its deviated along with appreciated the clear iconic moments taken straight from the pages of the source material. its not our problem if you dont read them, go read them.

This is a discussion for The Walking Dead television show, this very show is heavily influenced around the source material. it even says it in promos and credits. They have the talking dead afterwards, where they often bring up comic book discussion. Kirkman even compares the show and says he does things in the show he wishes he couldve done and changed in the comics.

Without the comics, there would be zero episodes of this show. And you people want to moan at the people who have supported this franchise for 9 years, people like myself who have bought the monthly issues and the volumes. People whove stuck from the beginning even when people were saying zombies are cliche, and your going to begrudge us from talking about the comics which clearly inspire 90% of the show?

I mean on the one hand people moan about comic book spoilers for the show, then they say its not being done that way on the show, but we still arent allowed to openly talk about it? Its stupid. The two mediums merge together hugely on many, many points and stories. You can see the similarities and things ripped from the pages, and you can see how theyve been given a new twist or perspective.

Maybe we should open a TWD thread where comic fans can openly talk about the programme and the damn things the show is clearly taking from its source material, because its stupid to keep doing spoiler tags for the smallest damned things because people are happy to get spoiled on the programme, but as soon as a comic spoiler comes its asif youve stormed into someones house and literally pi$$ed on their children on christmas day.

You don't get it because you have read the comics. Readers of the comics will watch the show in a different way than those that have not.

For those of us who haven't, we don't have a clue about what may or may not happen to a character.

Take for example the reference in the posts I quoted above yours. There is an implication given that wouldn't enter the mind of a viewer unless they had read the comics. If the show chooses to plays out the same as the comics, it should be a surprise. It would be if comic readers weren't blabbing about it.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

It's simple.

Use spoilertags for upcoming show and episode rumors and comic topics.

I think it's free reign to talk about how the comics differed from the TV show AFTER the episode airs.

If you come in here sunday night and don't expect anything to be spoiled. You're mental.

It's not a spoiler if it's been advertised (Merle's return) or in a past episode.

And if you're not sure, use spoilertags anyways. :dunno
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

It's simple.

Use spoilertags for upcoming show and episode rumors and comic topics.

If you come in here sunday night and don't expect anything to be spoiled. You're mental.

It's not a spoiler if it's been advertised (Merle's return) or in a past episode.

And if you're not sure, use spoilertags anyways. :dunno

I agree about all of that except the part about using spoiler tags when unsure. If the other points are followed then what's to be unsure about?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)


I agree about all of that except the part about using spoiler tags when unsure. If the other points are followed then what's to be unsure about?

Only if you're unsure if it's considered a spoiler or not.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

She was wearing it so she could lose it, so viewers could see Daryl pick it up, later and gave that look that he did.

Me, either. Now Michael Rooker, on the other hand... (and of course Norman Reedus, that goes without saying).

Norman Reedus I agree with. You can have Rooker though.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Why on earth is anyone surprised that Carl, the 12-14 year old most likely going through puberty, has a crush on the ONLY female near his age left in the world? She's attractive too. :dunno

When I was that age, I don't recall severely limiting my options for vajayjay to my age group. :dunno :lol

That is pretty much what I'm getting at. Carl flirting fine, but she seems to be flirting back with all of those passing glances and smiles. Feels off, almost forced as if trying to fill the Sophia gap that no longer exists because of the TV continuities. Three or four years is a larger gap given how old Carl is. If he is 12 and she is 16-17 than it's like a High School Sophomore feeling like they might fancy a 7th Grader.

This is what I feel too. It's definitely awkward to watch.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I wouldn't say's not uncommon for a girl to be interested in a younger guy. Especially with only a three-year age difference. And they're both teenagers at this point.

happened to me when i was 16. she was 18. ah, young love. :D :D