The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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So why did Andrea tell the guv she was going to the prison then a few minutes later covertly recruit that snitch to help like it was a secret?
Writers need a clue.

Wow, some of you aren't paying attention. When she told him she was going to the prison, he said don't come back. He figures she wouldn't leave then. The snitch plays both sides. Hope he gets is *** kicked soon.

As for some the other things, Tyrese got into the prison because a far wall on the other side of the prison was breached. Andrea basically walked in with a zombie and Rick let her in.

I liked the show and didn't find it slow at all. And I don't see where the writing was sloppy.
I really don't know what to make of Andrea at this point. I get that she's stuck between a rock and a hard place, and she genuinely cares about what happens to the people at Woodbury, but man, that chick is just a bottomless well of bad choices.

Heh. Bottomless.

Heh. Bottomless.


HA HA! Double entendre!

I liked this episode.

Merle has grown on me. Andrea isn't so bad. Liked seeing her catch up with the news about Shane and Lori. Carol is pretty sick, good idea though.
Wow, some of you aren't paying attention. When she told him she was going to the prison, he said don't come back. He figures she wouldn't leave then. The snitch plays both sides. Hope he gets is *** kicked soon.

As for some the other things, Tyrese got into the prison because a far wall on the other side of the prison was breached. Andrea basically walked in with a zombie and Rick let her in.

I liked the show and didn't find it slow at all. And I don't see where the writing was sloppy.

Sorry, but I was paying attention.
That line doesn't change anything.
She still had to knock on the front door of Woodberry to let the guards open up on the return trip. So much for secrecy.
What bothers me, is this show takes too long to get somewhere. One episode has like 15 minutes of actual things happening, in terms of character, and story...while the rest is just filler.

I really don't need to see another baby feeding scene. Ever,
You know what, this show seems to be a show that only works when you're looking forward to the next episode.

Nothing happened. But next week, something will. Meh.
Right. But that's what bothers me. Why can't every episode have something really big that propels the story? I felt that during the first set of season 3...everything was being pushed into motion. Something was always happening. You learned a couple of good revels in every episode. It's frustrating. Because I LIKE the show. But it just feels like they don't know what to do any more.
You know what, this show seems to be a show that only works when you're looking forward to the next episode.

Nothing happened. But next week, something will. Meh.

You're assessment is spot on, because The Walking Dead is essentially a gory soap opera. The overall plot changes little, while the ongoing character drama drives the show. It's the mystery of "who'll die next?" that keeps people coming back.
I agree. But the sad part is, I don't care who lives and who dies.

See, Daryl dying won't make me sad. It'll just make me stop watching, because when he's gone, there's no characters left I like. Well, except Merle. But that's only because it's Michael Rooker. :(
Right. But that's what bothers me. Why can't every episode have something really big that propels the story? I felt that during the first set of season 3...everything was being pushed into motion. Something was always happening. You learned a couple of good revels in every episode. It's frustrating. Because I LIKE the show. But it just feels like they don't know what to do any more.


Andrea, she just keeps ticking me off.
Mute Samurai spoke!
Merle proves that even during a Zombie Apocalypse, duct tape is your friend. :)
lol, they got all our ears within a string of ears. drop a little drama here n there and keep the climax at the end when neccessary. drag the story but keep us coming for more. they certainly got the right formula.
Crazy turn with Tyrese and his group. Didn't see that coming.

I thought Philip was going to knife Andrea while they were making out. She's a dumbass. After Michonne tells her the gov sent Merle to kill her she still does this??? Moron. She looks good naked in low lighting though.

Carl is becoming my favorite character next to Daryl.

I dont know why but Andrea looked pretty hot today, getting down and dirty with the walker cutting the arms off, then naked with the Gov, she definitely looked good.

Michonne talking to Andrea was my favorite part of the show. I really wish it was a little bit longer. I wish they spoke for longer.

Michonne working out.. :naughty:naughty:love:monkey5:monkey5

What bothers me, is this show takes too long to get somewhere. One episode has like 15 minutes of actual things happening, in terms of character, and story...while the rest is just filler.

I really don't need to see another baby feeding scene. Ever,

You know what, this show seems to be a show that only works when you're looking forward to the next episode.

Nothing happened. But next week, something will. Meh.

Sadly this is the case. Not a lot really happens.

This is why I never understood the people defending the show on season 2 saying that the show being this way was better than mindless zombie killing for one hour.

But what people didn't get in season 2 is that people were never asking for the show to be shooting zombies 24/7, but to at least move the plot along and don't linger in pointless scenes for so long.

They are really stretching it out. I liked the interaction between characters today but not a lot really happened.

I still like the show but I am kind of losing the hype. I am not really feeling that interested in next episode.
not as much.