The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I can't believe we are watching the same show. Andrea...stupid? She has learned to use weapons and defend herself, she escaped on her own the attack on the farm when she was left behind by the group and survived in the forest for MONTHS (sure, with some help).

She is realizing right now what kind of person the gov. is. So no, I wouldn't say she is a "dumb blond" precisely. She is just a survivor. Just like everybody else.

Bad Decisions :

Tryed to commit suicide
Abandoned Dale
Banged Shane
Encouraged Beth to kill herself
Shot Daryl in the Head
Abandoned Michionne who saved her
Banged the governor

Shes seen his daughter, the fish tanks, an outside attack, heard from michionne, seen him experimenting with zombies, making Daryl and Merle fight to the death, and people trying to flee being forced to stay and shes still helping him. She tells people who save her life to **** off and then curls up next to the bad guy. She's gotta die.
Bad Decisions :

Tryed to commit suicide
Abandoned Dale
Banged Shane
Encouraged Beth to kill herself
Shot Daryl in the Head
Abandoned Michionne who saved her
Banged the governor

Shes seen his daughter, the fish tanks, an outside attack, heard from michionne, seen him experimenting with zombies, making Daryl and Merle fight to the death, and people trying to flee being forced to stay and shes still helping him. She tells people who save her life to **** off and then curls up next to the bad guy. She's gotta die.

:lol Slooooowly and painfully...:lol

Again, the way I see it is that those situations are different stages in her dfevelopment. She's gone from being a weak (suicide stuff), unexperienced person (accident with Dale), or even a victim, to becoming a strong woman. Of course, all the characters make mistakes, and she can be no different.

I'm sure she is to give a lot of surprises yet. We could see it at the last episode when she gave the speech to the citizens. As I said, she is a survivor, and as such, she is one of the best at adapting to her environment ;) I'm sure she is not to be the gov.'s puppet for too long. She is just using her options.
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Bad Decisions :

Tryed to commit suicide
Abandoned Dale
Banged Shane
Encouraged Beth to kill herself
Shot Daryl in the Head
Abandoned Michionne who saved her
Banged the governor

Shes seen his daughter, the fish tanks, an outside attack, heard from michionne, seen him experimenting with zombies, making Daryl and Merle fight to the death, and people trying to flee being forced to stay and shes still helping him. She tells people who save her life to **** off and then curls up next to the bad guy. She's gotta die.

Well, when you put it that way....

You're flawed too. :lol Everyone is, it's what those flaws are, hers have built to the point where she's extremely dangerous and putting people she cares about in harm's way. You can't think soley of yourself and be an asset to any group. All of those things I listed happened because she only thinks of herself.
I also find it hypocritical of Rick to not let anyone into his group, but I see that it's more about having another mouth to feed so to speak. He simply doesn't want the stress of being responsible for another set of lives when he has lost so many others under his watch.

But still, he does need the extra hands especially since Daryl has left.

I'm annoyed at them keeping Michonne and Tyrese apart. It seems so contrived at them delaying the reunion.

I'm also annoyed at Glenn--does he think Maggie was raped? Or is he really that enraged at Maggie just being dominated? I mean, yeah, the Guvnor did a terrible thing to Maggie just to prove that he could rape her if he wanted to. But the bottom line is that he didn't. I think they have bigger fish to fry than for Glenn to be mopey that his girlfriend was almost raped.

All black people are related? :dunno

LOL. It's like they are gonna see each other and fall into a passionate embrace and lock lips and then Carl is gonna look at Beth and be like "I guess they know each other?" to which beth will respond "Nah, they just met."
Anyone else left a little flat with Sunday's episode? The Dixon cliff hanger just kinda ended in an undramatic fashion, Daryl takes off with his brother and Rick is seeing ghosts... Meh.
Anyone else left a little flat with Sunday's episode? The Dixon cliff hanger just kinda ended in an undramatic fashion, Daryl takes off with his brother and Rick is seeing ghosts... Meh.

Yes. Not the best episode to say the least. In fact, I want to say it was my least favorite Walking Dead episode ever.

The Dixon stand-off was a little contrived. I wouldve preferred if they'd figured out a way to let the walkers loose and then escape in the chaos. Rick and his group came out of nowhere.

I felt like they didn't quite get the tone of the Merle meets the group reunion right either. I can understand Glenn feeling like Merle is a **** but I dunno... just didnt ring true.

I think the real problem is that AMC has backed off on what made the comic so great. In the comic (don't think I need spoilers as the events are drastically different by this point) Michonne is savagely beaten and raped by the governor and you have a STRONG connection for Michonne to exact revenge. In the TV show we are supposed to believe that Michonne went back to kill the governor because he convinced Andrea to leave Michonne? Also, Rick gets his hand severed. Which is kind of a HUGE deal. And quite frankly they missed a huge opportunity to have Merle be the one who severs Rick's hand as revenge.

In all it speaks to the characterization of the Governor as not being very strong. He's too idealized in the early episodes of season 3 in my opinion. The comic version, although more one dimensional, gave you a stronger sense of villainy right from the start -- AND as a result you got the sense that Woodbury was a deranged place full of unstable people that were dangerous... as it is in the show its like woodbury are a bunch of innocents caught in the crossfire. Rick's group is far scarier imho. And making the Governor have duality for what? So he can fool Andrea? Where's the tension there? Now everybody hates her.

Also the governor's hench men are weak. I was scared when the Governor's people showed up in the book. Our mild-mannered heroes were still fledglings at survival. Here its the other way around. Woodbury is fat and comfortable.

