The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Given Merle lied about Michonne, and with Daryl as incentive, I wouldn't be surprised to see him turn and side with the group to save his own ass. Though when they're clear, he'll look for the first chance he can for payback for his hand.

On the flipside, I bet Andrea sides with the Governor and then regrets it post-attack when she discovers the truth.

I can see this happening. Whatever happens in next week's episode, we have to keep in mind that it will not resolve everything regarding the Governor, Merle and Andrea. By having Andrea side with the Governor and (unknowingly against Rick, Michonne et al) she stays in Woodbury for the second half of the season too.

Here is what I think may happen next episode. While this is only my speculation, I will use spoiler tags only because I do reference the sneak peek clip from the Talking Dead last night.

Rick's group is able to rescue Glenn and Maggie. As they are making their escape, something goes wrong which causes them to be discovered. The commotion draws the Woodbury defenders attention. A fight/shootout ensues. Andrea sees Oscar (the only one in Rick's group she wouldn't recognize) and ends up shooting him while the rest of the group escapes. I don't think Daryl and Merle will cross paths yet. I don't think the Governor will see Michonne either so that Merle's lie to him about killing her can play out more. From the sneak peek on the Talking Dead we see Michonne discovers Penny. I bet she ends up killing her once she realizes she is a walker. This, combined with Rick freeing Glenn and Maggie will be enough to enrage the Governor and he will spend the second half of the season trying to get his revenge by attacking the prison.

So Andrea might not discover the error of her ways for quite some time.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

There's no reason for Michonne to assume this is Andrea's group. If she is going to tell them about her, she'd have to be sure first - Andrea and her have been together for almost a year and she loves her. She wants to get Andrea out, and if this isn't her group, she might be afraid of how they'd react or what that might mean. When you don't trust someone, you hold your personal information close, and that's what she's doing.

The only other info she hasn't shared is about Merle - again, she's not sure this is Andrea's group, so she may be waiting to be sure before she says anything about Merle looking for his brother. On top of that, she still might not say anything - just like Rick will have to question Daryl's loyalty, she'd be worried that he wouldn't help get Maggie and Glenn (and Andrea) if he knew his brother was there.

Not trusting people has kept Michonne alive - she's not going to suddenly open up about anything she doesn't think is necessary to say.

I'm glad that Glen and Maggie are okay so far, although it looks bad for them next week. I hope Glen gets to kill the Gov, and Daryl takes out Merle...

Michonne knows this is Andrea's group. She saw both Andrea's and Glenn's reunion with Merle. It has to be the same group ... and if she hasn't connected the dots, she ain't that bright. She just keeps information to herself. Ultimately, I think she went to the prison because she knew it was Andrea's group, so she thought she might be able to trust them ... and they'd want to get Glenn and Maggie back, so they'd be willing to help lay seige to Woodbury.

I don't think she's been introduced to Daryl, though -- at least not by name -- so she has no reason to tell the anonymous redneck about Merle. Not sure she'd tell him anyway, though.

I get the feeling the Woodbury crew isn't as lethal as they look, with a couple of exceptions. It seems like the Governor kills most of the strongest people. The girl at the wall couldn't even hit a walker with an arrow at fairly close range. They have 75 people, most of which are weaklings, women or children. Rick has about a dozen battle-hardened people -- four or five of which are legit badasses (Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Michonne ... Carl?). It was interesting how surprised the Governor was that such a small group cleared the prison when they didn't think they could manage.

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

It all depends on how he behaves. I think if he helps them out enough, while they'd be suspicious, Rick might give him some slack, and Daryl will keep Michonne in check.

...and Glenn?

Rick doesn't cut anyone slack anymore.
The group can't continually be worried about someone so dangerous in their midst.
Rick won't won't risk the group dynamic that he worked so hard for on that D bag. That would be just bad writing.
The guv will kill him, a group member will kill him or he'll bolt and go off on his own.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I'm counting on Andrea to do something stupid
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

...and Glenn?

