The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Anyone else concerned that they left Axel back at the prison with a kid, a cripple, a teenager, a mid-wife and a baby? How trustworthy is he? :panic:

I don't think he would try anything because he's probably happy to be with a good group but it's something to think about.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Anyone else concerned that they left Axel back at the prison with a kid, a cripple, a teenager, a mid-wife and a baby? How trustworthy is he? :panic:

I don't think he would try anything because he's probably happy to be with a good group but it's something to think about.

I thought he said he was coming along. Did he stay behind?

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Anyone else concerned that they left Axel back at the prison with a kid, a cripple, a teenager, a mid-wife and a baby? How trustworthy is he? :panic:

I don't think he would try anything because he's probably happy to be with a good group but it's something to think about.

I would have been two episodes ago when I thought he was responsible for Carol's disappearance but we know how that turned out. (I still think the writers missed out on an opportunity to give Carol a better storyline, but what do I know?) :dunno

Carl will keep Axel in line. :wink1:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

He closed the prison gate after the 'assault' team drove off.

Ah. Alright. Could've sworn he chimed in right after the big guy (Oscar?) said he was going.

Doubt it matters. Pretty sure Carl could take him.

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Ah. Alright. Could've sworn he chimed in right after the big guy (Oscar?) said he was going.

Doubt it matters. Pretty sure Carl could take him.


I think Beth said she was going too. They probably just edited out the scene where the rest of them burst out laughing.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)


I'm entertaining the idea of having Rick's team going dual Dixon which would be pretty neat; it would give writers some extra poop material to work with.


But that mid-season finale has me thinking: what if lose Daryl for Tyrese. :(

Do you think we've already seen him -T? Could he be the arrow wielding guy from Woodbury's group? It seemed they made it a point of him walking past Andrea in last night's episode after him being out of a few episodes. He kinda looks like the actor that will play him and he reminds me of the comic character.

Just a thought!!!
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Do you think we've already seen him -T? Could he be the arrow wielding guy from Woodbury's group? It seemed they made it a point of him walking past Andrea in last night's episode after him being out of a few episodes. He kinda looks like the actor that will play him and he reminds me of the comic character. Just a thought!!!

I thought that too, but couldn't find anything online supporting a cameo, but you are right, that guy looks alot like Chad Coleman.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Again, I agree. :exactly:

There is no way Merle will ever be a part of Rick's group. Ever. :lecture

I get a kick out of how many people are more willing to have Merle join the group than to have Andrea re-join it. She hasn't done anything wrong (yet) other than have terrible taste in men. Whereas Merle hasn't done anything good, but plenty of bad things (torturing Glenn the most recent) to warrant being a part of Rick's group.

Last night's ep was great and I can't wait for next weeks ep.

The only way I see Merle joining Rick's group is if The Governor finds out Merle lied to him about Michonne and I think Merle will leave Woodbury and will pretend to play nice but perhaps betray Rick's group later on in an attempt to regain favor with The Governor. The only other way I see him joining Rick's group is if he get's captured and while in captivity will try to get Daryl to let him go and to get him to join Woodbury. I don't however see Merle joining Rick's group and becoming on of the "good guys" like Daryl.

Personally I think Andrea will stay with The Governor untill *comic spoiler*
Woodbury's seige on the prison (whether that happens this season or next I don't know). I think maybe Andrea will be the one ends up killing The Governor as opposed to a random Woodbury citizen like in the comics.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Here is what I think may happen next episode. While this is only my speculation, I will use spoiler tags only because I do reference the sneak peek clip from the Talking Dead last night.

Rick's group is able to rescue Glenn and Maggie. As they are making their escape, something goes wrong which causes them to be discovered. The commotion draws the Woodbury defenders attention. A fight/shootout ensues. Andrea sees Oscar (the only one in Rick's group she wouldn't recognize) and ends up shooting him while the rest of the group escapes. I don't think Daryl and Merle will cross paths yet. I don't think the Governor will see Michonne either so that Merle's lie to him about killing her can play out more. From the sneak peek on the Talking Dead we see Michonne discovers Penny. I bet she ends up killing her once she realizes she is a walker. This, combined with Rick freeing Glenn and Maggie will be enough to enrage the Governor and he will spend the second half of the season trying to get his revenge by attacking the prison.

So Andrea might not discover the error of her ways for quite some time.

I can see that happening.

I'm counting on Andrea to do something stupid

You mean for a change of pace? :wink1:

...and we got to see Andrea's dupa and Maggie was topless for half the episode. All in all, a pretty good episode. :D

:lecture :naughty

Ah. Alright. Could've sworn he chimed in right after the big guy (Oscar?) said he was going.

Doubt it matters. Pretty sure Carl could take him.


I think he said "I'm in" as did Beth. Neither of them was needed for the raid and better off staying with Hershel, Carol, Carl and Judith.

