The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Maybe the best episode this season. Writing was alot better than the past few and I've been waiting to see some of those interactions like Merle w/ Michionne and Hershel.
Maybe the best episode this season. Writing was alot better than the past few and I've been waiting to see some of those interactions like Merle w/ Michionne and Hershel.

One of the slower episodes IMO. The character interactions were nice to see, but I thought the writing was fairly sloppy in regards to Woodbury and no one getting in or out. Andrea and Milton get out. Tyrese and his group get in. Andrea gets back in. They never show how any of them get in or out. :lol

Also, why not show Rick, Daryl and Merle getting back into the prison? :dunno

Everyone is getting so amped up over next week's episode, but it looks like another slow episode to me. We shall see...
Not a bad episode, had a little more feeling than there has been the past several episodes, with andrea driving away and looking at the sad bunch the group has become.

Anyone else notice that the goveners eye wound was on the left eye then the next time he is seen the patch is over his right eye:slap
I didn't find it slow at all. The character stuff this season has been fantastic as opposed to season 2 where if felt like a grind most of the time.
So why did Andrea tell the guv she was going to the prison then a few minutes later covertly recruit that snitch to help like it was a secret?
Writers need a clue.
So, the writers are actively trying to make Andrea the most hated character on tv?

I don't hate her character, but she has been really annoying this season. This was the first episode where I could understand some of her motivations. I think she headed to the prison because she truly thought she could save everyone. Now that she has learned the truth about the Governor, (from what Michonne told her and Rick telling her they fired first) it is only a matter of time before she joins back with the prison group. I think she will work against the Governor from the inside and probably get Tyrese and his sister to help her.
Not a bad episode, had a little more feeling than there has been the past several episodes, with andrea driving away and looking at the sad bunch the group has become.

Anyone else notice that the goveners eye wound was on the left eye then the next time he is seen the patch is over his right eye:slap

He was looking in a mirror.
I don't hate her character, but she has been really annoying this season. This was the first episode where I could understand some of her motivations. I think she headed to the prison because she truly thought she could save everyone. Now that she has learned the truth about the Governor, (from what Michonne told her and Rick telling her they fired first) it is only a matter of time before she joins back with the prison group. I think she will work against the Governor from the inside and probably get Tyrese and his sister to help her.

I actually don't hate her either, and fully expected that to play out the way it did, but the whole time I was thinking "That actress should probably stay away from twitter and the internet for a while."
I'd be surprised if they don't wrap it up this season. It doesn't feel like there's a whole lot more meat left there.
Crazy turn with Tyrese and his group. Didn't see that coming.

I thought Philip was going to knife Andrea while they were making out. She's a dumbass. After Michonne tells her the gov sent Merle to kill her she still does this??? Moron. She looks good naked in low lighting though.

Carl is becoming my favorite character next to Daryl.
I really don't know what to make of Andrea at this point. I get that she's stuck between a rock and a hard place, and she genuinely cares about what happens to the people at Woodbury, but man, that chick is just a bottomless well of bad choices.