The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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So Rick freaked out about the baby because it looks like Shane? :lol

his face was like "I can't stand this baby now" Lil asskicker Shane lol.

I really hope Michonne is not kicked out for real, I don't know, Rick is being so hard about it makes me wonder if she will stay with the group at all or not....

I am actually glad they didn't just allow Merle to go to the prison, I was thinking they were going to let him in and he would betray Daryl.

The episode was very slow. and a little bit cheesy.
Some of the people in Woodbury freaking out about the shootout and then wanting to leave were a little bit cheesy, Andrea's speech was pretty cheesy too. I did not really like that too much, felt a little bit soap opera-ish.

Rick is starting to get a little annoying. Not wanting to accept anyone in the prison while needing the help.
Lori is the scariest. And was the phone call earlier is also from Lori? Damn, is this the third time i am watching it now?
So Rick freaked out about the baby because it looks like Shane? :lol

his face was like "I can't stand this baby now" Lil asskicker Shane lol.

I thought it had more to do with being reminded that Lori was gone. His mind was focused and sharp when he had a mission to carry out, but when the heat of battle is over and he's back at the prison, he holds the baby, remembers Lori isn't there and it's back to crazy town.
I thought it had more to do with being reminded that Lori was gone. His mind was focused and sharp when he had a mission to carry out, but when the heat of battle is over and he's back at the prison, he holds the baby, remembers Lori isn't there and it's back to crazy town.

That was what I first thought as well that the baby reminds him of Lori too much, but then someone here said the stuff about Shane and made me think if that was the case as well lol :lol

I like the ominous music they chose for that scene too. You would expect some kind of positive feeling music from Rick holding his baby but they do the scene with this anguish type of music. That was pretty brilliant.
That was what I first thought as well that the baby reminds him of Lori too much, but then someone here said the stuff about Shane and made me think if that was the case as well lol :lol

I like the ominous music they chose for that scene too. You would expect some kind of positive feeling music from Rick holding his baby but they do the scene with this anguish type of music. That was pretty brilliant.

I think Rick is well past the "is this my baby or Shane's" drama. He's got way bigger things going on.
Didn't we already have the "Rick is going crazy" bit with the phone segment?

Either they feel people didn't get it, Or they want to really drive him to the edge of insanity.

seeing a ghost (specially the ghost of your dead wife) is pretty fd up, specially in front of everyone else.
The Rick crazy thing is getting way overplayed IMO. It should have ended with the phone. I do like Glen stepping up though.
If it's replacing him
losing a hand
I can live with it but they don't need to beat us over the head with it either, make it more subtle instead of giving him sixth sense syndrome.
The episode was very slow. and a little bit cheesy.
Some of the people in Woodbury freaking out about the shootout and then wanting to leave were a little bit cheesy, Andrea's speech was pretty cheesy too. I did not really like that too much, felt a little bit soap opera-ish.

Now that you mention it...weren't the people of Woodbury gathered around in a circle, cheering for a fight that would leave one or two people dead,in full awareness that they were feet from walkers.

Then the next morning. "Oh, my its too dangerous here. Let us out so we can be on our own."

Doesn't make sense.
Glad to have TWD back, however the episode was somewhat sub par compared to the rest of S3..(which the lack of posts in this thread since last night would seem to confirm)

Not surprised that Daryl left with his brother but I did feel bummed to see him go...looking forward to seeing how they take that story line and if he eventually regrets that decision.

Andrea's motivational speech looks like it caught the Governors attention, as she may be stepping in for him in the PR/crowd control department....should be interesting to see what direction their relationship goes as he's going off the deep end and the inevitable confrontation between Rick's group and Woodbury plays out. Definitely agree regarding the towns people trying to leave - seemed forced and ridiculous considering there chances are still much greater behind the walls than outside of them.

Rick's return to crazy town didn't really seem needed and his inability to let in others when the group could clearly use some help would seem to be leading them to possibly changing leadership roles, to Glenn or even in some ways, Carl. Kevin Smith made the point on Talking Dead regarding how Rick was much like Tyrese when he lead his group onto the farm looking for shelter, and now he is the one with the shelter and is refusing to help others.

Speaking of Talking Dead, that walker graphic mounted on the wall behind them was so distracting! :panic::lol And did anyone else think Smith looked really strange sitting indian style on that couch? :lol
I thought last night's episode was good, but not great. With the mid season break, I think most people's expectations (at least mine) are higher thinking we will see something worth the 2+ month wait. It was really just an average episode in the course of the whole season.

I really like how they picked up right where the last episode left off. I thought the rescue attempt went relatively smoothly (except Maggie accidentally shooting Haley...ooops). Loved how Daryl "stole" his crossbow back from the black guy with the dreds as they were escaping.