Hate to say it but AMC dropped the ball on woodbury. They're not making the story line work for me.

Here's hoping next week is better.
Yes. Not the best episode to say the least. In fact, I want to say it was my least favorite Walking Dead episode ever.

The Dixon stand-off was a little contrived. I wouldve preferred if they'd figured out a way to let the walkers loose and then escape in the chaos. Rick and his group came out of nowhere.

I felt like they didn't quite get the tone of the Merle meets the group reunion right either. I can understand Glenn feeling like Merle is a **** but I dunno... just didnt ring true.

I think the real problem is that AMC has backed off on what made the comic so great. In the comic (don't think I need spoilers as the events are drastically different by this point) Michonne is savagely beaten and raped by the governor and you have a STRONG connection for Michonne to exact revenge. In the TV show we are supposed to believe that Michonne went back to kill the governor because he convinced Andrea to leave Michonne? Also, Rick gets his hand severed. Which is kind of a HUGE deal. And quite frankly they missed a huge opportunity to have Merle be the one who severs Rick's hand as revenge.

In all it speaks to the characterization of the Governor as not being very strong. He's too idealized in the early episodes of season 3 in my opinion. The comic version, although more one dimensional, gave you a stronger sense of villainy right from the start -- AND as a result you got the sense that Woodbury was a deranged place full of unstable people that were dangerous... as it is in the show its like woodbury are a bunch of innocents caught in the crossfire. Rick's group is far scarier imho. And making the Governor have duality for what? So he can fool Andrea? Where's the tension there? Now everybody hates her.

Also the governor's hench men are weak. I was scared when the Governor's people showed up in the book. Our mild-mannered heroes were still fledglings at survival. Here its the other way around. Woodbury is fat and comfortable.

Hate to say it but AMC dropped the ball on woodbury. They're not making the story line work for me.

Here's hoping next week is better.

Agree on all points... As for Rick, I just don't think AMC wanted to have the main protagonist run around with one hand for the next few years. :dunno

It's really time that the Governor get a little more edgy and evil. I just don't feel that he's much of a threat to the group at this point.
Not the best episode to say the least. In fact, I want to say it was my least favorite Walking Dead episode ever.

Yup, and for a mid-season premier? C'mon...

I can't believe it only took me 10 minutes to read the posts since the episode aired, that speaks volumes. :lol The only parts I really liked were those that involved Tyreese and his gang, explaining how they survived thus far, and especially the confrontation during the burial (stepping in front of them to grab the shovels). Almost everything that took place in Woodbury was cringe worthy on the cheese scale, especially Andrea's speech...ugh. I did enjoy Hershel's scenes as well, especially when he tells Rick he's "wrong on this one." But then Rick had a convenient and redundant breakdown, and scares of Tyreese and his gang? Speaking of which, does anyone think that it was a mutilated Lori hiding in the shadows? Something looked "off" with her face. Anyhow, I couldn't blame Rick too much for standing his ground on Tyreese and his gang, only because the two white guys were plotting to kill them all just a few hours ago...but I know if Rick did let them in, Tyreese would be on them like white on rice.

I really hope next week is better.
Yes. Not the best episode to say the least. In fact, I want to say it was my least favorite Walking Dead episode ever.

The Dixon stand-off was a little contrived. I wouldve preferred if they'd figured out a way to let the walkers loose and then escape in the chaos. Rick and his group came out of nowhere.

I felt like they didn't quite get the tone of the Merle meets the group reunion right either. I can understand Glenn feeling like Merle is a **** but I dunno... just didnt ring true.

I think the real problem is that AMC has backed off on what made the comic so great. In the comic (don't think I need spoilers as the events are drastically different by this point) Michonne is savagely beaten and raped by the governor and you have a STRONG connection for Michonne to exact revenge. In the TV show we are supposed to believe that Michonne went back to kill the governor because he convinced Andrea to leave Michonne? Also, Rick gets his hand severed. Which is kind of a HUGE deal. And quite frankly they missed a huge opportunity to have Merle be the one who severs Rick's hand as revenge.

In all it speaks to the characterization of the Governor as not being very strong. He's too idealized in the early episodes of season 3 in my opinion. The comic version, although more one dimensional, gave you a stronger sense of villainy right from the start -- AND as a result you got the sense that Woodbury was a deranged place full of unstable people that were dangerous... as it is in the show its like woodbury are a bunch of innocents caught in the crossfire. Rick's group is far scarier imho. And making the Governor have duality for what? So he can fool Andrea? Where's the tension there? Now everybody hates her.

Also the governor's hench men are weak. I was scared when the Governor's people showed up in the book. Our mild-mannered heroes were still fledglings at survival. Here its the other way around. Woodbury is fat and comfortable.

Hate to say it but AMC dropped the ball on woodbury. They're not making the story line work for me.

Here's hoping next week is better.

Kirkman said Rick won't lose his hand in the Amc series and he regrets he did that in the books.
Agree on all points... As for Rick, I just don't think AMC wanted to have the main protagonist run around with one hand for the next few years. :dunno

It's really time that the Governor get a little more edgy and evil. I just don't feel that he's much of a threat to the group at this point.

It would have been tantamount to when HBO killed Sean Bean on game of thrones... A TRUE WTF MOMENT. (although in hindsight how anyone thought Sean Bean would stick around is beyond me! LOL)
Kirkman said Rick won't lose his hand in the Amc series and he regrets he did that in the books.

That panel of the blade coming down to chop off rick's hand is my single favorite comic book moment. I LITERALLY YELP OUT LOUD. I couldn't believe it. Why on earth would he regret that?