The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Pretty good finale.

Now there is nothing to watch on Sundays till TWD and GOT come back on.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)


T-Dog dies, Oscar joins the group

Oscar dies, Tyrese Joins the group (potentially)

Why is it that there is only room for one black man on this show?

So that he can die?

If you find that you are the only black guy in a group of military-, science-, explorer group or whatever; run. Run/swim or do whatever you can, because you are about to die sooner than later. And you propably also find yourself wearing a red shirt.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Oh lordy lordy lord. Those were last 10 minutes were something. Hell that whole episode was great.
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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)


T-Dog dies, Oscar joins the group

Oscar dies, Tyrese Joins the group (potentially)

Why is it that there is only room for one black man on this show?

lose a bro gain a bro, lose a bro gain a bro :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

why the hell was that b___h screaming at the beginning? God that pissed me off. She wasn't even being bitten or anything. That beginning of the episode did piss me off, it started so random and then we have some moron screaming her lungs out for no reason (I Know there were walkers attacking them but that is no excuse) I actually felt good when she got bit because she was not going to be on the show for long.
Stupid beginning.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I rewatched last weeks episode earlier today and something is bugging me a bit,wasn't andrea there when at the cdc when they had the 3d image scan[I guess that's what its called]of the worker transforming into the zombie?if so why didn't she say anything when that old guy changed,if I'm remembering correct the cdc guy showed them that all there brain function stopped.
Not sure what you're asking? That the old guy was going to change? They knew he was going to change. They were doing studies on him to see if he kept any of his thought process.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Hmmm, am I one of the few who liked the beginning then? I really liked how they introduced Tyrese, he is such a badass.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I rewatched last weeks episode earlier today and something is bugging me a bit,wasn't andrea there when at the cdc when they had the 3d image scan[I guess that's what its called]of the worker transforming into the zombie?if so why didn't she say anything when that old guy changed,if I'm remembering correct the cdc guy showed them that all there brain function stopped.

Do you think the scientist guy (I forget his name) would have taken her word for it? He had done all sorts of pre-work (music, interview questions, the pictures) and was determined to see it through for himself, so she probably just decided to let him see for himself. No biggie in my book.

"I force myself to look at them to deal with the world outside" or some **** like that. And like the cockwhipped whore she is, she bought it. :lol

:exactly::goodpost: I have been giving Andrea the benefit of the doubt, but she is beginning to get on my nerves now too. I cannot believe she takes the Governor at his word for Penny and the heads in the tanks, but she can't with Michonne - a person who saved her life from the Walkers in the woods at the end of S2! Hell, she can't even be bothered to ask Michonne what was going on with her and the Governor. The writers seem to be taking her character in a radically different direction from her comic counterpart...and not in a good way. Boo!

I can't wait for February!
If you watched the sneak peak for when they return in 2 months you can see Daryl,alive. Here's what I think happens. Daryl & Merle escape,make their way back to the prison,Daryl convinces Rick to let Merle stay.The Governor now has Merle on the inside to ease their attempt to storm the prison
That's my guess.

Yes, we see Daryl alive and back with the prison group, but Merle is noticeably absent from all the previews for the second half of the season. Maybe indicating he dies or disappears again?

Great episode.

So far, they haven't quite made the Governor evil enough, though. Maybe that's been their intent. Maybe he hasn't completely cracked quite yet ... and the worst is yet to come. Or, maybe he's an ambiguous villain (I haven't read the comics), sort of a slightly darker mirror image of Rick, rather than a truly evil villain.

Still ... I kinda get the feeling that he's the villain right now because we've been told he's the villain, and we're more invested in his opponents. Watching the Penny scene without foreknowledge of who's supposed to be good and who's supposed to be bad ... you'd have a hard time coming out thinking Michonne was the hero.

So far, they've shown the Governor to be creepy -- biter heads in aquariums, zombie daughter in the closet. But, that's not much creepier than Daryl's walker ears necklace, Rick's walker-killing rampage in the prison, or Morgan's zombie wife in the lawn (at least Rick didn't shoot the wife in the head while Morgan was pleading with him not to). Good guys have done the same thing.

They've shown the Governor to be ruthless and maybe murderous -- the National Guard detachment, sending a scout team after Michonne, torturing and potentially executing Glenn and Maggie. But, that isn't all that different than Rick's group's treatment of Randall -- torture, scout teams chasing, planned executions. Or the prisoners ... Michonne has been at least as much of a threat to the Governor as that ass-clown prisoner Rick macheted in the head. It is arguable that she's done more to the Governor than he has to her. She's definitely done more to Woodbury than Randall ever did to Rick's crew.

They haven't done enough to differentiate Rick's team from the Governor's. I'm not sure Rick or Daryl wouldn't have done some or most of the stuff the Governor has ... protecting his own. Maybe they will in the future.

Still. Great television.


I think the Governor has been pretty evil so far, but I am sure now that Penny is "dead" he is going to go "full evil".:lol

I disagree with your assessment that the good guys have done the same things as the Governor. First of all, the Governor isn't "maybe murderous". He didn't maybe murder the National Guard guys. He is murderous - pure and simple. Rick and his group didn't seek out and kill Randall. Randall was trying to kill them first! They rescued him from the fence and were probably going to let him go, especially after Dale's death, until Shane had other ideas and killed Randall himself. I also missed the part where Rick's group set a Walker after Randall and threatened to rape him.

Tomas (the prisoner) was actively trying to kill Rick. He first swung at him with the machete and then pushed a "live" Walker on top of him. Rick only killed him then. Rick has never killed anyone without having been provoked first. The Governor killed those National Guard guys unprovoked.

Daryl's ears are a little morbid. They can be seen as trophys, but they also served a practical purpose as a deterrent from being attacked by other Walkers when Daryl was alone and injured in the woods. He was also in full survival mode at that point and those ears where his way of keeping the adrenaline pumping. I haven't seen Daryl with the ears since he came out of the woods. Does he even still have them? The Governor's heads are also trophys but other than that don't really serve any practical purpose that I can see. There is also a dangerous element to live heads and Penny whereas Daryl's ear collection isn't going to be biting and infecting anyone.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Hmmm, am I one of the few who liked the beginning then? I really liked how they introduced Tyrese, he is such a badass.

Tyrese was cool but that stupid b___h wouldn't shut up. She probably made every single walker in the surrounding areas come to the prison :gah:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I can't wait for February!
If you watched the sneak peak for when they return in 2 months you can see Daryl,alive. Here's what I think happens. Daryl & Merle escape,make their way back to the prison,Daryl convinces Rick to let Merle stay.The Governor now has Merle on the inside to ease their attempt to storm the prison
That's my guess.
I can't remember exactly what Glenn screams but something like, you're letting him stay here? Makes me think Merle will be at the prison
Comic spoiler
Remember in the comic that one of the governors henchmen seems to have a change of heart and helps Ricks group escape. We find out later that he is a spy for the governor. I could see that being where they take Merles character
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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I can't wait for February!
If you watched the sneak peak for when they return in 2 months you can see Daryl,alive. Here's what I think happens. Daryl & Merle escape,make their way back to the prison,Daryl convinces Rick to let Merle stay.The Governor now has Merle on the inside to ease their attempt to storm the prison
That's my guess.

I don't think so. Merle has burned his bridges with both camps. He lied to the Governor about killing Michonne, and after what he did to Glenn, Ricks' group won't accept him either. He's on his own now, so I'm thinking he's going to be a gonner by the end of the season at the latest. Nobody can trust him, and if you cant trust someone in this zombie apocalypse, you got to kill them. We've seen that a lot this season. If they want to give him a good death, they'll have Daryl finish him off to cement himself in Rick's group for good.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I don't think so. Merle has burned his bridges with both camps. He lied to the Governor about killing Michonne, and after what he did to Glenn, Ricks' group won't accept him either. He's on his own now, so I'm thinking he's going to be a gonner by the end of the season at the latest. Nobody can trust him, and if you cant trust someone in this zombie apocalypse, you got to kill them. We've seen that a lot this season. If they want to give him a good death, they'll have Daryl finish him off to cement himself in Rick's group for good.

:lecture Exactly.

There's no way Rick let's him back into the group, IMO.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

I can't remember exactly what Glenn screams but something like, you're letting him stay here? Makes me think Merle will be at the prison

You don't need spoiler tags for promos and sneak peeks.

Glenn says, "What the hell is he doing here?" as he and Michonne run up to Rick and what looks like Maggie and Daryl in the woods.

I don't think so. Merle has burned his bridges with both camps. He lied to the Governor about killing Michonne, and after what he did to Glenn, Ricks' group won't accept him either. He's on his own now, so I'm thinking he's going to be a gonner by the end of the season at the latest. Nobody can trust him, and if you cant trust someone in this zombie apocalypse, you got to kill them. We've seen that a lot this season. If they want to give him a good death, they'll have Daryl finish him off to cement himself in Rick's group for good.

Pretty much^

:lecture Exactly.

There's no way Rick let's him back into the group, IMO.

I can't see Rick letting Merle join the prison group either and really hope they don't go that route, but just to play devil's advocate...

1.) Based on the promo preview clip, Glenn is clearly upset at seeing someone with Rick in the woods when he says, "What the hell is he doing here?" The only people I can see him saying that towards are The Governor or Merle.

2.) There is another clip in the preview of Glenn in the prison going up to Michonne saying, "We can end this tonight." Again, the only people I can see him saying this about is The Governor or Merle.

Maybe Merle is let into the prison? If so, then it could end badly for Rick's group. From the preview clip, we see the prison burning and overrun with The Governor standing in front of it.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Maybe Merle is let into the prison? If so, then it could end badly for Rick's group. From the preview clip, we see the prison burning and overrun with The Governor standing in front of it.

Unless I haven't seen all the previews for the second half to this season...I don't think that's the prison, isn't that the Walker area/pit in Woodbury?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Unless I haven't seen all the previews for the second half to this season...I don't think that's the prison, isn't that the Walker area/pit in Woodbury?

Hmmm, it looks like a big building structure to me.

This is the preview clip I am talking about...

Right at the beginning, it looks like the prison in the background to me. Also at the 21 sec mark, it looks like Michonne recoiling as a van breaks through the fence at the prison.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

All I know is I had fun seeing the governor get messed up for once