The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Yeah true if it ever came up, but after meeting a new group in the zombie apocalypse would you just spill your guts about everyone you've met along the way to complete strangers? (More towards Denger400, you did say initially).

I don't think I would've been near as confrontational as she was if I was in the same position. Rick grabbing her wound probably did more damage to it, and because of her attitude, she's already off to a bad start with people who not only offered, but gave her the medical assistance she needs. Probably offering up what happened to Glen and Maggie and handing over the formula would've gone over 1000x better. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I don't think I would've been near as confrontational as she was if I was in the same position. Rick grabbing her wound probably did more damage to it, and because of her attitude, she's already off to a bad start with people who not only offered, but gave her the medical assistance she needs. Probably offering up what happened to Glen and Maggie and handing over the formula would've gone over 1000x better. :lol

Rick grabbing her wound was great! He's come along way and is now Shane squared. Carl with his hand on his gun while Herschel tended to her was awesome too.

Yeah it definitely would have. I never read the comic but i guess she has some severe trust issues. Andrea said she spent 8 months with her and barely knew her.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

That cabin scene with the guy seemed a little weird :confused:

Yeah whats up with that, he was like I'm gunna call the cops:lol wheres he been for the past year:dunno

It wasn't a big deal.... Until he said the cop line and believed Rick about being a cop right away (I know he asked for the badge but still) When that happened it became really weird and stupid. I could believe some redneck was able to live on the "Red zone" all by himself for a long time (just look at Daryl)
but for him to not have any clue of the walkers or that people might be dangerous? asking Rick for his badge? Sleeping with his dead dog in there?
nothing of that made any sense. The segment was not a big deal but I wonder why the writers included that in there. I expected a guy that survived because of how well known he is of the woods and whatnot but that was just really weird. It took me off the show, that was the opposite of realistic.
What... Did they guy sleep for a year until they woke him up? :lol
what is he Sleeping Beauty? :rotfl

I'm just glad they didn't go all out with it.

I assume he did. I doubt he spanked her with his belt.

I am really glad that Maggie was not raped. I was really sad for her character, but now there will be no revenge on the Gov or anything like that. I mean, he might do something to Michonne in the future after all once he finds out she is alive. I wonder if that is the case, that it will be Michonne that gets it after the season break, perhaps the group ends up leaving and she gets left behind.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

okay I'm sure someone is gonna give me a reason for this but I really feel Michonne's lack of information is pretty retarded, I get the whole she doesn't trust anyone thing but she trusted Rick's Group enough to go to them and go on a secret agent esq mission but not enough to say she knows Andrea or even that Meryle is there. Either way, next week should be pretty good and then the waiting game begins.

yes, she was incredibly stupid. I mean, I get being afraid of everyone that is alive (Specially men) but she had to know who they were. She went to them for help, she even took the formula, Why would she not talk to them? :gah: that made me almost yell at the T.V.
I really didn't like that she was so quiet in that moment, I Was ready to see her talk to them about everything that happened and I was sure she was going to tell Daryl about his brother being alive. I don't know I guess it is better for it to be a surprise next episode but it was odd anyways.

Also, I think Michonne is the new "Bella" :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

The music was noticeably different this ep, specifically that creepy heart beat sound for the last few mins of the show.

I wonder if they'll let Andrea do a full heel turn. Even when she knows it's rick et al she still sides with the gov, excusing the glenn beating. Just exploring how subjective morality can be with the circumstances. I also think she'd make an outstanding villian. Ppl here already hate her with little provocation.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

The music was noticeably different this ep, specifically that creepy heart beat sound for the last few mins of the show.

I wonder if they'll let Andrea do a full heel turn. Even when she knows it's rick et al she still sides with the gov, excusing the glenn beating. Just exploring how subjective morality can be with the circumstances. I also think she'd make an outstanding villian. Ppl here already hate her with little provocation.

I really hope Andrea sides with the Gov. If they are going to let her live at least make her useful. That would be pretty great, not only will it show Rick that he can't even trust his own group but he might get to take her down :yess: and like you said you are right, she is already hated so making her bad would be brilliant. Specially if she tries to gun down Michonne maybe it will be her that kills her. It just opens up so many possibilities for her death :lol

I Loved, Loved the weird heart beat music at the end, it was really awesome. made everything at the end so tense.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

There's no reason for Michonne to assume this is Andrea's group. If she is going to tell them about her, she'd have to be sure first - Andrea and her have been together for almost a year and she loves her. She wants to get Andrea out, and if this isn't her group, she might be afraid of how they'd react or what that might mean. When you don't trust someone, you hold your personal information close, and that's what she's doing.

