The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I think the director said on the talking dead, that the zombie WAS bloated, becasue he had eaten Lori.
My favorite part of the episide though? the Governors daughter zombie daughter's chunk of scalp falling off as the Governor combed her hair! LOL

Yeah, Nicotero said that he'd eaten Lori on Talking Dead. I was just potentially pointing out the discrepancy between that one zombie being completely distended vs. the two who shared a man three times her size not being so. But I'm beginning to think Nicotero lied and we'll see that only part of Lori was consumed and part used to fake Carol's death (hence the drag marks).

Really? I thought they all had crosses and we're all closed. Will have to watch again when I get home...

All three had crosses, but only two were filled in.

Not that one, same pick but wrong text. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I wonder, the people that have no idea what the "Phone" means, I wonder if they were going wrf? in that moment lol. I know if I didn't know about the phone it would sure be a head scratcher.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Yeah, Nicotero said that he'd eaten Lori on Talking Dead. I was just potentially pointing out the discrepancy between that one zombie being completely distended vs. the two who shared a man three times her size not being so. But I'm beginning to think Nicotero lied and we'll see that only part of Lori was consumed and part used to fake Carol's death (hence the drag marks).

All three had crosses, but only two were filled in.

Not that one, same pick but wrong text. :lol

I just made that one. I can make it say anything you'd like it to say. But I think you wanted this one,

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

*raises hand*

My first thought was it was coming from someone within the prison (since outside phone lines have been dead for months/years!?) then my next thought was Rick is just plum loco and is now hallucinating.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I wonder, the people that have no idea what the "Phone" means, I wonder if they were going wrf? in that moment lol. I know if I didn't know about the phone it would sure be a head scratcher.

I hope it's something different than "Lori calling" because that is the most obvious route considering his mental state.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

this is pretty freaking awesome:


Norman Reedus is the man lol.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I don't buy the walker or walker(s) completely ate Lori bones, skull and all. I'm not saying she's a walker but that's lazy writing. I don't think it serves a purpose. If that's what happened? We'll see in the next episodes.

From what I remember the episode was less than or around 24 hours (Day, Night, next day). Why would you fill in graves without a body that quickly? Carol was a main character and I can't believe they would just write her out without any details.

After this episode, has Daryl surpassed Rick as the top dog with the fans? Rick was the main character, with Daryl's popularity it would be easier to kill Rick and not anger the fan base or lose viewers. Daryl is pretty untouchable right now, I'm not so sure Rick is anymore. I don't think it'll happen though, just something interesting to think about.

PS. I forgot the mention earlier how much I loved the scene with Michone and the walkers. That was bad ass!
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I still don't understand why people want her back.

As The Joker once said. I'm glad yer dead. Hehewhahaha.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I read this on Twitter earlier. Awesome! :rock

26 of the top 27 cable shows last week were sports or politics-related. Only "The Walking Dead" broke the streak.

I still don't understand why people want her back...

Not sure, I know I don't want her back. But I am feeling kind of guilty after her last episode for thinking of her as ***** whore! :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I don't buy the walker or walker(s) completely ate Lori bones, skull and all. I'm not saying she's a walker but that's lazy writing. I don't think it serves a purpose. If that's what happened? We'll see in the next episodes.

From what I remember the episode was less than or around 24 hours (Day, Night, next day). Why would you fill in graves without a body that quickly? Carol was a main character and I can't believe they would just write her out without any details.

After this episode, has Daryl surpassed Rick as the top dog with the fans? Rick was the main character, with Daryl's popularity it would be easier to kill Rick and not anger the fan base or lose viewers. Daryl is pretty untouchable right now, I'm not so sure Rick is anymore. I don't think it'll happen though, just something interesting to think about.

PS. I forgot the mention earlier how much I loved the scene with Michone and the walkers. That was bad ass!

Even if Daryl is top dog Rick is what carries both the show and the comics, Why would AMC kill their main character. I really hope not, Even if Daryl is the most popular Rick is still a really good character.
I will Quit this show if Rick dies before Andrea. That would be complete BULL____ seriously I don't know if I could take the channel or the show seriously if they did some crap like that.
It was bad enough we lost Lori and T dog before Andrea..
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I don't buy the walker or walker(s) completely ate Lori bones, skull and all. I'm not saying she's a walker but that's lazy writing.

Totally agreed it's lazy writing, but I think that's exactly what we're supposed to think happened.