Personally I think Andrea will stay with The Governor untill *comic spoiler*
I think maybe Andrea will be the one ends up killing The Governor as opposed to a random Woodbury citizen like in the comics.

I'm thinking the same thing.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I can see this happening. Whatever happens in next week's episode, we have to keep in mind that it will not resolve everything regarding the Governor, Merle and Andrea. By having Andrea side with the Governor and (unknowingly against Rick, Michonne et al) she stays in Woodbury for the second half of the season too.

Here is what I think may happen next episode. While this is only my speculation, I will use spoiler tags only because I do reference the sneak peek clip from the Talking Dead last night.

Rick's group is able to rescue Glenn and Maggie. As they are making their escape, something goes wrong which causes them to be discovered. The commotion draws the Woodbury defenders attention. A fight/shootout ensues. Andrea sees Oscar (the only one in Rick's group she wouldn't recognize) and ends up shooting him while the rest of the group escapes. I don't think Daryl and Merle will cross paths yet. I don't think the Governor will see Michonne either so that Merle's lie to him about killing her can play out more. From the sneak peek on the Talking Dead we see Michonne discovers Penny. I bet she ends up killing her once she realizes she is a walker. This, combined with Rick freeing Glenn and Maggie will be enough to enrage the Governor and he will spend the second half of the season trying to get his revenge by attacking the prison.

So Andrea might not discover the error of her ways for quite some time.

I thought Daryl mentioned his brother in the preview of next weeks episode. Whether they meet, I don't know ... but he at least knows he's in there.

I think you're right about Penny, though. My guess is there will be more collision this episode than you think. Andrea will side against Rick intentionally ... for the same reason she sided against Michonne. Ignorance. Stupidity. Thinking with her ladyparts. She won't know about Glenn ... she'll just think Rick raided the town. Daryl and Merle will see one another -- or at least Daryl sees him -- but continue to fight on opposite sides. The governor will know Michonne is alive because of the expertly severed head of Penny ... though I think she'll get caught with the decapitated corpse.

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

In the preview for next week, we see Daryl say to Rick "...he's my brother..." indicating that Daryl knows his brother is alive. I am thinking that Rick's group sees Merle and the spanish guy leaving Woodbury to go scout out the prison like the Governor told him to do at the end of this week's episode. Maybe Merle is the cause of the commotion at the prison where we see Carl say "leave her". Maybe Merle cuts open the fence so that the Walkers can attack the group inside the prison?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

yes, she was incredibly stupid. I mean, I get being afraid of everyone that is alive (Specially men) but she had to know who they were. She went to them for help, she even took the formula, Why would she not talk to them? :gah: that made me almost yell at the T.V.
I really didn't like that she was so quiet in that moment, I Was ready to see her talk to them about everything that happened and I was sure she was going to tell Daryl about his brother being alive. I don't know I guess it is better for it to be a surprise next episode but it was odd anyways.

Also, I think Michonne is the new "Bella" :lol

Thank you! I thought the exact same thing. I get the whole doesn't trust easily thing but I feel in this case it made little to no sense to be quiet about things
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

So...Since I seem to be the only one who thinks the Governer DID rape Maggie... Was I imagining it when it was mentioned on the Talking Dead? I swear they brought it up a couple times, even Yvette mentioning that he just left Andrea so he was just 'satiated', meaning it was a pure power thing... Hardwick is normally pretty quick to make corrections. You think if Yvette was wrong in her assumption he'd have chimed in to the contrary.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

So...Since I seem to be the only one who thinks the Governer DID rape Maggie... Was I imagining it when it was mentioned on the Talking Dead? I swear they brought it up a couple times, even Yvette mentioning that he just left Andrea so he was just 'satiated', meaning it was a pure power thing... Hardwick is normally pretty quick to make corrections. You think if Yvette was wrong in her assumption he'd have chimed in to the contrary.

What they said was that the Governor took it as far as he did just to show Maggie that he could. That was the "power trip" comment. He didn't rape her because she wasn't giving him the response or info he wanted.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Ahhhhh, gotcha. Thanks Mister Ski. I knew what happened in the comics and so once the belt came off, he walked over... just read too much into it. Glad it didn't go down that way then.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

So...Since I seem to be the only one who thinks the Governer DID rape Maggie... Was I imagining it when it was mentioned on the Talking Dead? I swear they brought it up a couple times, even Yvette mentioning that he just left Andrea so he was just 'satiated', meaning it was a pure power thing... Hardwick is normally pretty quick to make corrections. You think if Yvette was wrong in her assumption he'd have chimed in to the contrary.

Meaning he was full and didn't partake, leaving the thought to linger that maybe he would have. Seems pretty simple to me, even if you didn't watch the episode and see her not get raped. :dunno
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

How many of you guys collect or would collect TWD figures?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

How many of you guys collect or would collect TWD figures?

I would. Right about now, I think someone needs to be making this...

One of the best villains on TV atm and I'm hoping he guts the Governor before its all over.