As much I don't like seeing Daryl removed from the canvas, I do like how the writers kept the characters true to themselves with Rick refusing to let Merle in the prison and Daryl unable to leave his brother. Obviously, Daryl will be back with the prison group at some point, either with or without Merle, and I think Daryl will grow to realize that both he and his brother are very different people from when they were together last (Daryl is his own man now and no longer submissive to Merle) and he will ultimately choose to go back to Rick's group.

If the writer's aren't careful, they are going to end up destroying Andrea's character. She finds out all the Governor's secrets (Penny, heads in the tank,etc.) and then he admits he lied to her about Daryl, Maggie and Glen being in Woodbury and all she does is say to him, "don't drive me out". Apparently, she doesn't mind being lied to and having things kept from her. Then she gives a really cheesy rallying speech that instantly appeases everyone in Woodbury. Seriously? She has been in Woodbury all of a week or two and now she is looked at as a leader? Is it just me or does anyone else think those Woodbury residents are annoying? First, they are screaming for blood with Daryl and Merle's fight and next they are demanding to leave Woodbury because it isn't safe and whining and complaining about everything. I agree with the Governor...let 'em go...they have had it too easy and they seem like a bunch of ungrateful pr!cks.

I found Carol's reaction to Daryl's leaving interesting. I am glad they didn't go the soap opera route and have her all upset at him for leaving. Clearly, she is upset, but she also understood why he choose to stay with Merle. I think it is going to be inevitable that they hook up once Daryl returns.

Beth kissing Rick on the cheek? Is she moving in on him already? What about Carl? :lol

I get why people are a little annoyed with Rick's recent recurrence of madness. It is annoying, but I don't think it ever went away after the phone scenes. I think it has been there all along and it bubbles to the surface under times of emotional stress like it did with him seeing Shane during the Woodbury shootout. Lori popped up at the end there just as he was about to let Tyrese and his group stay with them. Subconsciously, he blames himself for Lori's death because he let the prisoner's into his group which ended badly for Lori and T-Dog. So his subconscious (in the form of ghost Lori) bubbled to the surface again to remind him that the last time he let people into the group people died. Heavy is the head that wears the crown and Rick is having great difficulty keeping his head up.

It will be interesting to see where they take the Glenn/Maggie dynamic this season. Glenn is clearly not over the events that happened at Woodbury. He has become more vocal and confrontational, but I wonder at what cost? I guess he thinks that maybe Maggie was physically raped? Not to downplay what happened to Maggie because the emotional torture was brutal but I get the impression that Glenn is making it worse in his mind than it really was.

All in all, it was an average episode which still puts it above most anything else on tv, IMO. :loll
If the writer's aren't careful, they are going to end up destroying Andrea's character. ...

I found Carol's reaction to Daryl's leaving interesting. I am glad they didn't go the soap opera route and have her all upset at him for leaving. Clearly, she is upset, but she also understood why he choose to stay with Merle. I think it is going to be inevitable that they hook up once Daryl returns.

Hell, teach Carol to shoot and I will like her better than Andrea already - her personality has gotten a great jolt this season. I also thought her reaction to Daryl not returning was perfect. She was obviously unhappy, but she knew who Daryl was, and wasn't shocked.

Beth kissing Rick on the cheek? Is she moving in on him already? What about Carl? :lol

:lol I was saying that last night. I wonder if/when Carl is going to get pissed at Rick, since Carl clearly wants to get with Beth, but she has been making doe eyes at Rick like crazy. Weird age gap lusting going on.
:lol I was saying that last night. I wonder if/when Carl is going to get pissed at Rick, since Carl clearly wants to get with Beth, but she has been making doe eyes at Rick like crazy. Weird age gap lusting going on.

I think her caring for his baby and how naturally it's coming to her is creating this sense that she should be caring for Rick as well. If stuff continues to progress both Carl and Herschel will be none too pleased.
:lol I was saying that last night. I wonder if/when Carl is going to get pissed at Rick, since Carl clearly wants to get with Beth, but she has been making doe eyes at Rick like crazy. Weird age gap lusting going on.

I think her caring for his baby and how naturally it's coming to her is creating this sense that she should be caring for Rick as well. If stuff continues to progress both Carl and Herschel will be none too pleased.

If things "progress" between the two of them, think Rick will have Beth wear a black wig? :monkey1
If things "progress" between the two of them, think Rick will have Beth wear a black wig? :monkey1

:panic: :rotfl

Thankfully, I must have looked away when Hines Ward was on screen. Even an undead Ward is annoying.

I had no idea he was on - must have been quick...or real good make up. :lol

EDIT: found him -