Rick doesn't cut anyone slack anymore.
The group can't continually be worried about someone so dangerous in their midst.
Rick won't won't risk the group dynamic that he worked so hard for on that D bag. That would be just bad writing.
The guv will kill him, a group member will kill him or he'll bolt and go off on his own.

He doesn't cut strangers slack. If they captured Merle, or Merle turned on the Governor ... there's no way Rick would execute Daryl's brother. Daryl might, I guess -- but something would have to happen to make Daryl want to. Otherwise, it'd be worth keeping him alive just to not piss Daryl off.

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

He doesn't cut strangers slack. If they captured Merle, or Merle turned on the Governor ... there's no way Rick would execute Daryl's brother. Daryl might, I guess -- but something would have to happen to make Daryl want to. Otherwise, it'd be worth keeping him alive just to not piss Daryl off.


Rick would have to give him an ultimatum then: The group or your brother, can't have both.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

He doesn't cut strangers slack. If they captured Merle, or Merle turned on the Governor ... there's no way Rick would execute Daryl's brother. Daryl might, I guess -- but something would have to happen to make Daryl want to. Otherwise, it'd be worth keeping him alive just to not piss Daryl off.


A leader loses his or her effectiveness if they keep making compromises to make everyone happy. Rick has already learned this. Remember "this ain't a democracy" line from last season? However, I highly doubt Merle is going to get captured or turn on the Governor so it's a moot point.

Rick would have to give him an ultimatum then: The group or your brother, can't have both.

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Rick would have to give him an ultimatum then: The group or your brother, can't have both.

I don't see that happening. Daryl's dependable and useful. Rick trusts him. He's also not the kind of guy you give an ultimatum. He'd leave just as an "f-you" for drawing a line in the sand. I know the type because I am that type. He who gives the ultimatum loses the ultimatum.

Rick is concerned with the well-being of the group. The group is better off with Daryl than without.

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

SnakeDoctor; said:
Rick is concerned with the well-being of the group. The group is better off with Daryl than without.


Not if Daryl is a package deal with Merle it isn't.
You really think Glenn is going to suffer in silence after the beating he took just to make Daryl happy?

Waaaaay too much downside to having Merle in the group that Daryl can't come close to balancing out. If Merle joins then Rick owes an apology to Shane. Same danger.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Loved last nights show. Glen fighting and killing that walker was bad ass!!! Hope Ricks team kicks major ass next episode.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Not if Daryl is a package deal with Merle it isn't.
You really think Glenn is going to suffer in silence after the beating he took just to make Daryl happy?

Waaaaay too much downside to having Merle in the group that Daryl can't come close to balancing out. If Merle joins then Rick owes an apology to Shane. Same danger.

Again, I agree. :exactly:

There is no way Merle will ever be a part of Rick's group. Ever. :lecture

I get a kick out of how many people are more willing to have Merle join the group than to have Andrea re-join it. She hasn't done anything wrong (yet) other than have terrible taste in men. Whereas Merle hasn't done anything good, but plenty of bad things (torturing Glenn the most recent) to warrant being a part of Rick's group.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Again, I agree. :exactly:

There is no way Merle will ever be a part of Rick's group. Ever. :lecture


I'm entertaining the idea of having Rick's team going dual Dixon which would be pretty neat; it would give writers some extra poop material to work with.


But that mid-season finale has me thinking: what if lose Daryl for Tyrese. :(
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)


I'm entertaining the idea of having Rick's team going dual Dixon which would be pretty neat; it would give writers some extra poop material to work with.


But that mid-season finale has me thinking: what if lose Daryl for Tyrese. :(

Yeah, hes coming on board next episode, so it makes perfect sense that hes one of Woodburys 75 and he turns on the Governor.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Nothing really happened this week

Glenn killed a zombie with a chair (he's the Black Widow of TWD). Michonne scowled. Carol took over babymama duties from Daryl. Governor got to see Maggie's boobs.

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Glenn killed a zombie with a chair (he's the Black Widow of TWD). Michonne scowled. Carol took over babymama duties from Daryl. Governor got to see Maggie's boobs.


...and we got to see Andrea's dupa and Maggie was topless for half the episode. All in all, a pretty good episode. :D