The only other info she hasn't shared is about Merle - again, she's not sure this is Andrea's group, so she may be waiting to be sure before she says anything about Merle looking for his brother. On top of that, she still might not say anything - just like Rick will have to question Daryl's loyalty, she'd be worried that he wouldn't help get Maggie and Glenn (and Andrea) if he knew his brother was there.

Not trusting people has kept Michonne alive - she's not going to suddenly open up about anything she doesn't think is necessary to say.

I'm glad that Glen and Maggie are okay so far, although it looks bad for them next week. I hope Glen gets to kill the Gov, and Daryl takes out Merle...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Daryl taking out Merle i would have mixed feelings on.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

It was worth it just for KFC commercial right after that dude got thrown to the walkers. " Everything's better fresh"

Me and my wife LOL'd :lol

More importantly, Verizon may drop AMC??? :panic:

:panic::panic::panic: When that ticker went across the bottom it was straight WTF :gah:. I've been with Verizon for years but if they drop AMC, I'm gone.

Glenn got all Jackie Chan on that zombie.

:rock awesome scene - completely cheering him on.

The music was noticeably different this ep, specifically that creepy heart beat sound for the last few mins of the show.

Loved that music - built up the tension

Daryl taking out Merle i would have mixed feelings on.

Their confrontation will be fascinating. :lecture

And the preview during Talking Dead:
Michonne and Penny!!!
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I am really glad that Maggie was not raped. I was really sad for her character, but now there will be no revenge on the Gov or anything like that. I mean, he might do something to Michonne in the future after all once he finds out she is alive. I wonder if that is the case, that it will be Michonne that gets it after the season break, perhaps the group ends up leaving and she gets left behind.

If and when the Governor finds out Michonne is alive, he is going to be pretty p!ssed at Merle for lying to him about killing her.

I really hope Andrea sides with the Gov. If they are going to let her live at least make her useful. That would be pretty great, not only will it show Rick that he can't even trust his own group but he might get to take her down :yess: and like you said you are right, she is already hated so making her bad would be brilliant. Specially if she tries to gun down Michonne maybe it will be her that kills her. It just opens up so many possibilities for her death :lol

I Loved, Loved the weird heart beat music at the end, it was really awesome. made everything at the end so tense.

I can't see how Andrea will side with the Governor's group once she finds out about all his lies like; Glenn's torture and Maggie's almost rape and Penny and the National Guard group and the list goes on. I think she will be defending Woodbury from Rick's group at first because she will think it is random attackers. Once she knows it is them, I can't see her knowingly killing or harming any of them.

The music at the end was awesome and intense. Loved it.

Daryl taking out Merle i would have mixed feelings on.

It will be interesting to see what goes down between the Dixon brothers. However, as far as taking Merle out, I think Glenn should be first in line.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

So in Rick's Woodbury raiding party we have: Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Mr Red Shirt, I mean Oscar. :lol

That guy truly is a dead man walking and I just finally learned his name too.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Yeah Merle is toast either way.
When the guv finds Penny he'll blame him.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Given Merle lied about Michonne, and with Daryl as incentive, I wouldn't be surprised to see him turn and side with the group to save his own ass. Though when they're clear, he'll look for the first chance he can for payback for his hand.

On the flipside, I bet Andrea sides with the Governor and then regrets it post-attack when she discovers the truth.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Given Merle lied about Michonne, and with Daryl as incentive, I wouldn't be surprised to see him turn and side with the group to save his own ass. Though when they're clear, he'll look for the first chance he can for payback for his hand.

On the flipside, I bet Andrea sides with the Governor and then regrets it post-attack when she discovers the truth.

Glenn Rick and Michonne won't let him live long enough to try to get revenge for the hand.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Glenn Rick and Michonne won't let him live long enough to try to get revenge for the hand.

It all depends on how he behaves. I think if he helps them out enough, while they'd be suspicious, Rick might give him some slack, and Daryl will keep Michonne in check.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

From the way Andrea said "I saw them" in the preview I'm anticipating her turning the gun on the Govenor. It is really a sad and true statement about human nature that when faced with possible extinction people decide to fight each other rather than to confront the situation together. Michonne is very shrud, I betting she has dealt with many untrustworthy people before and after the zombie uprising. Her guarded nature may also be a defense mechanism that helps her handle the enviroment she is in. Her reaction to the situation in the preview next week plus her relationship with her pets indicate there is a lot more to her than meets the eye.