The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I guess digging the graves and then filling them was a huge mistake, why make a hole if they were not even going to put anything it in?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)


I was prepared to be properly grossed out. I was kinda disappointed it didn't play out that way.

Same here.

All three had crosses, but only two were filled in.

Then presumably the open one would be for Lori, as Rick is the only one that knows her fate, right?

So then they did find Carol?

I wonder, the people that have no idea what the "Phone" means, I wonder if they were going wrf? in that moment lol. I know if I didn't know about the phone it would sure be a head scratcher.

Um, yeah, it was a cliff-hanger. It's supposed to make you go "WTF?"

That's why it's nice to watch the show without any prior contact with the Walking Dead universe, and why we don't want spoilers. Scenes like that have the impact the makers of the show intended.

I don't buy the walker or walker(s) completely ate Lori bones, skull and all. I'm not saying she's a walker but that's lazy writing. I don't think it serves a purpose. If that's what happened? We'll see in the next episodes.

The walker had bones sticking out of its neck. he definitely ate her up. And he probably had help. We don't know that he didn't feast with other walkers.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I have never read any of the comics so I'm only guessing as to what the phone meant in the comics. Something occured to me that I haven't seen addressed. What if bloated zombie was eating Carol and not Lori? I know Nicatero (sp?) said it was Lori, but what if that was a swerve? While unlikely this scenario came to mind. Carl doesn't shot Lori. Carol finds her and is able to patch her up. Unlikely I know but we are talking about a show about a zombie apocalypse so why not? Carol then goes down protecting Lori. Lori manages to get away but is trapped in a room with a telephone. The generator might have been on long enough to energize the phone lines so out of disperation she tries to make a call. Bats#!+ crazy Rick answers but thinks it must be a hallucination and hangs up on her. Then pervie guy finds her and she gets sent out in a way her haters would appreciate? Sounds crazy I know. This episode has me thinking not everything was as it appeared. Even though Rick "turned " on Glenn I find it hard to believe they would all just let him work out his issues without some back up. Especially since the prison still seemed to have plenty of walkers roaming around.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I'm still not buying that Carol is dead. I mean we would have gotten something a little more to say that rather than her just walking out a door into the sunlight. How's that dead? :cuckoo

I'm guessing her C-section-practice-stalker is who she is with right now. I mean they would have looked for her right? Its not like she's just haning out in the yard. The stalker may have been Andrew, but I'm doubting that now. Someone from the Governor's camp perhaps? I dunno, but I don't think for a moment she is really dead. Lori, yeah, she's dead, but not Carol.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Carol isn't dead. Well she could be dead but they will show us how she died if she is dead. Why on earth would they just completely forget about her.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I'm guessing her C-section-practice-stalker is who she is with right now. I mean they would have looked for her right? Its not like she's just haning out in the yard. The stalker may have been Andrew, but I'm doubting that now. Someone from the Governor's camp perhaps? I dunno, but I don't think for a moment she is really dead. Lori, yeah, she's dead, but not Carol.

No way. The looker WAS Andrew. He was watching because he needed to know where the hole for the fence was made so he could get in/out.

Someone from the Governor's camp, also doubtful. If the Governor knew of the prison, it would have been raided for supplies, weapons, fuel, and game Walkers.

I do agree that Carol's alive, they aren't going to "Sofia" her. She's probably in a cell somewhere near. We haven't really gotten a good look at the prison. Don't know how many buildings there are or how big the place is.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I'm still not buying that Carol is dead. I mean we would have gotten something a little more to say that rather than her just walking out a door into the sunlight. How's that dead? :cuckoo

I'm guessing her C-section-practice-stalker is who she is with right now. I mean they would have looked for her right? Its not like she's just haning out in the yard. The stalker may have been Andrew, but I'm doubting that now. Someone from the Governor's camp perhaps? I dunno, but I don't think for a moment she is really dead. Lori, yeah, she's dead, but not Carol.

That's my theory as well.

I was a LOST fan, so I'm wondering if they are playing with timelines... I have a hunch that the events in Woodbury are happening a week or two before the events at the jail and that Meril is the one that was stalking Carol...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I have never read any of the comics so I'm only guessing as to what the phone meant in the comics. Something occured to me that I haven't seen addressed. What if bloated zombie was eating Carol and not Lori? I know Nicatero (sp?) said it was Lori, but what if that was a swerve? While unlikely this scenario came to mind. Carl doesn't shot Lori. Carol finds her and is able to patch her up. Unlikely I know but we are talking about a show about a zombie apocalypse so why not? Carol then goes down protecting Lori. Lori manages to get away but is trapped in a room with a telephone. The generator might have been on long enough to energize the phone lines so out of disperation she tries to make a call. Bats#!+ crazy Rick answers but thinks it must be a hallucination and hangs up on her. Then pervie guy finds her and she gets sent out in a way her haters would appreciate? Sounds crazy I know. This episode has me thinking not everything was as it appeared. Even though Rick "turned " on Glenn I find it hard to believe they would all just let him work out his issues without some back up. Especially since the prison still seemed to have plenty of walkers roaming around.

Prolly wrong, but intriguing none the less...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

... Meril is the one that was stalking Carol...

Merle? No way! You think Merle would not get his "baby brother?" Merle is ready to defy the Governor to get his brother. Besides, Merle is the kind of guy who would be looking for some kind of payback. Sure he's got "Li'l Merle" now, but he's going to go for "an eye for an eye." You have to "hand it to" Merle, he's resourceful, mean, and isn't a forgive and forget kind of person. Top that off with the fact that T-Dog is gone, he'll be ticked off. Only one other person in the group that he can get some satisfaction with...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!) can Merle be at Woodsbury, and the prison at the same time, when he's pretty much on The Governor's leash.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I wonder, the people that have no idea what the "Phone" means, I wonder if they were going wrf? in that moment lol. I know if I didn't know about the phone it would sure be a head scratcher.

So you think people who didn't get it were barking like a dog? :confused:

I just made that one. I can make it say anything you'd like it to say. But I think you wanted this one,


Nah, the one about taking his dead wife. :lol

Me either....


Then presumably the open one would be for Lori, as Rick is the only one that knows her fate, right?

So then they did find Carol?

I suspect something is in Carol's grave, but I think Mr. Ski is right and without getting into spoilers, I'll stop right here. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I still don't understand why people want her back.As The Joker once said. I'm glad yer dead. Hehewhahaha.

I kinda want her back. Just to see her as a zombie fallin around

Im also wondering whether she even died?? We really dont see her die. What if Carol got there, found her, and dragged her away to some other part of the prison?
The bloated zombie might have been a front to makes us believe she ate lorie.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Axel is the new Carl. ;)
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Here is a sneak peek clip at this week's new episode called Hounded.

Very interesting that they say that Axel is off by himself in the boiler room trying to get the generator (Carol) going. Off on his own again. That guy is up to no good I tells ya.

We'll have to see if he has a clean fingernail or not. :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly: