The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

What's wrong with that? you really are kind of a hypocrite. Imagine if Invader Zim or Transformers in black and white? You love a lot of shows or movies in color but now you come here and crap on color being used.... right..:cuckoo:

You have no idea what you're saying. :lol

I don't see a logical story telling reason why Invader Zim would be in black and white....unless Jhonen wanted to make something akin to the cheesy Sci-Fi films of the 1950's, it could still work. Or, if he wanted to keep the same visual style and tone he had with JTHM and Squee (which are both in black and white) then it could work. But since that's not the case, it doesn't. Since there isn't a logical reason for it.

And Transformers...once again, I don't see any reason.

I'm not crapping on color. I'm just crapping on people crapping on black and white because it's not color. Color is fine. But color is boring. You don't notice it because it's the norm. There's nothing wrong with it, but there's also nothing wrong with black and white either. It's a different format which now allows for a different kind of film, if you use it correctly.

Since the comic was in black and white, the show, for the fans, could be shown in black and white. Because of the material it was based off of.

The creators of the Walking Dead chose that format to make their comics in. Just like directors chose color to make their films or TV shows in.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Young Frankenstein is another that would have greatly suffered with the use of color.

black and white is great for some things but it is very limited. It only works for some things but you miss out on a lot with black and white. I mean I don't hate black and white I like it but I like seeing things in color a lot more. there are only so many shades of gray you can see...
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

You have no idea what you're saying. :lol

I don't see a logical story telling reason why Invader Zim would be in black and white....unless Jhonen wanted to make something akin to the cheesy Sci-Fi films of the 1950's, it could still work. Or, if he wanted to keep the same visual style and tone he had with JTHM and Squee (which are both in black and white) then it could work. But since that's not the case, it doesn't.

And Transformers...once again, I don't see any reason.

I'm not crapping on color. I'm just crapping on people crapping on black and white because it's not color. Color is fine. But color is boring. You don't notice it because it's the norm. There's nothing wrong with it, but there's also nothing wrong with black and white either. It's a different format which now allows for a different kind of film, if you use it correctly.

Since the comic was in black and white, the show, for the fans, could be shown in black and white. Because of the material it was based off of.

The creators of the Walking Dead chose that format to make their comics in. Just like directors chose color to make their films or TV shows in.

that is what I mean, are you crazy? how can color be boring? that makes no sense. Seriously, you have like hundreds of colors to use against a couple of shades of gray when something is filmed in black and white

if anything black and white could be use as a gimmick, doesn't mean anything that is black and white will be good look at the Spirit, being black and white didn't help much. I agree that it can work for some stuff but black and white could also become a distraction.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

black and white is great for some things but it is very limited. It only works for some things but you miss out on a lot with black and white. I mean I don't hate black and white I like it but I like seeing things in color a lot more. there are only so many shades of gray you can see...

If the film is randomly in black and white, then that's a mistake. But more often then not, if it's done in black and white, it was shot to be black and white.

Check out Kill Bill the uncut fight scene. While it's nice to see all that red gore flying, it was clearly intended to be black and white. In one scene, someone gets cut, and light blood spatters everywhere. But in color, that scene, they used water.

And the lighting is too bright, and over lit. But you don't get that in the black and white version.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

that is what I mean, are you crazy? how can color be boring? that makes no sense. Seriously, you have like hundreds of colors to use against a couple of shades of gray when something is filmed in black and white

if anything black and white could be use as a gimmick, doesn't mean anything that is black and white will be good look at the Spirit, being black and white didn't help much. I agree that it can work for some stuff but black and white could also become a distraction.

Color is boring because it's everywhere. Nothing wrong with it. It's and white is just different. And it's nice to break up the norm with something new.

I don't have any problem with color, I just want to annoy the black and white haters. :D
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Color is boring because it's everywhere. Nothing wrong with it. It's and white is just different. And it's nice to break up the norm with something new.

I don't have any problem with color, I just want to annoy the black and white haters. :D

I'm not a black and white hater either :lol I love sin city and I loved the Kill Bill scene.

But I am glad the Walking Dead show is not black and white. It would have sucked that way. I'm glad is in color :dunno
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

It would not have sucked. It would had an intent that would've been nice.

And also would've pissed off the younger crowed. :lol

But the show doesn't have that intent, so it doesn't need it.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

It would not have sucked. It would had an intent that would've been nice.

And also would've pissed off the younger crowed. :lol

But the show doesn't have that intent, so it doesn't need it.

I don't know there would be a lot missed with black and white, the zombies alone would not look as good or scary. The kills wouldn't look as gruesome, Yes I know Night of the living dead was in black and white but then look at Dawn of the dead or Day of the dead, color brings so much more into the picture. Feels more real and looks more real.

In fact for me personally I love the color remake of Night of the living dead much more than the original. I love both but I like the remake more, not only because it is in color but because it becomes more scary and more realistic.
Black and white does the opposite it takes off that realism. In comics that doesn't matter because either in color or B/W cartoons look good either way. But for movies or cartoons color is much better because it brings so much more depth and realism for me.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

No they shouldn't. Because that is the creators intent. It's not just because they were lazy and they didn't feel like coloring. They had a REASON for doing what they did.

You can disagree, just like I can disagree on Jackson's frame rate choice. If he only offered The Hobbit at that frame rate, I would say, fair enough Jackson. That was your intent. But your intent, in my opinion sucks.

People don't have to get what they want. I don't think anyone was claimoring over a black and white version, because it's not the comics. It's a different thing entirely. It's just a little nod for the fans to enjoy. AMC wanted to get a little extra ratings, and perhaps show some non comic fans a different look at the show they love.

The reason the comic was black and white was so that Kirkman and Moore could get away with more gore that way:
Q: What made you decide to do a comic in black and white?

A: That actually came from our original idea because [co-creator Tony Moore and I] believed Night of the Living Dead was in public domain. We thought it would be neat to just go out and do a comic book series that takes place in that world, and do it in black and white. In the end, we decided to do something completely different, but to keep the black-white thing because you could get away with more gore. It's not all bloody and violent with red all over the page, so it seems a little less offensive. It's also a little cheaper to print.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

There you go. Artistic intent. There reason may not have been as artsy as I hoped, but it's still there. QT did the same thing for Kill Bill.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

You would get a different emotion. Like Kirkman said.

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

If anything, it would be more unsettling with color. Kirkman said it himself: "It's not all bloody and violent with red all over the page." He did it because it was cheaper and he wouldn't get as much grief over it; hardly the "artistic intent" that you make it out to be.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

From an early issue in the letters section written by Kirkman:

"I wouldn't want to do the books in colour. I'm not familiar with "Arrow comics" (anyone care to fill me in?) but I'm a HUGE fan of Night of the Living Dead and to me... this stuff just works better in black and white. Have you SEEN the zombies in Dawn of the Dead? YEESH they look AWFUL. No matter how GREAT that movie is... those zombies just SUCK... that's all there is to it. Black and White is where it's at for this stuff... it just works better in my mind."
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

What are you talking about? Someone said "Oh why don't they just show the show in sepia tone huur" when they seem to forget, the material it's based on is a comic book done in....GASP...BLACK AND WHITE>

Oh, so your comment was directed at me?? :lol

Well then, allow me to retort. I am very familiar with the comics being done in "gasp B&W". If I wanted the show to be exactly like the book, then I wouldn't be watching anymore because I would already know what would happen. Therefore, for me there is no reason why the show should be in b&w except as a marketing ploy to get people to watch what is basically a glorified re-run. I don't get any new meaning or tone or vibe or whatever the hell you are pontificating about just from watching something over agin in b&w. I actually like my blood and guts in color thank you very much. Doesn't get more visceral than that. If you like b&w, fine, but why can't you accept other people NOT liking it? You seem to be trying to come across as more cultured or insightful. Whatever dude. It is a tv show, not a way of life.

Also, I get the use of b&w in movies ala Schindler's List, Ed Wood etc. to convey the past. However, those movies were originally done in b&W. I don't think there is a need to go back in re-air them in color either. That is why I posted my sepia tone comment. You were going on like you get a different meaning or something just because you see something in a medium different from the original. Doesn't work that way for me. :dunno

Final food for thought... the folks at Image weren't sure if the book was going to take off so the comic was done in b&w (except the covers) because it was cheaper than doing it in color. Less risk for the investment? :wink1:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

From an early issue in the letters section written by Kirkman:

"I wouldn't want to do the books in colour. I'm not familiar with "Arrow comics" (anyone care to fill me in?) but I'm a HUGE fan of Night of the Living Dead and to me... this stuff just works better in black and white. Have you SEEN the zombies in Dawn of the Dead? YEESH they look AWFUL. No matter how GREAT that movie is... those zombies just SUCK... that's all there is to it. Black and White is where it's at for this stuff... it just works better in my mind."

Back then though, the book might've been on the verge of being canceled (by image), so he'd want to do anything and everything to justify B&W. In the end, I think the fact that it was cheaper (which it was) took a back seat to getting away with more gore. You can't tell a zombie story without rot, dismemberment, disembowelment, etc.

That said, while B&W is certainly a fun option, some people ... cough... Celtic... cough... need to realize the show's a different animal than the comic and doing a show in B&W nowadays is broadcast suicide.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Back then though, the book might've been on the verge of being canceled (by image), so he'd want to do anything and everything to justify B&W. In the end though, I think the fact that it was cheaper (which it was) took a back seat to getting away with more gore. You can't tell a zombie movie without rot, dismemberment, disembowelment, etc.

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

From an early issue in the letters section written by Kirkman:

"I wouldn't want to do the books in colour. I'm not familiar with "Arrow comics" (anyone care to fill me in?) but I'm a HUGE fan of Night of the Living Dead and to me... this stuff just works better in black and white. Have you SEEN the zombies in Dawn of the Dead? YEESH they look AWFUL. No matter how GREAT that movie is... those zombies just SUCK... that's all there is to it. Black and White is where it's at for this stuff... it just works better in my mind."

so what the F__k does he think about the show then? I mean if the zombies from Dawn of the Dead suck to him he must HATE the show :lol:lol

He says the zombies suck but I wish he said WHY. because of the gore? because of the decay? or is it the make up is too fake? not realistic enough? Too realistic?
was he talking about the original Dawn of the Dead?
I don't get it. He kinda sounds like an idiot when the show has zombies that pretty much look the same as the remake of Dawn of the Dead.

If a zombie apocalypse happened then I guess the world would turn black and white? we would lose all color? :cuckoo:
I mean doing the comics in black and white is cool but for him to say that.... wtf?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Back then though, the book might've been on the verge of being canceled (by image), so he'd want to do anything and everything to justify B&W. In the end, I think the fact that it was cheaper (which it was) took a back seat to getting away with more gore. You can't tell a zombie story without rot, dismemberment, disembowelment, etc.

That said, while B&W is certainly a fun option, some people ... cough... Celtic... cough... need to realize the show's a different animal than the comic and doing a show in B&W nowadays is broadcast suicide.

No. Not me at all. I even said the show is something different. It's not the comic. They did not, and should not have done the show in black and white.

All i'm saying, is that black and white

A) Is not as bad as some of you guys are claiming.

B) Has a purpose when used in a certain way.

C) Is not better or worse then color if the intention has merit.

That's it.

I like them doing this because it's a nice little nod to the comics, and I appreciate that any time filmmakers, or whatever does things like that in a tasteful way. Which they did by making it a small one time thing, and not something you have to have.